Club Decorations



This cheery picnic table beckons you to take a seat and perhaps share a meal with friends, or simply sit and have a nice long discussion about your recent adventures with your friends. 

For being made out of an odd green wood, it's surprisingly comfortable.


This cheery green bench feels slightly warm to the touch (but not a gross warm) and is very comfortable to sit on, especially after a long day in the saddle. It's almost as if the bench is encouraging you to sit and stay awhile, enjoying the view of the club it's located in.


This simple stone slab bench is very utilitarian, having one purpose and one alone: a place to sit down. It does not exude an aura of comfort, nor does it encourage you to recline and stay any longer than your feet deem necessary. 

Cost: 250 wood 250 stone

1000 gold dust


This set of bleachers can seat many people and give a view of any event that's going on at the moment. Or maybe you're just wanting to take a break and sit down on something that isn't a horse for a bit?

Cost: 100 stone 500 gold dust



This obelisk mimics those found in the wilds, an homage to the great Epics that are so often found in our beautiful Wilds. These replicas exude the same air of mystery as their ancient counterparts, though they don't cast quite as long a shadow and are made of marble and not... whatever the Epic Obelisks are made out of.


This gorgeous column demands your attention and a certain elegance. It draws your eye and gives the club it calls home an air of importance.

Cost: 500 stone 5000 gold dust

Directional Sign

This simple sign points in the actual direction of location along with the distance to the location in kilometers.

Cost: 50 wood 100 gold dust

Garbage Can

This basic metal garbage can has endless room for every bit of garbage that you need to throw away. Odd, though... when you open it, the can is completely empty, no matter how much you threw away.

Cost: 1000 gold dust



This flame-shaped hedge has been artfully manipulated into being something it shouldn't be. You can vaguely hear a sort of crackling sound, and the hedge feels warmer than the area around it.


This square hedge is masterfully cut into a perfect cube. 


For some reason this hedge looks absolutely adorable, and very fluffy. It's not, and totally stops you from trying to run through it (it's a bush, not a cloud, silly!)


This beautiful tapered hedge is perfectly tended by what must be a master topiarist, as not a single one of the leaves falls out of place. 

Cost: 500 wood 500 gold dust

Holiday Tree

Celebrate the winter holidays with a present sharing tree!

Every present added to this is shared with every club member, with a limit of 300 presents.

Cost: ???

Info Sign

This club information sign smells a bit like fresh dye and wood.

It displays information the club has deemed important for visitors to know about the club area, or joining information for potential new members.

Cost: 50 wood 100 gold dust



This planter will allow you to plant some large sized trees within your club. Inexplicably, it allows the 'growth' of dead things and rocks, too. 


This planter will allow you to plant any normal sized tree within your club. Inexplicably, it allows the 'growth' of dead things and rocks, too.


This planter allows you to grow- but not harvest- many of the plants and flowers you'll find within these infinite wilds. Don't worry about having a green thumb- these plants somehow take care of themselves.

Cost: 500 wood 500 stone

1000 gold dust



This ringing copper statue was forged into an Infinity symbol, signifying the size of the lands and the number of wild horses within them.


This twisty statue is a solid piece of copper, stretched and bent into this shape while it was still hot. The patina covers any sign of the metal that lies beneath it.

When the wind blows, a soft whistling- almost a song- emanates from between the tines.


This perfectly cubed statue looks like an enormous green sugarcube. Should you lick it? Probably not a good idea if it's cold out, the thing's made of copper and you'll get your tongue stuck.


This spherical statue is something of a curiosity, as it seems to mimic the Moquoi marbles in the Badlands, as that's the only sphere you can think of this size. Maybe a giant Oozeberry? 

The verdigris here has been pounded so smoothly it lacks any kind of shine... or hammer strikes. This might just be the artist showing off.


This rearing horse statue stands as a monument to all equines in Horse Isle that have been free of spirit and mind, never captured by an adventurer's lasso or taken in by a yummy treat. 

Most horses in the area seem to respect this statue, but only a few seem to stare wistfully at it.


This beautiful horse statue stands as a monument to all of our hard-working equines, both big and small. 

The horses in the area seem to nod their respect to it as they pass.

Cost: 500 stone 5000 gold dust



This gorgeous spiral topiary would seem to go on forever if there weren't that silly inability to grow higher than it is.


This pegasus topiary seeks to leave its earthly shackles and take to the skies. The air around it smells sweet and fresh, and still slightly horsey.


This gorgeous kitty topiary looks as though it's ruling over the entire club, its eyes ever watchful. Nearby, you hear a slight purring sound and feel very content. 

A plaque is set up at the bottom: 


Do not set drinks anywhere near the cat topiary. They keep getting spilled, and the club is not responsible for lost beverages.


This gorgeous dolphin topiary artfully stretches and turns in a way that makes it seem like the aquatic mammal might actually exist in this well-crafted topiary. 

You're not sure, but you think you hear a distant strain of song- something about fish?


This is a very good dog, standing vigilant over the club and keeping guard over all they survey. Horses that pass it instinctively pat the big dog topiary on the head, and you get a sense of immense happiness from the bush.


This perfectly spherical topiary is a wonder of herbological engineering. Where are the roots???


This beautiful swan looks as though they're swimming through the club area, though you're pretty sure it can't move on its own.

Cost: 1000 wood 5000 gold dust