Club Buildings

Remaining pictures, firepits, and castle buildings coming soon <3



This Victorian Clubhouse towers over the landscape, a regal monarch to the other buildings. It is stately and proud without being intimidating. 

Inside, the couches and lounge chairs are a deep, soft velvet and are plentiful in number, but not overwhelming. A spiral staircase leads upward to the higher floors, detailed with gold filigree. The wallpaper is very delicately pink and green without being overwhelming (as all good cabbage rose wallpaper should be.)

The interior smells slightly of fruit, and it seems to be emanating from... a pineapple??

Note: Upon removal of any clubhouse, you'll need to rebuild it from the ground up. You are not refunded any building materials and this is the only case this happens.

Cost: ???

Old West

This Western club house is the center of the Club, housing its members. Every club level grants its club an additional five member slots. 

This clubhouse is enormous, allowing everyone to have their own room inside to keep track of all club-related documents.

Peeking your head inside, you see neatly arranged furniture, some piled books (borrowed from the nearby library, of course!) and a tray of horse treats located near the entrance. The horse treats are still warm, and their delicate scent is carried out through the door.

Note: Upon removal of any clubhouse, you'll need to rebuild it from the ground up. You are not refunded any building materials and this is the only case this happens.

Cost: ???


This adobe club house is the center of the Club, housing its members. Every club level grants its club an additional five member slots. 

Running your hand along the side of this feels kind of weird, but not entirely unpleasant. It has a cool surface in any environment. 

Peeking your head inside, you see neatly arranged furniture, some piled books (borrowed from the nearby library, of course!) and a tray of horse treats located near the entrance. The horse treats are still warm, and their delicate scent is carried out through the door.

Note: Upon removal of any clubhouse, you'll need to rebuild it from the ground up. You are not refunded any building materials and this is the only case this happens.

Cost: ???



Cost: ???

Adventure Table

Scattered both on and around this table are quests you can undertake, created by members of the club it belongs to. They claim glory and rewards for completing them, and no end of frustration for the more difficult quests to undertake!

Despite the table being completely covered with potential adventures, maps of the region, and gold dust, it's got an odd sort of order to it.

Quests will appear at the table of the club you belonged in when you unlocked the quest slot in.

Cost: 100 wood 100 gold dust

Auction House


There are no yelps or howls coming from this auction house. Instead, the auctioneers present each horse as they would a valuable piece of art, enunciating every feature of the horse, its breed, age, and gender before allowing people to begin bidding. A series of paddles goes up- though the auction is very refined, the atmosphere is no less electric than the other auction houses!

Cost: 500 wood 750 stone 

1300 gold dust

Old West

This Old Western style auction house has many horses waiting and auctioneers with their rapid-fire speech rattling off numbers, and auction callers yelping every time someone raises a bid. 

You can hear descriptions being rattled off of every animal that enters the ring, and the energy in the area is charged with excitement of new purchases and great sales.

Cost: 380 wood 63 stone 

250 gold dust


From the Auction House Association Network:

Utilizing the proprietary 3.0 KiloBeak Network powered by HPtech* Horse auctioning can be quickly broadcast across the lands to all other partnering auction houses.  Or one can simply list a local auction as well if one was such a Luddite. (* Homing Pigeon Tech)

Peeking your head inside (and ducking the pigeons flying in and out,) you see many people and horses. There are rings where horses are being auctioned off, pigeons being sent with new bids and payment. It seems very efficient. And messy.

Cost: 63 wood 380 stone 

250 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone 

? gold dust

Clock Tower


A Victorian clock tower, this elegant timepiece gently counts away the minutes. The shaded in bit tells you when it's dark.

Cost: 500 wood 750 stone 

2300 gold dust

Old West

The clock isn't just decorative- it tells you the game time and the shaded bit is when it's nighttime. The light bit is daytime!

This is a very simple clock, but it gets the job done.

Cost: 380 wood 63 stone 

1300 gold dust


Two clocks and a Bell make this a handy centerpiece to a town. Only Leader+ members may ring the bell, otherwise it just becomes annoying ;)

The clock isn't just decorative- it tells you the game time and the shaded bit is when it's nighttime. The light bit is daytime!

