Bareback Riding

How do I ride bareback?

What are the requirements for bareback riding?

Bareback riding requires 50,000 horse experience and 250,000 player experience. 

WHAT? That's way too much!

This replicates real life horses- you're not going to jump on an untrained or partially trained horse and stay on them without tack, nor will an inexperienced rider be able to stay on even the most experienced horse. (We mean, you could try, but it's not going to be an enjoyable experience for anyone, and as it has the potential to be very dangerous, we do not recommend it.) At 50,000exp, we consider a horse rather adequately trained- not fully trained, as that takes until 100,000exp- but we don't want to be TOO mean. With this training level, a horse is much less likely to act foolish without tack!

Is there any benefit to Bareback?

Nope. It just shows off how much experience a player has, a nice little achievement gained from many hours of hard work and effort put into the game. It IS achievable by all players, given enough time. It may take some players longer to get there, but if the effort is applied, the reward is considered by many to be worth the effort.