Epic Discoveries

While wandering these marvelous lands of ours, you might discover a truly epic sized... thing. These vary from biome to biome, but all are truly awesome in size and scale. Some are natural land formations, and others seem to have been crafted by... something. Someone.

The first discoverer of such a monument will receive an Epic Medallion (to be used for Very Important Things later... hold on to them!) and be marked as the discoverer of that particular Epic for all to see. Epic discoveries count towards an award, as well.

Each Epic can be used in a photography challenge (these don't have to be newly discovered to count!) 

Sunken Ships will also offer a fair bit of gold dust upon first discovery, but mysteriously refuse to allow anyone else to plunder their hidden riches.

If you do not receive the Medallion or Gold Dust for finding these behemoths, it means you weren't the first discoverer!

What are epic medallions?

Epic Medallions are an extremely valuable resource in that they allow a club to build MORE than their current level would otherwise allow! 

Medallion Levels will each unlock one additional building permit and one deco permit. While most clubs will unlock the first ten levels through a group effort and lots of hard work, the Medallion Building Permit Committee has decided they'll allow building beyond that, should a club be filled with lots of intrepid adventurers. 

Each Medallion Level is twice the cost of the previous level- the first level is a simple 10 medallions, the next 20, then 40, then 80... Many of the top Medallion Levels will take a lot of effort to get to!

How do I add them to my club?

Epic Medallions are a club investment, so just invest your Medallions through your Club Investment page. 

For Owners and Managers, they may increase the Medallion Level on the Club Build page.

Does this mess with normal build permits?

Not at all! The Medallion Levels are in addition to your Member Level. So a Level 5 club will have 5 permits per allowed club member (35) PLUS Medallion Level permits.

Abandoned Nest

Biome: Alpine

Whatever built this nest was absolutely enormous. It's sturdy and warm, protecting anything that rests in it. 

It's also rather astonishingly large. That's what you can't quite get over, is the size, because you're pretty sure half the 'sticks' woven in are birch saplings.

Arbol De Piedra

Biome: Sandstone

This Arbol de Piedra, or 'Tree of Stone,' is an absolutely massive rock formation that does, in fact, look like a tree. Its sturdy trunk and 'canopy' provide plenty of shade. It has a nice, cool energy around it, a welcome relief from the heat of the Sandstone biome it calls home.


Biome: Savannah

This enormous tree is a baobab, excellent for your horse to scratch that itch just above their tail. You'll also note that it's hollow, giving you a brief and incredibly feeling of this having once been a creature's home. 

There are no marks on the walls indicating anything was built in it, so you've no idea where you might have gotten that feeling from.

Beaver Dam

Biome: Along or in any body of water

This massive beaver dam must have been built up over several generations of beavers living in the same colony. 

Its creators are conspicuously absent, though the smell about it tells you they're probably not too far away. It's also too well-packed to hear any tiny baby beavers living within- what a shame!


Biome: Mesa

Historically, cairns have been used as markers or monuments as a memorial or burial site for someone very much loved. 

Whatever this particular cairn is marking has been lost to the ages, but it certainly draws your attention to the spot, as though announcing to the world that this enormous, stacked stone marker is still here.

Compound Mushroom

Biome: Wonderland

While the mushrooms of Horse Isle are unusually large, this one... sort of takes the cake and the side dishes, too. This enormous fungus radiates with the growth magic that lets the flora here grow wild and the baby animals flourish in the Wonderland. 

It's through the epic magic of this epic Compound Mushroom that the animals of Horse Isle live together, in harmony. How wonderful!

Crashed Island

Biome: Plains

What could have caused these formations?  It almost looks like the massive chunks of earth crashed down from the sky --- impossible! Is it a meteor? Do those even have this kind of dirt clinging to them?

They nearly hiss with magic, something that isn't heard, but is felt. You look above you to see if any more might be incoming, but thankfully, the sky doesn't appear to be falling.


Biome: Salt Flats

This absolutely massive crater was caused a long, long time ago by what looks like a meteorite the size of a cave pony. It's left this rather large scar on the Saltflats for you to admire and be pleased you were nowhere near when it landed.

Dead Massive Tree

Biome: Dark Forest

This tree was once a source of life and magic for all that surrounded it. We suppose that being in the Dark Forest sapped it of any ability to do any of that, the poor thing.

Touching the bark of this once proud Gaia Tree just makes you feel sad. Your mount lets out a mournful note, as well, asking to please leave it be, it's suffered enough.

