Profiles & Coding


Customizing Your Profile:

A player may customize their profile (Myself - Edit your shared profile details) with very basic HTML. Here's a quick list of the ways you can prettify your profile:

  • Bold- You may bold text using < b > text here < / b >

  • Underline- Underline is < u > text here < / u >. Really good for putting emphasis on something.

  • Italic- This tilty text is created with this: < i > text here < / i >

  • Strikethrough This can be used if you wish to retract something but still keep the information up by using < s > text here < / s >

  • Center- You may center your text by typing < align=center > text here < / align >.

  • Indent- you may indent paragraphs by typing < indent=20% > text here < / indent >. The 20% is an example, you may indent it further, but at that point you might as well use center ;)

  • SMALLCAPS - This super neat bit of text is produced by typing < smallcaps > your smallcaps here < / smallcaps >

  • Supertext- Supertext can be produced by typing < sup > supertext here < / sup >

  • Subtext- can be created by typing < sub > subtext < / sub >

  • Sizing-You may use < L > 18pt font here < / L > and < M > 15pt font here < / M > to have reasonably sized, larger fonts in your profile.

  • Colors: Typing < #FF0000 > will start coloring text red. < /color> will stop the color.

More examples:

< #00FF00 > Green Text < /color>

< #0000FF > Blue Text < /color>

< #FFAAAA > Pink Text < /color>

< #808080 > Grey Text < /color>

Additionally < color=red> will work. (Only for the following colors: black, blue, green, orange, purple, red, white, and yellow.

You can find color hex codes (#FF0000) many places, easiest may be to google "Color Picker". Their form is two digits of Red strength, 2 digits green, finally two blue. and hex digits range from 0,1,2..9,A,B,C,D,E,F So, F is a stronger color than 9 :) i.e. #000088 is dark blue, while #0000CC is brighter, while #0000FF is brightest only-blue possible. :)