Cost: 63 wood 380 stone 

1300 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone 

? gold dust

Competition Board

Read this posting board for upcoming competitions and currently running ones.

A Silver Member or higher in a club may host competitions in their own club. 

This board is filled with old and new competition announcements and show bills. The older ones show water damage, either from rain or a horse splashing it. It's difficult to tell how long ago some of these were pinned up here, but they seem to be plastered on.

Cost: 100 wood 100 gold dust

Dye Shed


This is no mere dye shed: This building is an artist studio. The stained glass in the front lets in plenty of soft, colored light, but it doesn't appear to mess with the ambient lighting inside, which is good for the individuals currently trying to color match a difficult shade of pink. 

Many rows of tables with what look like alchemy stations are neatly tended to by squirrels that were given the task to keep each station tidy. 

Cost: 200 wood 300 stone 

500 gold dust

Old West

A place to combine dye ingredients to make fabric dyes, this shed smells like an odd mix of bleach and crushed acorns. Perfume companies likely won't be bottling the scent soon. 

This dye station is very tidy, and someone has gone through the trouble to clean up any dye that might have been spilled prior to your arrival.

Cost: 150 wood 25 stone 

100 gold dust


A place to combine dye ingredients to make fabric dyes, this shed smells like an odd mix of ammonia and blueberries. Perfume companies likely won't be bottling the scent soon. 

The floor is covered in various dye stains, and some thoughtful person has propped a mop in the corner. It doesn't appear to have been used.

Cost: 25 wood 150 stone

100 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust



The expert that resides in this building is a taciturn fellow that speaks little to you, but is very kind to your horse. Along the shelves that line the walls are the Standard of Perfection for every breed that exists in Horse Isle, and you're a little surprised that the shelves don't buckle under the weight. 

Cost: 200 wood 300 stone

500 gold dust

Old West

The Horse Expert sits inside, preparing gene reports and comparing and contrasting horses from one breed to another. He seems frazzled, but very good at his job. 

He can tell you what breed your wild horse is, how closely it matches up to another breed (but only one at a time!), how closely to perfection your horses with a registered breed are, your horse's genetics, or if new information reveals that your horse might be a newly discovered breed. 

He'll do all this for a cost, of course, as his time is very valuable.

Cost: 150 wood 25 stone

100 gold dust


The Horse Expert sits inside, preparing gene reports and comparing and contrasting horses from one breed to another. He seems frazzled, but very good at his job. 

He can tell you what breed your wild horse is, how closely it matches up to another breed (but only one at a time!), how closely to perfection your horses with a registered breed are, your horse's genetics, or if new information reveals that your horse might be a newly discovered breed. 

He'll do all this for a cost, of course, as his time is very valuable.

Cost: 25 wood 150 stone

100 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust



This grand looking exporter has a mission for you: there's a very picky client inside that needs an item (or a few) that only Horse Isle has. You can see them pacing through the picture window, explaining to the exportmaster their exact reasoning for needing these items. 

He does not seem to care, but waves you in. 

Cost: 200 wood 300 stone

500 gold dust

Old West

This exporter has requests from very far away lands that require various items from our own Horse Isle. Sometimes the requests seem a little... ridiculous? but will almost always pay out well. 

You can have one Exporter Quest from every club you visit, and they time out after 30 hours. 

This western style building has many safes containing all the gold dust it needs to pay out quests for the day, and it looks like there's more hidden away in the vault. A vulture atop the vault door warns you away from looking in for too long!

Cost: 150 wood 25 stone

100 gold dust


This exporter has requests from very far away lands that require various items from our own Horse Isle. Sometimes the requests seem a little... ridiculous? but will almost always pay out well. 

You can have one Exporter Quest from every club you visit, and they time out after 30 hours. 

Cost: 25 wood 150 stone

100 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust



This beautifully fluted, elegant fountain babbles and bubbles. Its magic is evident- it can give items or fill up various energy bars, should you give it what it requests. 

Cost: 1000 wood 1600 stone

2500 gold dust

Old West

Your every wish, granted! Nearly. 

You can use this to fill any buckets you have to water your horses- don't worry, despite all the money and magic and people that surf in it,  it's totally clean and filtered. 

Subscribers are given a daily Wishing Coin that they can toss into this Fountain that offers some items, money, essence, or will partially refill your travel/focus/energy bars.

