
Every horse in Horse Isle has something in the world that they love more than anything- so much so that they will seek it out to be near it. If a horse with their Affinity still unfound is left to roam, they may even look for it on their own!

Affinities are totally random. They cannot be passed on from parent to foal, so breeding two Crystal horses together will not get you a Crystal foal. :)

Bringing up the Trick wheel while a horse is out (SHIFT+Z) shows a magnifying glass, which will tell the horse to look for its affinity. If your steed shakes their head when you ask them to play 'find the affinity,' then it's not within range. If they take off, however, keep up! Your horse will go up to 100m away from you to seek out their affinity and only stop once they've reached it. You can see the location of your horse on the game Minimap up in the corner, displayed as a black X. 

Every horse's affinity is listed on the horse profile next to Gender. If the affinity has not been found it will say "Unknown"

Strangely, there are only a certain range of affinities a horse will have. None of them seem to like anything in the water, though most seem to like things you can use... others are not so helpful.

Horses will occasionally Seek their affinity while the horse is wandering or free roaming. This is more likely to happen if affinity not yet discovered. 

Full List of Affinities

Berries- A horse with a Berries affinity will find any kind of berry bush out in the world if it's nearby.

Rocks- A horse with a Rocks affinity will find and point out any collectable rock in the area for you.

Cave Entrances- This affinity means the horse will seek out both open and closed entrances and exits in a cave or out of one.

Wild Horses- A horse with this affinity absolutely adores wilds and will go make a new friend!

Critters- These horses will find and make friends with any wild critter in the world, from bears to bunnies to boars and everything else that doesn't start with a 'b,' too.

Poison Ivy- Concerned with the safety of their fellow equines, these horses will find Poison Ivy and request that you kindly pick it up. They will not be injured by it while seeking it out, but it does not give them immunity to it.

Treasure- A rarer affinity, these treasurefinders will seek out plushie crates, pots of gold, and other findable treasures out in the world.

Flower- The flower affinity is one that will make a horse seek any flower, including the rarer ones.

Epics- Horses with an Epic affinity will actively seek out the large, mysterious structures in the world. Players can usually see them before a horse can, but these horses like to help. We suppose it can be useful if you can't see the epic because it's flat or hidden by trees?

Tappable Trees- These sap-seeking horses will actively look for dragonblood, maple, and rubber trees to fill your sap buckets with.

Gemstone- These equines love all things shiny, and will try their hardest to find cave gems like diamonds and citrine.

Crystals- The rarest of affinities, these horses look for imbuement crystals in caves.

Minigames- Another rare affinity, these horses will find minigames in the area for you to play together!

Fruit- The horse will seek out any and all fruit- they're not picky about what kind as any fruit makes them happy. Even cactus figs.

Stick- A horse that seeks out Sticks isn't just on the hunt for sticks... they're content to find you a fallen log, too.

Ore- Ores are things you can mine underground, like gold, platinum, and silver. Funnily enough it's also what a horse with this affinity says when they find an ore deposit. "Mine!!"

Mushroom- With this affinity, your horse hopes your inventory has mushroom for their favorite thing ever. They'll seek out and locate edible mushrooms, not mushroom colored horses. :)

Spices- These horses like adding flavor to everything and will have you collect their favorite things ever, like basil and cinnamon.

Sweets- All horses enjoy treats, but these ponies like to find sweets! Honey and sugarcane will be easier to find, as well as marshmallow root, which are naturally sweet in Horse Isle.

Quest Starters- These horses love helping you find your newest adventure, and will lead you to Adventure Tables and the World Center ancient quest book.

Courses- These horses will hunt down course starts, if you ask it of them. They're very good at it!

Cloth- We're not sure if they just like soft things or are saying something about wanting more tack, but these cloth fiends will hunt down any plant that provides cloth.

People- Horses with an affinity for people will seek out those nearby to be around. Great at ruining a game of hide-and-seek or just for picking their own friends!

Essence- An Essence affinity means the horse will find and collect Essence orbs nearby. All horses are drawn to the shiny orbs, but these horses know how to pick them up! 

Common Affinities: Berries, Cloth, Critters, Essence, Flower, Fruit, People, Poison Ivy, Rocks, Sticks, Wild Horses

Half as Common Affinities: Caves, Course Starts, Epics, Gemstones, Mushrooms, Quest Tables, Spices, Sweets

10x rarer: Minigames, Ores, Tappable Trees.

200x rarer: Crystal, Treasure