
Life Amulets


Prevents a horse from aging while worn. Forever sterilizes (cannot be bred) and horse will not count as natural even if removed.


Causes a horse to age 3x faster while worn. Removal returns to normal. Does not progress a pregnancy. No permanent side effects.


Causes a mare to foal 3x faster while worn. Removal returns to normal. No permanent side effects.

Protection Amulets


Protects horses groom (protects dust and more from sticking to horse)


Protects wearer from injuries while worn. No permanent side effects.

Breeding Amulets

These are objects that, when worn by one or both parents at conception, affect the resulting foal. This means that you must put the amulet on the parents before you breed them to each other. You can do so via the horse's Tack page.

These amulets affect the traits and genes of the foal. However, there are some caveats.


Protects against mutations during conception. Apply before breeding. All traits will be between the parent's.


Encourages mutations during conception. Apply before breeding. Traits will vary more than normal.

What do breeding amulets do?

Amulets affect all of the genetic traits that exist in the game, from traits that control conformation to traits that control base-stats. The nature of the effect depends on the amulet.

Adsimulo - the Spell of Similar

Adsimulo prevents the foal from falling outside their parents' range of traits. Personality, conformation, and all other genetic traits, will stay between those of their Mom and Dad. In other words, no random mutations, and no surprising traits from four generations back.

Generally, the more similar the parents are trait-wise, the more similar the foal will be to them. That said, due to how different traits combine, every foal will still be different.

When it comes to performance metrics and genetic stats, if the parents have nearly identical conformation and stats, then the foal is likely to be born with similar metrics and stats. However, if one or more relevant traits are different, this chance is a goner.

For example:

Two parents have genetic stats of 1,000 and natural jumping ability of 5.40m, but differ in their genetic stats. The sire is strong but has low agility, and the dam is very agile but of average strength.

Even if we use adsimulo, if their foal inherits his sire's low agility and his dam's average strength, then even though the foal's traits remained within the range of its parents, its genetic stats will be far lower than his parents' as well as its jumping ability.

Transmutatio - the Magic of Mutations

Transmutatio does the opposite of what an Adsimulo does in that it can wildly change the outcome of a breeding...

This amulet creates a sort of genetic chaos in foals. It randomly changes traits to any degree it sees fit, from something subtle like a slightly wider muzzle to something dramatic like stubby legs.

Transmutatio can also affect genes! It can give foals alleles, and thus coat colors, that are not allowed in their breed! Yes, this amulet is that chaotic. To get really conformationally wonky foals, we encourage you to breed horses that look extremely different to each other. 

What do breeding amulets not do?

While amulets affect the appearance and stats of the foal, there are three things that amulets can't do:

1) They DON'T increase the chances for somatic mutations.

Mosaic, bleach, bend-or, flash, tetrach, bird-catcher spots, and reverse dappling, are all random mutations that can rarely crop up in horses, regardless of whether or not their parents have these mutations.

Amulets can't affect the chances of a foal to be born with these somatic mutations.

2) They DON'T guarantee particular patterns/markings.

Above a certain threshold, markings and pinto/appaloosa patterns have a random component that amulets can't access.

Furthermore, some patterns (like 'appaloosa' patterns and tobiano) are affected by whether the horse is heterozygous or homozygous to certain genes on which amulets don't directly control.

As such, amulets can't guarantee that the foal will have a specific pattern or markings, even if both of their parents have it.

3) They DON'T guarantee better/similar performance metrics.

While the amulets affect the foal's conformation and their genetic base-stats, and while performance metrics are affected by said conformation and stats, the metrics themselves are not genetic and not hereditary.

This means that breeding amulets can't guarantee that the foals will have metrics better than, or like, those of their parents. 

Tips for using breeding amulets

Last tips for the road:

You can purchase the amulets in the Shop for 1,000 mobia (10 USD) per amulet. Once you purchase the amulet, you can reuse it infinitely. Just remove it from your horse after you breed them and put it on the next horse.

1) Double up!

Putting the amulet on the dam and sire will double the effect. In the case of Adsimulo, reduce the variation in foals by half, and in the case of Transmutio, double the strength of the amulet's effect.

2) Ensure your mare has her amulet.

Following a breeding, the mare will immediately take the amulet off like an itchy sweater. That's why you'll have to equip her with the amulet before the next time you breed her.

(Luckily, stallions are much more comfortable with the amulet on and won't take it off after breeding.)

3) Use the Gravida amulet for ultra-fast results!

This special amulet is worn only by the mare. It utilizes the growth magic naturally present in Horse Isle to speed up a mare's gestation for the entire time it is worn. Rather than waiting a whole week, you'll get to see your mare's foal in 2.7 days! This amulet doesn't affect the foal, but simply allows a mare to be more productive over her lifetime. Removing the amulet will let the mare foal at a natural speed.

To sum up, breeding for the perfect foal can be complicated. We hope these amulets (adsimulo, transmutation, and gravida) will make breeding easier, faster, and more predictable (or less predictable in the case of Transmutation). :)