
A player may choose a specialization to make their game more in tune to what you want your game experience to be like. Non-subscribers are limited to one, and subscribers may choose two. (If your sub expires, you'll be limited to your first one.) A player with 50,000 experience may select three! Furthermore, if you earn 10,000 Puzzle Points, an additional specialization may be unlocked. A player with 10,000 Quest Points will ALSO earn another specialization! Additional tomes may be earned at 100,000 Puzzle Points, 100,000 Quest Points, and 10,000,000 Player Experience.

There are currently 22 different specializations for you to choose from, each putting a different twist on the game that is totally unique to Horse Isle 3 (though some of your favorites have carried over!)

 Blacksmith: Doubles minimum shoe imbuement

This tome will allow you to craft your horseshoes with a little more 'oomph,' doubling your minimum shoe imbuement. (+10 instead of +5.) 

Builder: 10% Reduction in Construction costs (club & ranch)

For those that want to see rapid growth (or maybe just want to collect fewer resources per building!) this is absolutely the perk for you. 

Reduces club and ranch building material costs by 10%.

Crafter: 50% reduction in focus cost

Written by those who have spent WAY more time crafting than anyone else, this tome teaches you the secrets of how to craft while using less Focus energy (by quite a bit!) 

Double Bubble: +10% odds of twins

Do you REALLY love having a bunch of foals so much, you wish your mares would have more than one at a time? The knowledge gained from this perk increases the chances of your mares having twins. Since the magic of Horse Isle allows a mare to safely deliver her twins without trouble, this is considered a very good thing!

Dyeabolical: Doubles the allowed Dye Recipes

Essential Essence: Gain an additional essence when you physically collect

Essential Essence gives you an additional essence for every essence you collect- instead of one for nonsubscribers or three for subscribers, you'll get two and four essence collected, respectively. 

Equinition: Doubles experience bonus for your horses

Some people have the ability to get their horse to learn things very quickly; in the case of those with the Equinition specialization their horses learn twice as much. 

Doubles the experience rate for any horse owned by the player, but does not increase rate of EXP for the player themselves.

Explorer: Double journal entries

Explorers are players who have gone so far in the game that they find they run out of Essence before they run out of interesting places to explore and log in their journals! This perk is just for them- they've learned how to conserve journal space and use their slots more efficiently. 

Focused Training: Increases Cost and training benefit by 50%

Focused Training grants a 50% increase to cost AND training benefit. So, 300 rather than 200 points earned, but costs 50% more also. This will enable your horses to be trained that much faster!

Geneticist: Half price cost of genetic and conformation reports

This perk is PERFECT for breeders who seem to spend their day begging the Horse Expert to test their horses. If the cost is getting a little bit of a chokehold on your gold dust and mobia purses, this one's probably an ideal pick for you.

Green Thumb: 2x Bonus in Garden and other ranch productions

A person with a Green Thumb is SO good at gardening and growing hay that everything on their ranch doubles up at harvest, making everyone else green with envy! If you've ever wondered how they do it... it's definitely this perk.

Harvester: 25% Odds of double collection

This tome teaches you the old ways of harvesting, and how to gain more from harvesting resources. It doesn't always work, but quite frequently you'll find that you're collecting DOUBLE the resources!

Horse Heart: Doubles the rate of bond for your horses

Those with the Horse Heart specialization are those that are so deeply in tune with their horses and what they like that their horses bond with them twice as fast.

Horse Hoarder: 10% Horse slot bonus

This has long been a favorite from Horse Isle 2, and we've brought it back over to Horse Isle 3! For those with ever increasing horse numbers, this is the perk for you. 

Horse Nutter: 5% Additional horse slot bonus

What, 10% not enough? Maybe 10% is too much? Horse Nutter enables you to have an increased number of horse slots- 5% of what your base is.

Horse of Course: Doubles the number of course slots you are allowed

Ever feel that a single course unlock per slot just isn't enough? Us, too! With the Horse of Course tome under your belt, you learn how to manage your competition course spaces better. For every course slot you unlock, you'll be able to build TWO competition courses. 

Horse Song: 2x grooming, watering, feeding rates

This specialization teaches you an ancient song to sing while caring for your horses, making the time fly by! 

Horse Trader: 50% more gold from trader due to better negotiation

Some people are naturally gifted at convincing others a horse is worth much more than its typical base value... luckily, it's a skill you can learn! 

Keen Eye: Auto-Identification of breeds when caught

This specialization allows you to immediately identify the wild horse you just caught, using techniques taught by the Horse Experts. It doesn't work for horses others have caught, though, which is just one of those mysteries of Horse Isle we haven't worked out. 

Wild Horse identification is instant.

Lucky: One additional wishing coin per day

Some people are born SUPER lucky. In Horse Isle, this is actually a skill you can learn. A person specialized in Lucky receives TWO wishing coins per day while subscribed- this tome has no benefit to a non-subscriber.

Lucky Plushie: 2x minimum plushie imbuement total when collecting crates

With the Lucky Plushie tome, you will automatically know how to pick only the best plushie crates. 

This specialization doubles the minimum imbuement level of any plushie found in crates from 7 to 14 (both numbers being out of 50.) 

Merchant: Double store slots

A Merchant has learned the secrets of more store space- for every one slot they have, they can put two items in it! (It makes you wonder how big the inside of these club stores actually are.)

Nimble: 33% less energy used when collecting

A Nimble person has become so adept at collecting, they spend far less energy than anyone else while felling even the largest trees or deforesting an entire larch forest. 

Ostler Club: You help out the ostler for half rate

The Ostlery Club specialization allows a player to get in good with every ostler in game- they'll give you a 50% discount for caring for your horses, whether individually or all at once!

Savant: 50% bonus on puzzle payouts (not puzzle points)

After learning this, you'll grasp an understanding of how to get more out of completing a minigame. 

Scrapbooker: Doubles the number of horse scrapbook pages

If it's not in the scrapbook, it didn't happen! Well. It did, but this specialization allows you to have double the amount of scrapbooking pages. 

Traveler: 25% reduction in quick travel costs

A Traveler is so skilled in traveling, they've learned how to do it while using considerably less travel energy. This is a great skill to learn if you're a person who quick travels so often you're wishing you had a bigger travel bar!

(Descriptions from the HI3 Help Guide)