Young Judy Hopps: [initially hushed, her voice gradually increasing in volume] Fear, treachery, blood lust. Thousands of years ago, these were the forces that ruled our world. A world where prey were scared of predators. And predators had an uncontrollable, biological urge to maim and maul, and-

[The rabbit drinks from the water hole, notices, and turns around just when the tiger pounces towards it. Cut to reality. It is revealed that the "jungle" is really a stage in an auditorium, and as for the hunting, Jaguar, in a tiger costume, is pretending to pounce on a young Judy Hopps, who is wearing gray and white clothes that match her fur.]

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Young Judy Hopps: Ahh! [she draws out long, red ribbons from her costume] Blood, blood, blood! [Judy falls on her back, making choking noises. She reaches for a hidden ketchup bottle and, while still laying on her back, places it upright under her arm and squeezes its contents all over her body while pretending to convulse.] And... death!

[Judy squeezes the bottle one last time, much to the horror and disgust of the audience and her parents, Bonnie and Stu Hopps, the latter of whom is recording the play with a camcorder with his mouth agape, and the former, who is facepalming. Bobby Catmull bangs dramatically on a timpani drum. Judy stands up.]

Young Judy Hopps: Back then, the world was divided in two - vicious predators [Jaguar hisses] and meek prey. [Judy gives an innocent look as her ears droop. Boxes, labeled "Viscous [sic] Predator" and "Meek Prey" lower down and cover them. The "sc" in "Viscous" is crossed out and replaced with "ci," proving it was corrected to being spelled "vicious." Bobby plays bass notes on the hammered dulcimer heavily, then plays a light harp glissando, when Sharla the sheep in white robe-like clothing tosses confetti from a basket over the bags and prances around.] But over time, we evolved and looked beyond our primitive savage ways. [The boxes pull up and Judy and Jaguar are in white robes as well. Sharla pops a noisemaker and Judy and Jaguar hold paws] Now, predator and prey live in harmony and every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities.

Sharla: Yeah, I don't have to cower in a herd anymore. [takes off white clothing, revealing an astronaut outfit and puts on a helmet] Instead, I can be an astronaut! [The crowd applauds as Bobby plays a slide whistle indicating alien music.]

Jaguar: [slightly monotone from nervousness] I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore. [takes off robe-clothing, revealing a nice suit and tie, and takes out a pen, his voice becomes more confident.] Today, I can hunt for tax exemptions; I'm gonna be an actuary! [The crowd applauds again as Bobby plays the piano.]

Young Judy Hopps: And I can make the world a better place, I am going to be... [Bobby turns on a radio and moves his head side to side with the beat of the police music that is heard, and Judy tears off the clothing revealing a police officer's uniform] ...a police officer!

Young Judy Hopps: [puts on a police officer's hat] It may seem impossible to small minds - I'm looking at you, Gideon Grey - [Gideon glares at her; the jungle backdrop curtain on the stage rises, revealing a colorful painted mural of Zootopia behind it. Sharla and Jaguar hold up a banner reading "where anyone can be anything"; Bobby plays the piano in the background.] ...but, just two-hundred and eleven miles away stands the great city of Zootopia, where our ancestors first joined together in peace and declared that anyone can be anything! [Judy bows. Bobby plays the final notes on a keyboard and turns to the audience with a grin. The audience applauds. Stu closes the camcorder and he and Bonnie look at each other in concern] Thank you and good night!

Young Judy Hopps: [disappointed] Oh... [enthusiasm picks up again] Then I guess I'll have to be the first one! Because I [runs to a stand, flips off of it, and lands, striking a pose] am gonna make the world a better place!

Stu Hopps: Amen to that. Carrot farming is a noble profession. [as Bonnie and Stu are talking, Judy sees Sharla, Gareth, and a rabbit girl with tickets walking off; Gideon and Travis are close by and they follow them.]

Stu Hopps: Yeah, just as long as you don't believe in them too much. [They both turn to look at her, but then realize that Judy is no longer present. Stu briefly looks around] Where'd the heck she go?

Young Gideon Grey: Cry, little baby bunny, cry! Cr- [Then, Judy kicks Gideon hard in the face, causing the others to gasp, flabbergasted. Gideon feels his lip.] Aww, you don't know when to quit, do you? [Gideon unsheathes his claws. Judy gasps in fear, and Gideon growls, then slashes Judy across the cheek. She shrieks in agony, and her friends cringe; the rabbit girl and Sharla cover their eyes and Gareth bites his lip. Judy's cheek shows three claw marks on it. Judy feels her cheek and gasps, her face full of fear. Gideon grabs Judy's head, holding it into the ground as she whimpers] I want you to remember this moment the next time you think you will ever be anything more than just a stupid, carrot-farming dumb bunny! [he gives her head one final push for good measure]

Young Judy Hopps: Well, he was right about one thing: [Judy picks up her officer hat off the ground and puts it back on, as determination spreads rapidly across her face.] I don't know when to quit!