Additionally, you may toss 10 essence for money or 100 essence for 1000 energy, focus, or travel- it will not grant what you already have if your bars are full.

Cost: 750 wood 230 stone

500 gold dust


Your every wish, granted! Nearly. 

You can use this to fill any buckets you have to water your horses- don't worry, despite all the money and magic and people that surf in it,  it's totally clean and filtered.

Subscribers are given a daily Wishing Coin that they can toss into this Fountain that offers some items, money, essence, or will partially refill your travel/focus/energy bars.

Additionally, you may toss 10 essence for money or 100 essence for 1000 energy, focus, or travel- it will not grant what you already have if your bars are full.

Cost: 130 wood 850 stone

500 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust



This imbuery has several sets of tack, each displaying a different imbument. The light source inside consists of imbuement crystals, which scatter a rainbow of hues all over the walls. The energy inside is charged with the magic of many, many gems having gone through it. 

Cost: 1000 wood 1500 stone

13000 gold dust

Old West

A place to combine crystals into stat bonuses for tack!

This building is almost covered in glitter on the floor, and you quickly realize it's imbuement crystal dust, ground into the wood grain by many feet. Unlike Adobe imbueries, this has no sample tack laying about, but has a delicate magical humming to it. 

Cost: 750 wood 130 stone

11000 gold dust


A place to combine crystals into stat bonuses for tack!

This building is lined with shelves and shelves of crystals and what can only be described as 'example' tack that looks a little bit like plastic. When asked, the Imbuer says, "Do you know how expensive this tack is? We're not just going to put it on display!!"

Cost: 130 wood 750 stone

11000 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust



This importer has rows upon rows of gardening seeds and examples of what the plants will look like all grown up. It is very neat and orderly, with the prices set by the club very clearly outlined by each wicker basket that contains seed packets (and other imported things.)

Cost: 200 wood 300 stone

500 gold dust

Old West

This western store holds items not found in Horse Isle, so the club village has decided to stock them in one handy place. 

Inside, you can see imported seeds, wool, and various other clutter (mostly consisting of spilled seed packets.)

Cost: 150 wood 25 stone

100 gold dust


This adobe store holds items not found in Horse Isle, so the club village has decided to stock them in one handy place. 

Inside, you can see imported seeds, wool, and various other clutter (mostly consisting of spilled seed packets.)

Cost: 25 wood 150 stone

100 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust

Lamp Post

This wooden lamp post illuminates the area with a gentle glow, casting light in the darkness. 

This one seems to have a bit of horse hair rubbed off on it, likely from a horse finding the sturdy post to be the perfect thing to take care of a difficult itch.

Cost: 270 wood 75 stone

550 gold dust



A Victorian library, this library is full of every book ever written and has empty, wooden shelves for more breed information. The leatherbound books smell faintly of mushrooms and old paper. It has a number of botanical directories, as well as several well-worn tomes on geography and topography. 

The librarian assures you that the faintly striped wallpaper is not a 'real' green wallpaper, which is only slightly worrying.

The gaslights overhead let out a soft humming sound and illuminate the library just enough to make it incredibly comfortable to read in.

Cost: 200 wood 300 stone

500 gold dust

Old West

This Library has massive amounts of information stored within. Its hallways smell like old books and new ink, a curious mixture. The outside of this western-style library has a magnificent hitching post, as well, for your horses.

The Library contains the Big Book of Breeds (a magical tome that is updated every time a new breed is discovered to exist!), information about every collectible item in the world, and has information about every biome of Horse Isle, along with the ability to register a horse as a Notable Ancestor.

This is also where you come to learn new specializations to make the game more in tune to how you play!

Cost: 150 wood 25 stone

100 gold dust


This Library has massive amounts of information stored within. Its hallways smell like old books and new ink, a curious mixture. 

The Library contains the Big Book of Breeds (a magical tome that is updated every time a new breed is discovered to exist!), information about every collectible item in the world, and has information about every biome of Horse Isle, along with the ability to register a horse as a Notable Ancestor.

This is also where you come to learn new specializations to make the game more in tune to how you play!

