Mini Games






‘Tree Rings Puzzle'

Click on one of the tree rings to make it spin. You must make the radial patterns of all rings align to win!

Easy: 200 gd, 2 pp, 2 essence

Medium: 400 gd, 4pp, 4 essence

Hard: 600 gd, 6 pp, 6 essence


'Cairn Stack'

To complete a Cairn Stack, you'll need to place the largest stone at the bottom and the next largest on that one. 

If you mess up, just click the stump the stones are on to reset.

Easy: 100 gd, 1 pp, 1 essence

Medium: 200 gd, 2 pp, 2 essence

Hard: 300 gd, 3 pp, 3 essence


'Binary Boulder'

A strange boulder just asking to be fiddled with..

This boulder shows a decimal value target to create using the levers to make the binary representation!

Details: Right most lever is worth 0 when down, 1 when up.  Next lever is worth 2 when up,  0 when down, repeating for 4,8,16,32,64

Switch the proper levers to sum up each of these values to the shown decimal.

You've learned binary! ex:  1001 = 9  , 1100 = 12

Easy: 300 gd, 3pp, 3 essence

Medium: 600 gd, 6 pp, 6 essence

Hard: 900 gd, 9 pp, 9 essence


'Snake Charmer'

Maybe if we repeat a musical pattern we can charm this strange ancient statue.  Something involving progressions possibly.  or just repeating patterns.

Details: With any instrument, need to find the repeating pattern that will raise the snake statue.  Each "step"  of the pattern is either: 

Play SAME note, 

Play Lower Note,

Play Higher Note.

Progression Pattern Lengths:

Green is 2

Yellow is 4

Red is 6

So,  for example and Green charmer pattern may be: 

Same note,  Then Higher note, then REPEAT. (only 2 steps for green)

So on the keyboard,  hitting the following sequence would raise:  QQWWEERRTTYYUUIIOOPP, etc.  when you hit the end,  simple start from the Q again if not completed yet

Easy: 400 gd, 4 pp, 4 essence

Medium: 800 gd, 8 pp, 8 essence

Hard: 1200 gd, 12 pp, 12 essence

Fall Forest

'Word Jumble'

Solve this anagram by moving the letters on the log to their proper position. When clicked, the letters will only move to the left- the letter you move out of the way will go to the Right.

Some word jumbles will have multiple words it could be, but each log will only accept one answer!

Easy: 300 gd, 3pp, 3 essence

Medium: 600 gd, 6 pp, 6 essence

Hard: 900 gd, 9 pp, 9 essence


‘Ice Carving Blocks’

Attempt to carve the described exact design.  Remember your crouch ability (press C to crouch) for some angles :)

Details:  The number tells you how many blocks have yet to be removed to match the described design.  Use this to help guess which ones to remove.  And there's no harm in starting over.

Easy: 400 gd, 4 pp, 4 essence

Medium: 800 gd, 8 pp, 8 essence

Hard: 1200 gd, 12 pp, 12 essence


'Coconut Follow’

Click a coconut to start.  Take note of which coconuts have a jewel underneath.  Follow the coconuts and when they stop, pick the one(s) with jewels.

Easy: 100 gd,  1 pp,  1 essence

Medium: 200 gd, 2 pp, 2 essence

Hard: 300 gd, 3 pp, 3 essence


'Glyph Match'

Match the symbols on the glyph rocks to each other to win this minigame!

Details:  Click one, then click another that matches,

repeat until all removed.

Easy: 300 gd, 3pp, 3 essence

Medium: 600 gd, 6 pp, 6 essence

Hard: 900 gd, 9 pp, 9 essence

Salt Flats

'Number Lock'

Hmm.. Looks like the columns of numbers are adding up at the bottom...  Might we need to get them all the same?

Details: Each vertical columns total needs to be the same (Similar to Sudoku somewhat).

Another way to look at it,  can only have one of each number in each column.

Finding the correct combination can be tricky!