Dragon Statue

Biome: Blacksands

This stone dragon keeps an eternal watch over the Blacksands, like the stone golems also in the area. This, however, was much more purposefully- and skillfully- made. 

Its cold gaze stares out over the landscape, demanding- and receiving- respect. One does not, after all, trifle with dragons.

Gaia Tree

Biome: Fall Forest

This incredible, beautiful, massive tree is definitely the mother of all trees and the source of all things joyful in the world, like puppies, foals, and baby bunnies. You just can't stop smiling around it! You want to tell everyone how great this tree is! This is sort of a problem! 

Your mount tells you that, perhaps, moving away a bit and respecting such an amazing tree's space will calm you down a bit. But congratulations on finding such a wonderful, magnificent, splendiforous tree!

Giant Sequoia

Biome: Rainforest

How can this be so big? It really has no business being this big. This Giant Sequoia towers over its already massive brethren, like an overking. 

This thing must be several thousand years old, defying even the natural limits put in place by nature to attempt to contain such a beast. This epic tree politely said 'no thank you' when told to stop growing.

Giants Causeway

Biome: Fjords

These basalt steps are unlike anything else ever seen in the Fjords, and the potential for adventurers using them as launching points for various shenanigans is... certainly greater than most spots.

You almost wonder if you can bounce on them? That would be fun, we think.


Biome: Tundra

While used in most parts of the world to 'capture' the sun at solstice, here in Horse Isle they were clearly used for... something else. Nobody is even quite certain where the stone was quarried from, because it's certainly not the same stone you'll find in a moraine. Moreover, it's also unknown who built the epic monument, which is many times larger than the smaller henges in the area. 

Hover Stone

Biome: Plains

This is a fun oddity! The humming magic surrounding this stone can lift people up and, as the name might imply, make them hover over it.

Ice Cave

Biome: Ice

This ice cave looks more like a whimsical ice palace, jutting from the landscape like a wintry temple.

This cave is oddly warm, a bastion against the chill wind of the ice scape. Looking at the walls, it appears to have been enchanted somehow to prevent the cave from evaporating. You can sit in here for a bit and warm up, as it rather feels like a fire has been lit inside.

Lost Vikings

Biome: Taiga

These ancient stone statues have some rather unusual carvings in them, though whether they're just graffiti or ancient directional signs is anyone's guess. They seem to be a monument to ancients of some kind, as though they're guardians of the Taiga.These Lost Vikings have a deep pulsing energy to them, a drumbeat lost to time that you feel in your heart.

Massive Gladiolus

Biome: Wonderland

While Horse Isle is full of absolutely massive flora, this Gladiolus is proof that sometimes, bigger is better, especially when it looks like someone's gardening competition entry got a little bit out of control. Or perhaps a flower-loving wizard planted a massive seed at some point. 

You have, at least, discovered the source of the giant pollen that pervades the air in Wonderland. It's only a shame that this flower doesn't have a scent!

Mastodon Skull

Biome: Decay

WOAH! What is this, even? It's definitely some kind of skull. Looking at it from afar- where you can see all of it- tells you it's a mastadon skull. But you've seen other mastadon skulls in history books, and none of them were as big as this skull, even. 

You're kind of glad these don't exist anymore... the steps this thing took must have shaken the ground around it like an earthquake for miles.

Massive Moai

Biome: Tundra

Over your travels, you've probably noticed that Moai statues travel in herds. (It looks like it, at least.) This is probably what they're all travelling towards, the Biggest Moai Ever. 

It emanates a low hum, too low to hear, but just enough to feel. It's both comforting and unnerving, especially since it feels like it's watching you.

Massive Shell

Biome: Medi

This incredibly sized shell would fit several hundred thousand hermit crabs, like a hermit crab condo. Whatever once lived in this thankfully doesn't any longer, because the size of its former resident must have been incredible. 

You peek your head inside and can hear an actual ocean in it, complete with birds and seals. Removing your head from it silences the sounds even though you're on an actual beach. That's a little odd.

Mermaid Statue

Biome: Ocean

This beautiful mermaid statue has a warm smile as she gazes out upon the warm oceans she calls home, her face very nearly holding back laughter that will (probably) never come.

There appears to have, at one point, been a small inscription carved into the statue's base, but you can't make it out. You do feel rather calm and welcome in the mermaid's presence, so it's probably something to do with the magical energy it exudes.