Cost: 25 wood 150 stone

100 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust



This ostlery smells of horse shampoo and wet dirt, but is otherwise spotless and even the railings shine with an intense cleanliness. The resident ostler is finishing up a horse's coat with so much joy and shine that the horse almost looks metallic.

The ostler in residence will also, for a bit of gold dust, change your horse's mane and tail. Your horse's profile will say whether or not it's been styled, and how. 

Cost: 200 wood 300 stone

500 gold dust

Old West

The Ostler here in this club town will feed, water, and groom your horse, though their prices are high! 

A horse steps through the door, lead by the horse ostler. He looks absolutely magnificent, his coat glittering in the light as he prances about, showing off his newly groomed coat. 

This ostler will also, for a fee, change the appearance of your horse's mane and tail. It will be specified in their profile if they've had anything styled!

Cost: 150 wood 25 stone

100 gold dust


The Ostler here in this club town will feed, water, and groom your horse, though their prices are high! 

You see a horse that's that stepped out of the ostlery, its coat catching the sunlight just right, making it look like it's shining. The ostler lets you in on a little secret: they use lanolin to make them shinier!

This ostler will also style your horse's mane and tail, if you pay them well enough. The horse's profile will display the type of styling done, if any.

Cost: 25 wood 150 stone

100 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust

Post Office


The postmaster within has a waxed mustachio that arches out at least six inches on either side, with a gold-rimmed monocle and chain that somehow vanishes instead of going anywhere. His waistcoat is smart and well-fitted, and the rest of the post office reflects his dress. 

Several messenger pigeons stand at the ready to take mail from customers, all looking as though they're either fake or extremely well trained. Not a feather is out of place on these regal messengers.

Cost: 200 wood 300 stone

500 gold dust

Old West

This post office is much more than a SIMPLE post office! 

You can certify your horses here, check out the status of the Esroh Fund, see nearby houses, take on mail missions and, of course, send and receive mail. 

Inside seems to be a flurry of letters coming and going. If there's a postal worker in here, you can't tell. You're mostly impressed that all these letters are flying around and they all seem to be avoiding you.

Cost: 150 wood 25 stone

100 gold dust


This post office is much more than a SIMPLE post office! 

You can certify your horses here, check out the status of the Esroh Fund, see nearby houses, take on mail missions and, of course, send and receive mail. 

Inside seems to be a flurry of letters coming and going. If there's a postal worker in here, you can't tell. You're mostly impressed that all these letters are flying around and they all seem to be avoiding you.

Cost: 25 wood 150 stone

100 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust

Show Platform

This show platform is where the club's horse shows are held. 

A horse show is judged by the creator's standards, and these may be any number of things. A good horse show is something like "Most Resembles a Small Cow" or "Prettiest Foal" while a show that isn't so good might be "2020 Memorial Show for the seventh plant I neglected this month." (Just make sure it focuses on the horses :)! )

If you feel a judge is biased against you, generally it's just a good idea to not enter those shows.

Horses gain experience with every show and every placing; the higher the placement, the more experience.

It also helps to have more than one judge- multiple judges means the horses gain more experience!

Cost: 100 wood 20 stone

500 gold dust

Store Slab


This Victorian Store is easily the most lovely little boutique you've seen, with every item for sale being lovingly placed on stone and marble shelves and the price very clearly displayed. The wallpaper inside is fresh and vibrant, having recently been applied with a skilled hand. A daybed rests against one of the picture windows, enabling anyone to rest a while or catch up. 

The store smells faintly of roses and saddle leather.

Cost: 80 wood 120 stone

200 gold dust

Old West

This Old Western store belongs to a member of this club, and has several wooden shelves inside, full of their magnificent wares. Several stalls are in the back, along with horse name tags with information on the horse residing in the stall. 

The interior smells gently of horses and, surprisingly, a warm apple pie.

Cost: 60 wood 10 stone

40 gold dust


This Adobe store belongs to a club member, and its interior houses some of the goods they've got for sale. Peeking your head inside, you see several mud-and-brick shelves which display items, and some stall space in the back for stud services and horses for sale. 

The interior smells of rain and, inexplicably, cinnamon.

Cost: 10 wood 60 stone

40 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust

Stores Board

This Shopping board contains a list of everything- and every horse- that's currently in a store. Pigeons fly about the board, updating prices and shop stock counts with slips of paper and horse information. The birds also pluck older information to discard it in a nearby trashcan- how courteous!


