Horse Farming For Beginners

Horse Farming For Beginners

Horse Farming For Beginners

Best Horse Breeds For Beginners

Relatively few horses are inspected and evaluated by experienced horsemen. Most horses are bought by persons who lack experience in judging but who have a practical need for the animal and take pride in selecting and owning a good horse. If you are an amateur, you should get the help of a competent horseman before you buy a horse.

When you select a horse, consider the following points.

• The horse should be the right size and weight for the rider. A small child should have a small horse or pony and a heavy adult should have a large horse. Also, a tall person should have a tall horse.

• A quiet, gentle horse that is not too spirited is best for an inexperienced adult or a child.

• A three-gaited horse usually is best for a beginner. A beginner needs experience riding a horse in the three natural gaits—walk, trot, and gallop—before he attempts to ride a horse executing more complicated gaits.

After deciding what kind of horse you need, you are ready to select a particular horse. The best method is to select your horse on the basis of body characteristics and performance, and on show ring winnings if he is a show horse. If you intend to use your horse for breeding, you also should consider his pedigree and the records of his near relatives and offspring.

Before you go out to buy a horse, you should be able to identify the parts of a horse, detect blemishes and unsoundnesses and determine age.

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Parts of a Horse

You should have a thorough knowledge of the parts of a horse and be able to understand the language commonly used in describing them. The diagram on tWs page shows the parts of a horse.

The use of a score card is a good way to make sure that you have inspected all parts of a horse before you buy him. A score card lists all the parts and assigns a proper value to each part. 

Blemishes and Unsoundnesses

An integral part of selecting a horse lies in your ability to recognize common blemishes and unsoundnesses and your ability to rate the importance of each, A thorough knowledge of sound body and limb structure makes it easy to recognize imperfections.

Any abnormal deviation in the structure or function of a horse constitutes an unsoundness. From a practical standpoint, however, you should distinguish between abnormalities that do and those that do not aflfect serviceability.

Blemishes include abnormalities that do not affect service  ability, such as scars from wire cuts or rope burns.

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Unsoundnesses include more serious abnormalities that affect serviceability, such as splints, ringbone, or founder.

Consider the use to which you intend to put the animal before you buy a blemished or unsound horse.

The locations of common blemishes and unsoundnesses are shown in the diagram on this page. Deñnitions of the names of the blemishes and unsoundnesses follow.

Horse Farming For Beginners

How Do I Prepare For My First Horse Show?

To be successful in showing horses, you must learn the rules of the class and the correct showing techniques. The two major kinds of classes are performance and halter, or breeding, classes.

In performance classes, the horses demonstrate one or more skills, such as executing the various gaits. There are too many kinds of performance classes to be discussed here. For details on how to show your horse in a performance class, see the rule book of the American Horse Shows Association and the rules printed in the programs of local horse shows.

In halter classes, the horses are judged on their conformation and breed characteristics.

Halter classes are shown **in hand," which means the horse wears a halter or bridle and is led before the judge by an exhibitor, usually the owner or trainer.

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The halter or bridle should be clean, properly adjusted, and fitted with a clean leather or rope lead.

Some of the principles you can use to guide you when showing a horse in the halter classes are discussed as follows:

• Groom your horse thoroughly before the show.

• Enter the show-ring promptly and in tandem when your class is called. Line up at the proper location or continue to move around the ring in tandem, as directed by the judge.

• When you line up, stand your horse squarely on all four feet with the front feet on higher ground than the hind feet if possible.

Stand your horse in the pose approved for the breed. For example, Arabians do not stand in a stretched pose, but American Saddle breds stand with their front legs straight under them and their hind legs stretched out back of them. Other breeds usually stand in a slightly stretched position somewhat between these two extremes.

• When your turn comes to move your horse, show him at the walk first and then at the trot, To move your horse, hold the upper part of the lead strap or rope in your right hand and the folded or coiled end in your left hand and lead him from his left side.

• If your horse is well-mannered, give him 2 to 3 feet of lead so he can keep his head, neck, and body in a straight line as he moves forward.

But keep the lead taut so you have continuous contact with your horse. Do not look back.

• Walk your horse forward briskly in a straight line for 50 to 100 feet, as directed by the judge.

When you turn around, always turn your horse to the right and away from you and walk around him as he turns. If you turn him toward you, he is more likely to step on you. Make the turn as small and as effortless as possible.

• Lift your knees a little higher when you are exhibiting your horse than you do ordinarily.

• After you walk your horse the required distance and return, you then trot him the required distance and return, usually about 100 feet. To save time, the judge may have you walk your horse going and trot him coming back.

Follow the same procedure at the trot that you did at the walk, except bring your horse to a walk and move him slightly toward you before making the turn, • After the trot, stand your horse in the proper pose in front of the judge. When the judge has finished his inspection, move your horse to the location in the line indicated by the judge.

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• Keep your horse posed at all times and watch the judge closely for instructions.

• When the judge signals you to move to another position, back, your horse out of line or if you have room, turn him to the rear of the line and approach the new position from behind.

• Try to keep your horse from kicking when he is close to other horses.

• Keep calm at all times. If you get nervous, you will create an unfavorable impression on the judge.

• Work in close partnership with your horse. Train him so he will understand you 

• Be courteous and respect the rights of other exhibitors.

• Never stand between the judge and your horse.

• Be a good sport. Win without bragging and lose without complaining.

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