Biome: Badlands

These enormous, water-worn boulders are both out of place and perfectly at home in the Badlands. 

Unlike the other epics, these don't have an energy that really seeps out. You do, however, have the intense urge to sit on them and relax for a while.


Biome: Volcanic

This ancient, giant well is an Oracle, though its voice has been silent for countless years. Once, it gave prophecies to heroes and adventurers of all stripes, telling of both grave peril and immense fortune. 

Now, the dormant well won't even tell you what color foal your mare is having. You linger, though, hoping for a whisper, but leave after a while when you hear nothing.

Panda Statue

Biome: Bamboo Forest

This beautiful tribute to some truly excellent panda has stood through the ages, untouched for who knows how long. The chiseled stone is smooth and cool under your hands, and you feel safe and protected under this panda guardian's gaze as it watches the landscape. 

Poseidon Statue

Biome: Ocean

An impressive find! The cold water surrounding this imposing figure has preserved it. Looking closer, you see some surprisingly human features on its face- but that's about where any human similarities end. This is Poseidon, or at least a statue replica of him, keeping watch over the frigid oceans he rules over, trident in hand and it looks absolutely awesome. 


Biome: Stone Forest

This man-pupu-ner is an impressive stone giant. This was once the core of an ancient mountain, long since weathered away by storms and time itself. The mountain's heart remains, standing tall above all other formations in the area.


Biome: Desert

This absolutely enormous pyramid is definitely big enough. Any bigger and that'd be a big whoops, wouldn't it?.

It is perfectly measured and, from what you can tell, perfectly sealed off and doesn't allow ingress at any one point of its four sides.

Ship Wreck

Biome: Ocean 

This monumentally sized shipwreck is certainly impressive, and begs several questions, since none of the tools on it seem to be made for human hands. You try to reach in to grab some treasure you thought you saw, but your arm bounces right back! That's not very polite. 

Of you. Don't take things that aren't yours!

Only the first person to discover this will get a share of the treasure. If that's you,  yay! If not... find your own!


Biome: Snow

When asked if we'd like to build a snowman, we didn't quite have this in mind. It's by no means a natural structure, but he certainly looks friendly enough. 

Tiny ancient claw and paw marks are still able to be seen in the snow, signifying that this was built by, potentially, hundreds of ancient beings working together. This snowman is so well packed that even the harshest winds will never knock it down, and some sort of magic has been added to the outer layer to protect it from sublimation. That's pretty neat.

Spiral Spire

Biome: Sandstone

This spiral spire erupts out of the landscape like a corkscrew gone the wrong way. While the idea is both fanciful and frankly terrifying, this is (thankfully) just a very neat shaped rock formation.

Step Pyramid

Biome: Jungle

This enormous ancient Jungle Pyramid evokes a sort of sad, unnamed nostalgia deep in your heart. Images of the ones who came before briefly flash in your head, the ancient temple's energy holding on to the memories of the ones who lived in and near it very dearly. The pyramid itself echoes as you step near it, though the entrances were sealed long ago. A more independent sort would be jonesing to get in, you think. 

Stone Golem

Biome: Swamp

This ancient Stone Golem sits as though waiting for its next command, or perhaps it's already moving but it's too slow to perceive. The air nearby emanates a powerful energy, promising strength and power and glory to anyone who can unlock it.

Which is really a shame, because we're pretty certain the secret to doing that was lost long before Horse Isle was discovered.

Stone Spire

Biome: Mesa

This stone spire reaches higher into the sky than any other part of the Mesa! Craning your neck to see the tip might result in a neck cramp.

Everything about this structure is incredibly impressive, but you feel nothing but calming waves coming from it. Small indentations indicate that this was once climbable, though definitely not by anything human or horse sized.

Tri Pyramid

Biome: Desert

This perfectly measured three-sided pyramid is a wonder of ancient engineering. While weather has worn away the protective outer casing, some chips of the ancient plaster still remain.

Staring closely at the bricks reveals tiny, etched-in graffiti in some sort of shorthand. After a bit of parsing, you read it as "TinyBrick Was Here!" with a smiley face depicting some sort of squirrel.

Some things never change.

Web Dome

Biome: Dark Forest

You've found an epic sized orb weaver web! You shudder to think of the size of the spider that made this, though it's thankfully (and conspicuously) absent. 

Strumming on one of the web bits makes an awful, low hum that resonates for several minutes after you touch it. Probably best to not touch it again in case it summons something. (It won't, but...)