
Missions are the Horse Isle 3 equivalent of quests. You may take on multiple missions at a time of different types, though some are limited to one at a time.

Missions can earn gold dust, Quest Points, and Essence upon completion, with varying payouts depending on the mission type and difficulty.

A club quest created by a player will always be located at the club the player was a member of when the quest slot was unlocked.

With 10,000 Quest Points, you can unlock a new library specialization (tome)

What are adventure quests?

Club members Silver and above may set up various Quests for 1,000 essence per Quest. They must then be reviewed by the club's Managers/Owners, then by Support before they can be permanently put into the game. Your quest will be located at the club you were a member of when the quest slot was unlocked.

These steps are required to ensure the quality of the quests. These may be very short and only have a few steps, or be very long and have many steps, depending on its creator!

How to Start:

If a club has an Adventure Table, anyone in game may participate in one by clicking the table and choosing an Adventure Quest from the list.

As you complete each step, you'll be prompted to complete the next one with a new pop-up window until the quest is complete.

You may have a maximum of 5 adventure quests running at once.

You can view your progress or cancel your quest at any time by going to Myself > Missions in the Player tab.

Steps that may be included in quests:

  • Stat Gain: Gain X stats to complete- Puzzle points, Bond, or Experience.

  • Read Text: Read a bit of text before continuing on. (This can be marked as an end, too, if you chose win/fail in a Multiple Choice quest.)

  • Dig: This step requires you to dig at a certain location.

  • Try Course: This step requires you to try (and finish!) a certain course, created by the quest's author. It doesn't need to be during a competition, simply "Trying" will work.

  • Ride Breed: This step requires you to ride a horse of a certain breed.

  • Gain Essence: This step requires that you gather a certain amount of Essence- it may or may not be limited to a certain biome.

  • Take Photo: This step requires you to take a photo of a world object.

  • Catch Wild: This step requires you to catch a certain number of wild horses- it may or may not require you to catch them in a certain biome.

  • Find Treasure: This step requires that you find a certain treasure (a findable such as pirate treasure, pot of gold, mother horse stone, or meteorite.)

  • Go to Location: This step requires you to go to a certain location before continuing.

  • Answer Question: This step requires you to answer a question before moving on.

  • Craft Item: This step requires you to craft an item to complete it- if it's something like a dye, it'll require the EXACT dye.

  • Add to Counter: This step requires a player to add to a counter- examples would be regions explored, horses caught, wilds released, treasures gained. (This isn't a full list.)

  • Multiple Choice: The most intrepid quest designers may choose to create a Multiple Choice questline, each potentially with a different end and path a player may take.

Multiple Choice can be used to create overarching, epic quests- from a choose your own adventure with a chance to fail or simply letting the player complete the quest as they choose.

You must make sure that the step actually exists before requiring it as a step- having an errant quest step that doesn't lead to anything may end up with a broken quest, or one that doesn't make a lot of sense.

You can create a simple multiple choice that only has a few different steps to complete, or have a very fancy one that requires multiple different steps to complete.

In a fancier multiple choice, you can have win/fail options, where the quest is cancelled and the player must start the quest again from the beginning. It's best to plot out a sort of outline for one of these so as to not have a bunch of steps to trip over!

An example simple multiple choice:

After catching, riding, and competing with [horse breed]. Do you like them? A: Yes (would have you completing the quest as a 'win') B: No (would have you starting quest over) C: Maybe (fail, start quest over)

An example complicated multiple choice:

Has you pick several paths to take, each with a chance at a win/fail ending. Some steps may 'cross over' from other paths, or all paths may meet to one of two ends (win/fail.)

Creating Quests:

You may create/edit your own Quests under the Clubs tab with the Quest Editor button. Your quest will be located at the club you were a member of when the quest slot was unlocked. We know we've added that bit twice in this article, but it's important!

Creating quests is pretty simple, as you're given prompts in the editing panel. A bit of review on some of the steps:

  • Dig: The dig location is saved as the location set in the quest step panel; you must manually set this at your desired dig location.

  • Ride Breed: The breed required for this is whatever horse breed you last mounted (this ensures that the breed is already in the game ;) )

  • Go to Location: like Dig, this is saved as the exact spot you're in when you save the step in the editing window, and is changed if you edit it in a different location.

  • Craft Item: The item you last crafted will be the required item for this step.

  • Try Course: You yourself must be the owner of this course.

The quest steps start at 5 (and go up in intervals of five) to make re-ordering quest steps a little easier. Starting at step 1 would, potentially, mean that you'd have to delete ALL of your progress in creating the quest, losing a lot of hard work (and wasting a lot of time!) You are, of course, welcome to change the quest steps to 1;2;3 if you'd like... but we suggest just leaving it as it is :)

You may also have a prerequisite quest (one that needs to be done before another quest,) if you're the type to create multiple quests and wish to have your quests done in a certain order.


Before your quest is reviewed, you yourself must be able to complete it. You'll be required to "Try" it before it's able to be submitted!

Your quest must be reviewed first by a Manager+ of your club, then a Moderator, before being Live in the game.

If it doesn't pass inspection, it'll be sent back to you and you'll be able to edit it to fit the suggestions given by the Manager+ or Moderator. You will need to alert your club Managers/Owner that you've got a quest for them to review. It does not give a notification.

Managers+ are able to review potential quests by clicking Club > Create/Edit Quests, same as if you were going to make a quest yourself!

If a manager fails to review your quest within 50 hours, it'll be sent to ModReview on its own :)


You're awarded earnings of gold dust, Essence, and Quest Points upon completion of every quest based on its difficulty.

What are mail missions?

Mail Missions are undertaken at the Post Office in clubs, one at a time. They have you 'deliver' mail to a ranch house within ABOUT 5km of the post office you started the mission from. You'll need to pay a $100 fee to start the mission, but you'll get it and a base 250 gold dust back upon completion of the delivery. The amount of gold dust received will depend on how far away the ranch house is from the club.

You will also receive Quest Points upon completion!

Mail missions are automatically cancelled after 30 hours, if you don't complete it or you've found it's impossible to complete.

Mail missions will also sometimes send you to a totally out of the way area; this occurs when the player home you were assigned has been removed or relocated. If you cannot complete the mission when this occurs, you can wait 30 hours for it to time out and it will be removed from your quest log.

What are Center Horse Head Quests?

The Ancient Ruins Horse Head will also offer quests from the ancient book on the plinth. It's almost unreadable, but some words remain, guiding you to ancient ruins both near and far from the Center.

We're as of yet unsure of who- or what- built the ancient ruins, but they're something to be marveled at.

Completing each of the quests will grant you Quest Points.

To cancel a Center Quest, you can simply go into Myself > My Current Missions and click 'cancel.' You can also view the step you're on here.