100 wood 100 gold dust



This horse trader would scream "I'm Elegant!" if it were the proper thing to do. Unlike its Western counterpart, this building has no stray papers or forgotten objects laying about. It reminds you a bit of a bank, particularly with the gold bars lined up under the trader requests. The trademaster is perusing a pamphlet of horses for sale, seemingly ignoring you until you decide which horses you're selling.

Cost: 200 wood 300 stone

500 gold dust

Old West

The Horse Trader is where you can sell off excess or just unwanted horses. 

Inside, there are five buyers with a quick list of what they're looking for and why they would like it. Each sits at a desk (you're pretty sure there's a desk under all the paper, anyhow) with large stacks of gold dust. Behind them is a door large enough for the tallest, widest horses to fit through, leading to... you're not sure. It probably teleports the horses to their new homes or something.

The room smells like stale chocolate chip cookies and tea left too long to steep.

Cost: 150 wood 25 stone

100 gold dust


The Horse Trader is where you can sell off excess or just unwanted horses. The trade requirements change once a day so if you don't like what's currently being offered for your horses, wait a bit! 

Inside, there are three buyers with a quick list of what they're looking for and why they would like it. Each sits at a desk (you're pretty sure there's a desk under all the paper, anyhow) with large stacks of gold dust. Behind them is a door large enough for the tallest, widest horses to fit through, leading to... you're not sure. It probably teleports the horses to their new homes or something.

The room smells like coffee in various stages of being burnt.

Cost: 25 wood 150 stone

100 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust



This Victorian training building has several indoor arenas to get your horse in the best competition form possible. The floors are all soft sawdust, which gets kicked up sometimes from a particularly fresh pony over in the next arena. There are tables lined with refreshments for you while the trainer works with your horse.

This place is tres chic!

Cost: 500 wood 750 stone

1300 gold dust

Old West

This trainer has the typical round pen you've come to expect in these isles, plus comfortable seating. The office inside has various training methods pinned to the walls, as well as photos of their most successful trainees. 

Cost: 380 wood 63 stone

250 gold dust


This trainer has the typical round pen you've come to expect in these isles. The office inside has various training methods pinned to the walls, as well as photos of their most successful trainees. 

Cost: 63 wood 380 stone

250 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust



Natural light filters into this vet through the skylight, illuminating it as though the entire building were lit up with lamps. This is very useful for the vet, who appears to be tweezing out a splinter from a horse's leg. The walls, horse stall, and front desk are all a very pretty white.

The building smells of vinegar and lemongrass, which smarts at your nose a little.

Cost: 200 wood 300 stone

500 gold dust

Old West

This sterile smelling building has your horse absolutely terrified! 

The vets inside are friendly and welcoming, immediately calming down their patients (once you've dismounted, of course.) 

The walls are lined with anatomical and medical charts, including height and weights for what looks like individual breeds. It's a shame that the text is illegible, written like a very nervous raccoon got hold of a pen.

Cost: 150 wood 25 stone

100 gold dust


This sterile smelling building has your horse absolutely terrified! 

You're not sure why, though. Inside, it's clean, cool, and the staff is friendly. The walls are decorated with charts and pictures of happy fillies and colts cavorting over lush fields next to their moms. 

The seats are pretty comfortable, too, and not at all the hard plastic you're used to in most vet waiting rooms.

Cost: 25 wood 150 stone

100 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust


Why travel yourself?  Pay to be brought to various locations that the club has selected routes for.

This wagon is sturdy, built from solid wood and wrought iron from a local furnace. It smells faintly of hay and every location it's ever been.

Cost: 100 wood 100 gold dust

Welcome Area

Welcome to Horse Isle! You've been Randomly Placed at a club, which acts as a town. This is just one of many clubs, there are no official 'starting points.' 

For more information, please see the Getting Started guide at the side of your screen- Beginner Bird will very happily help you through all the steps!


Cost: 500 wood 750 stone

1300 gold dust

Old West

Cost: 380 wood 63 stone

250 gold dust


Cost: 63 wood 380 stone

250 gold dust



Cost: ? wood ? stone

? gold dust