Selling/Buying Clubs

How do I sell a club?

We do have a process in place, should you no longer wish to own your club. We understand that club ownership isn't meant for everyone, so we've come up with a (hopefully!) streamlined process for you to follow to transfer ownership to another user.

To sell/buy a club to another player:

~ The seller of the club must set the buyer as co-owner.

~ The seller will not get any mobia back that was invested (the 8,000 used to purchase the Club,) so they need to be ok with this.

~ The Buyer must be a co-owner and be ok with having the club for at least 1 year (365 days.)

~ Both players must contact us stating exactly what the terms of the purchase are (What is to be traded to whom for the club purchase.)

~ Both players must agree on the same content and be ok with that deal as it will be final.

~ No trading is to take place however until we in support give the ok. We want to be very certain that both parties agree to all terms prior to ANY form of trading.

~ When all parties agree, then we will give the "Go" for trading.

~ Once the above has been worked out and done, including the trading and everything is ok between both players, we here in support will change the ownership of the club.

~ Please Note: A club's location is permanent. A buyer may not relocate the club as they are buying the entire club and its region- since clubs are towns, you cannot relocate a town.


Once a club is sold and its members potentially migrate, all resources the former owner, managers, and others that were put in will be reduced by 80%.

This can potentially put a club into the negatives for resources. So please keep this in mind when purchasing a club from a player!

Can I delete my club?

No! Clubs are permanently in the game once purchased.

more coming soon