Shiny Points

Every "Shiny Player Point" costs 50,000 gold dust. The 100 players with the most Shiny Points will be able to pick a shiny body glow and an emoji that can be displayed over their head (you don't need to pick either if you don't want them.) Shiny Players also get a set of Ruby Slippers they can use from their Equipment/Travel menus for free home ranch travel.

Every player that has Shiny Points gains an extra horse slot... even if they've already hit the 1500 horse max. These extra horse slots are limited to 500 (which means players can have a total max of 2000 barn spots), though you're welcome to continue buying more shiny points if you'd like your name to appear at the top of the list!

Shiny Points decay at 10% every month, so if you have 10 Shiny Points, you'll need to replace one per month. You do not need to be subscribed to invest in Shiny Points. 

If you played Horse Isle 2, you should be familiar with this concept (it was called the Golden Player System)

Top 100 Shiny Player Benefits:

Bolded name in player list.

Listed in Shiny Player Rankings.

Ruby Slippers equipment for free travel back to ranch.

Name plate glows differently

Select your glow color within edit profile (Body glows with this color)

Select your optional emoji icon for name prefix which shows above your avatar.

Note: every Month 10% of shiny points are removed from everyone. This allows future players to compete.

You can edit the color of your glow and the emoji that will appear above your avatar by going to:

Players > Edit my Profile 

All shiny players can use Ruby Slippers for free travel back to their ranch house.

This button is located at the top of your Travel tab