HI3 Currencies

What is Gold Dust?

Gold Dust is the main inter-player currency of HI3. Gold dust is also the currency you'll use to purchase things from clubs and club stores. You can earn it by selling things, either to stores or other players. You can also find it "in the wild;" Mother Horse Stones, Meteorites and Pirate Treasures are scattered throughout the wilds, and clicking on them to collect them will reward you with some gold.

What is the Esroh Fund?:

The Esroh Fund is a global collection of gold dust, taken from every player. On the first day of in-game year (about fifteen days), a small percentage of gold dust will be collected and used for In-Game Upkeep (someone's gotta take care of all those wilds, keep up the roads and ancient ruins...!)

Wait... isn't this a tax??

It is! However, it is an even tax- everyone gets the same percentage taken out. While this doesn't hurt players with very little money, a player with a very large amount of money likely won't notice much is missing, either.

Additionally, this will keep things more fair for newer players in the long run by ensuring the economy doesn't have trillions of gold dust in circulation.

What do I get out of it?

These global Fund collections will add up over time, unlocking the Big New Features we have planned for the future! Super fun things, like special emotes (player animations, other fun things- the possibilities are endless!)

Where do I see the Esroh Fund?

The Esroh Fund can be seen in any Post Office, including how much you've contributed to the Fund. There, you can also see how long until the next Fund Collection takes place!

How much will be taken?

Between 1% and 5% will be taken out every 15 days, adjusted depending on what the Esroh Fund feels needs to be taken.

What is Essence?

Essences carry the Magic of the Infinite Wilds, and each biome has its own unique kind. You'll see them as floating, bobbing spheres or crystals with glowing yellow cores. A certain number of essence are needed to do almost everything in the Wilds, from talking in Global and Ads Chat, unlocking equipment, competition course slots, travel journal slots, and making more room in your store. It's really rather important!

Unlike other forms of currency in the Wilds, Essence cannot be bought, sold or traded. When you gather Essence (by running over to it, or just standing still near it, it will come to you!), it is yours exclusively until you spend it.

On the right side of the screen, you'll see a golden ball with the number of Essence you currently have unspent. If you mouse-over that ball, you'll see a breakdown of the total Essences you've collected since you joined. Purchasing some tools requires that you have collected a certain number of Essence from a particular biome (for example, purchasing a kayak requires you to have collected 250 Mediterranean Essence in your time in the game, although you do not have to have all those same essence when you buy the kayak).

Subscribers earn 3 Essence for each one they run into--or that runs into them--as a reward for supporting the game and those who work on it. Non-subscribed players earn one.

Making an Adventure Party shares collected essence by making more! Each Adventure Party Member nearby will get the essence as well.

Essence Anomalies are also a good source of essence. Anomalies randomly occur as server events and standing within 200m of the Anomaly Essence when the time runs out will earn you between 150 and 250 essence.

What is Mobia?

What is Mobia?:

Mobia is the way the game is supported and expanded. As such, it is purchased via real money at $1 USD = 100 Mobia (so each Mobia equals a penny). These can be purchased via the Mobia Store on website, and spent via the Shop tab in game. Mobia can be bought, sold and traded in the game.

Mobia is used for:

  • Purchasing Memberships. A one-month membership costs 500 mobia; a one year membership costs 4,000 mobia.

  • Ordering Horses. You can order a purebred horse of the breed of your choice for 700 mobia. A Super horse order costs 1200 mobia and you'll get the chance to see the color, height, and age of the horse before purchasing, a bit like window shopping.

  • Purchasing a Club. A club costs 8,000 mobia. Purchasing a club is a one time fee, you do not need to pay more to maintain it.

  • Purchasing Amulets. Amulets are put on a horse for a number of reasons: make the horse live forever, shorten foaling time, age faster, or protect against injury. Amulets are forever, they do not expire or vanish off of your horse or account unless purposefully traded away.

  • Purchasing a Magical Wild Horse Whistle. This is a one use item that will summon eight wilds specific to the biome you're in. Check the library's biome information for horses native to specific biomes!

  • Changing Your Username. After your initial free username change, it'll cost 100 mobia to change your username.

  • Making a Certification. You may create a sort of registry in game for whatever your heart desires- certain personalities, looks, colors, or breeds? Maybe you want to make your own horse breed!

  • Gaining a Higher Horse Max. You may increase your account's horse slot limit to greater than 300 with this special Horse Max Extender item. Please see the Horse Slots section for more details on this.

  • Purchasing a Server Boost Party. This fun purchase gives everyone online a 1,000 point boost to Travel, Focus, and Energy, and gives you the adoration of the players.

If you are not an adult, be sure you have parent or guardian's permission before trying to purchase anything on the internet!