Major Friedkin: Listen up, cadets! Zootopia has twelve unique ecosystems within its city limits. Tundratown! Sahara Square! Rainforest District - to name a few! You're gonna have to master all of them before you hit the streets or guess what? [looks at Judy] You'll be dead! [Judy shows a surprised look.]

[Eventually, however, Judy returns and does personal training by doing pull-ups on her bunk bed with an open book in front of her. She then has returned to the Academy and hopped over two of her fellow cadets to hop over the iceberg, much to the impression of the Major. Then in the ring, she dodges the rhino's punches, pulls back against the ropes and kicks the rhino's hand, making him punch himself, knocking his mouth guard and falls down.]

Leodore Lionheart: As mayor of Zootopia, I am proud to announce that my mammal inclusion initiative has produced its first police academy graduate. Valedictorian of her class, ZPD's very first rabbit officer, Judy Hopps! [Judy in full police uniform, walks up with confidence as her family cheers for her.]

Leodore Lionheart: Judy, it is my great privilege to officially assign you to the heart of Zootopia, precinct one, city center. [Judy lets out a squeal of excitement. Judy's brothers and sisters cheer, Bonnie and Stu look at each other in concern, clapping slowly.]

[The continually increasing population, as shown by the Bunnyburrow sign, decreases by one as the train leaves. On the train, Judy searches her iPaw, selects Gazelle, and then, "Try Everything" from the list. Thus... Try Everything by Gazelle plays in the background as the train passes various areas; Judy sees camels galloping in Sahara Square; as the train enters Tundratown, Judy wipes off the mist and looks at the sights. Next, the train heads past Rainforest District and she marvels at the sight of the raindrops. Finally, the train arrives to Zootopia, an excited Judy gets off the train, rides an escalator, sees a hippo coming out from an underwater part of the train and is dried off via floor vents, and even passes hamster tunnels where lemmings are sliding off. Judy continues walking and looks around in awe. As the song ends, a video of Gazelle is played on a billboard.]

Dharma Armadillo: And welcome to the Grand Pangolin Arms, luxury apartments with charm. Complementary de-lousing once a month... Don't lose your key. [gives her the key and leaves]

Judy Hopps: Greasy walls... [puts her suitcase on the floor and presses down on the bed] Rickety bed... [Bucky and Pronk are heard next door saying "Shut up!" to each other, two pictures on Judy's wall move up and down as the two yell at each other] Crazy neighbors... [flops on the bed with a huge smile] I love it!!

Benjamin Clawhauser: O.M. Goodness. [puts down his bowl of cereal, clearly surprised and excited] They really did hire a bunny. [Laughs] What?! Heh, I gotta tell you, you are even cuter than I thought you'd be!

[Judy enters the room and sees a bunch of officers, most of the predator kind, conversing. She sees a lion and a polar bear arm wrestling. The polar bear pins the lion's arm down with a huge thud, surprising Judy and causing laughter from the other officers. She walks to a chair and struggles to get on, which she manages to do. She looks at Officer McHorn, a rhino.]

[Judy holds out her clenched paw for a fist bump. Officer McHorn snorts, rolls his eyes, and uses his fist to push Judy's fist, which pushes her and her chair a few feet away. She laughs half-heartedly.]

Chief Bogo: Alright. Alright! Everybody sit. [Judy sits, but when she sits, only the tips of her ears are shown, so later she stands.] I've got three items on the docket. First... we need to acknowledge the elephant in the room. [turns to an elephant officer] Francine [they look at Francine in mild suspense] - happy birthday.

Chief Bogo: Finally; we have fourteen missing mammal cases - all predators - from a giant polar bear to a teensy little otter, and City Hall is right up my tail to find them! This is priority number one. [Higgins gives Chief Bogo the files; Bogo takes out glasses and starts handing them out to the assigned officers] Assignments: Officers Grizzoli, Fangmeyer, Delgato; your teams take missing mammals from the Rainforest District. [Delgato takes the file from Grizzoli as the team leaves] Officers McHorn, Rhinowitz, Wolfard; your teams take Sahara Square. [McHorn takes the file and his team leaves] Officers Higgins, Snarlov, Trunkaby: Tundratown. [Trunkaby takes the file and the team leaves] And finally our first bunny: Officer Hopps... [Judy anxiously awaits for her assignment; Chief Bogo sighs, giving a blank stare] parking duty. Dismissed. [Judy shows signs of confusion.] 152ee80cbc

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