Auctions & Sales

What are Horse Traders?

Every horse has a base value of how much it can be sold in-game, based on how much a trader is willing to pay for it. This will- hopefully- explain how the traders work and explain a bit how each of the persona and height traders work. Any prices or example prices listed do NOT include the Horse Trader library tome.

Trader Options 

Each trader building in game has five options. The one at the top will always accept every horse for 200 gold dust. Every ordered horse has a base value of 15,000 gold dust, and the traders will purchase them for this PLUS whatever trader requirement they might fill.

The other trader options will always ask for one or two of the following:

Breedable- Must be able to breed.

Mare- Must be a mare over the age of four.

Stallion- Must be a stallion over the age of four.

Gelding- Must be gelded.

Filly- Must be a filly under the age of four.

Colt- Must be a colt under the age of four.

Over a certain age- Must be OVER the age listed.

Under a certain age- Must be UNDER the age listed.

Purebred- Must be PUREBRED, blood history doesn't matter.

Breed Required- Must be of a certain breed, doesn't need to be purebred. Will typically accept sub-breeds as well.

Wild Caught- Must not have been bred or ordered, but caught as a wild horse.

Born in Barn- Must not have been wild caught or ordered, but bred by a player.

Height at Most- Must be UNDER a specific height.

Height at Least- Must be OVER a specific height.

Those are mostly self-explanatory, but are listed for clarification. The persona traders are where it may get a little tricky! 

Brave at least- Must be HIGHER than the specified amount. 

Skittish at least- Must subtract number from 100.

Easygoing at least- Must be HIGHER than the specified amount.

Stubborn at least- Must subtract number from 100.

Follower at least- Must be HIGHER than the specified amount.

Leader at least- Must subtract number from 100.

Social at least- Must be HIGHER than the specified amount.

Antisocial at least- Must subtract number from 100.

Energetic at least- Must be HIGHER than the specified amount.

Lazy at least- Must subtract number from 100.

The word "must" not looking like a word anymore? We feel the same way!

So if a trader is looking for a Stubborn Leader (example: the You Spin Me Right Round trader,) the horse needs to have both the Stubborn and Leader traits under 30 for the trader to accept it, but the trader says both at least 70. So you'll need to subtract its persona traits from 100 to see if it matches the trader requirements!

Horse Trader Index

With so many horse traders, it can be very hard to keep track of what club is offering what trader. To this, we offer players the Horse Trader Index. It is compiled daily by any player that LOOKS at a horse trader in a club- whatever traders that club is offering then goes to the global index for all players to view. 

The Global Index is viewable on any Shopping Board and, for those who have it unlocked, the Newspaper. You can view which traders are available at various clubs, including their payout!

How do I list an auction?

Auction houses offer two kinds of listings.

Global Listing is for the general public.  Anyone can list a horse here for auction.  Horses here can be bid on my persons at any auction house, as Global Listings are shared across the Wilds.

Club Listing is for club members to list horses which will be for same only at that location.  Anyone can bid on the horse, but they must come to that specific auction house to do so.  Club listings are cheaper than Global listings.

It is extremely important to remember that once a horse is listed, you cannot get it back if it is sold.  Any horse who receives no bids is not sold and is returned to you after the auction ends.  But once a player has placed a bid for any amount over what you have specified as the minimum bid, the horse is no longer yours.

Any horse of yours listed in auction will have a yellow 'background' to its information on the auction list, making it easier for you to find your auctioned horses!

A horse must be listed as being for sale in its profile tags before it appears on the list of horses you can auction.

How do auctions work?

Club owners and managers can add Auction Houses to their club if they so desire.  These will have a sign with a gavel on them and a wide door, so they are easily found.  

 For those new to the concept of an Auction:

An auction is a way of selling something for the highest possible price. One offers, or "bids," the amount one is willing to pay for the item, in this case, a horse.  Other players may then make a higher bid if they choose. Bidding continues throughout the time the auction is scheduled to last. The horse is then sold to whomever has the highest bid at that time.  You may bid as many times as you like during the auction, but once the auction is over, the horse is the property of the player whose bid was highest.

No player may try to stop any other player from bidding!  The whole purpose of an auction is to sell a highly-desirable horse to the person who is willing to pay the most for it.  By bidding and outbidding, the auctioneer finds out exactly who this person is and how much they are willing to pay.

What are Live Auctions?

Live Auctions are player made, typically on ranches designed and purchased for this purpose. They are not run or regulated by the server or game staff. 

Asking if there are any Live Auctions running should be kept to Ads Chat- it is not appropriate to ask if any are going on in Global or Help Chat. 

More coming soon!