Easy: 300 gd, 3pp, 3 essence

Medium: 600 gd, 6 pp, 6 essence

Hard: 900 gd, 9 pp, 9 essence


‘Towers of Hanoi'

The goal is to stack all discs on a single peg in order from largest to smallest. Click the pegs to swap the stone discs. You must not place a larger disk on top of a smaller disc.

Easy: 100 gd, 1 pp, 1 essence

Medium: 200 gd, 2 pp, 2 essence

Hard: 300gd, 3pp, 3 essence


'Giant Ant Mounds'

Win this challenge by removing all the ants off the mounds.  

Simply click an ant to remove,  trick is they keep coming back,  so you have to be quick and agile to remove them all before they return.

Easy: 200 gd, 2 pp, 2 essence

Medium: 400 gd, 4pp, 4 essence

Hard: 600 gd, 6 pp, 6 essence


'Festivus Pole'

This decorated Festivus Pole could probably have the colors make a smooth rainbow or gradient.

Details:  Click on a color to move it.  Keep shifting until it's a smooth shade transition from top to bottom.

Easy: 200 gd, 2 pp, 2 essence

Medium: 400 gd, 4 pp, 4 essence

Hard: 600 gd, 6 pp, 6 essence


'Melody Rock'

Play an instrument to this rock and follow the notes written on its face. 

A bottle blow will work just as well as any of the more 'expensive' instruments, the rocks aren't picky. Just be quick!

To play an instrument, you'll use the numerical keys (1-0, - and =) for sharps and the Q-\ keys for your normal notes.

Details: to start,  simply start playing notes.   The currently played note will show on the far left for reference/practice.

Easy: 300 gd, 3 pp, 3 essence

Medium: 600 gd, 6 pp, 6 essence

Hard: 900 gd, 9 pp, 9 essence

Notes Legend

Q: C2

2: C#2

W: D2

3: D#2

E: E2

R: F2

5: F#2

T: G2

6: G#2

Y: A2

7: A#2

U: B2

I: C3

9: C#3

O: D3

0: D#3

P: E3

[: F3

=: F#3


'Turtle Shell Rock'

To win this, you'll have to line up the markings on the shell rock! Each shell only has one solution, so if it's not registering as finished, something isn't lining up properly :)    Click to rotate any shell octagon.    

Details:  Similar to the sandcastles in HI2!  It's the lighter colors triangles that need to match up flat side to flat side.   A good strategy is to make sure the bottom row of triangles all are pointing up towards other matching triangles. 

Easy: 500 gd, 5 pp, 5 essence

Medium: 1000 gd, 10 pp, 10 essence

Hard: 1500 gd, 15 pp, 15 essence



'Pet a Mole'

These moles are starving for some attention. Give them a pet on the head before they get upset and scurry away. 

It is not 'whack a mole,' this is a totally different thing. You are petting them. They'll show their appreciation with tiny hearts!

Easy: 100 gd, 1 pp, 1 essence

Medium: 200 gd, 2 pp, 2 essence

Hard: 300 gd, 3 pp, 3 essence


'Targeted Topple'

Should maybe try to get the red cube into the red spot on platform...

And maybe that green button will let us start over when things get messy...

Details: Point is to have the red cube at the top land into the spot on platform, click to remove the wood pieces to guide physics to drop the block in the right spot.   Restart a lot :)

Easy: 300 gd, 3pp, 3 essence

Medium: 600 gd, 6 pp, 6 essence

Hard: 900 gd, 9 pp, 9 essence


'Petal Push'

Maybe we could follow and repeat the pattern?

Details: Pretty much Simon Says clone! Follow the pattern the petals tell you in the exact order given.

Easy: 300 gd, 3 pp, 3 essence

Medium: 600 gd, 6 pp, 6 essence

Hard: 900 gd, 9 pp, 9 essence


'Ancient Piston'

Hmm.. if only we had enough friends stand together on this piston, maybe we could budge it.

Green: 2 players

Yellow: 4 players

Red: 6 players

All players need to stand on the piston at once. Pistons can be completed with MORE than the required players, so long as everyone fits on it!

Easy: 200 gd, 2 pp, 2 essence

Medium: 400 gd, 4 pp, 4 essence

Hard: 600 gd, 6 pp, 6 essence