Is snoring a sign of sleep apnea

Snoring is not uncommon for women.

Women snore too and just as loudly as men.

Furthermore, women are also associated with the same health hazards related to snoring as men.

In most cases, snoring could be distracting and irritating for the person nearby or your partner.

And there are plenty of reasons behind snoring.

But, what causes snoring in females?

And is there any difference between snoring and sleep apnea?

Follow us in our today’s blog "Is snoring a sign of sleep apnea", to get the answer to all these questions.

Difference Between Snoring And Sleep Apnea

This section of our blog will tell you how sleep apnea is different from mere snoring.

Following are the differences between simple snoring and sleep apnea:

#1. Snoring is the result of the vibration of your throat tissue when you breathe.

Whereas, obstructive sleep apnea happens due to complete blockage of air passage leading to choking and gasping.

#2. Sleep apnea causes a drop in the level of oxygen in the blood due to interrupted breathing.

Where snoring doesn’t cause any such problem.

#3. Sleep apnea leaves you tired and exhausted throughout the day due to poor sleep quality.

While snoring doesn’t lead to any exhaustion or fatigue feeling.

#4. Due to interrupted sleep and uneven sleeping pattern, obstructive sleep apnea could also be the reason behind your mood swings and depression.

Moving on, let's see what are the reasons for snoring in women

Reasons For Snoring In Females

It is a fact that women are less likely to snore as compared to men.

The reason behind it is the narrower air passage in men.

However, snoring is not specifically a men’s or women’s health problem but a general issue.

Following are the several factors behind the causes of snoring in females:

#1. Pregnancy

snoring is a very common thing during pregnancy.

It happens due to expanded nasal blood vessels and excess weight gain during pregnancy.

#2. Weight Gain

weight gain and snoring are related to each other.

Excessive weight leads to extra fat around the neck area.

This extra fat narrows the air passage causing hindrance in airflow, leading to snoring.

#3. Menopause

Menopause is one of the major hormonal imbalances that a woman has to go through.

Menopause causes hot flashes, insomnia, and sleep–disorder breathing including reduced muscle tone.

The reduced muscle tone in the throat causes snoring in females.

Moreover, after PMS the chances of a woman snoring is almost the same as men at around 40%.

#4. Age

The women’s snoring problem is directly proportional to her age.

To clarify, the proportion of women’s snoring problem increases with increasing age.

For instance, for a woman under 30, there are only 5% chances of snoring, whereas from 30 – 50 the chances of snoring rise to 20%.

#5. Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea could also be one of the reasons behind snoring in females.

Furthermore, sleep apnea occurs due to severe obstruction in the airflow.

It causes choking and gasping sound due to briefly and interrupted breathing during sleep.

Note: There are numerous other reasons of snoring in females.

Read our blog Causes of snoring in females to know about it in detail and the best home remedies to stop it immediately.

Snoring and sleep apnea have some common risk factors and similarities.

However, numerous causes of snoring and the differences between these two lead to different treatments.

The next section of our blog will tell you about how to prevent snoring.

Ways To Prevent Snoring

Following are the various ways to prevent snoring:

#1. Lose excessive weight.

#2. Choose anti-snoring pillows to help you prevent blocked airways.

#3. Avoid sleeping on your back.

#4. Avoid alcohol consumption before sleeping.

Consuming alcohol relaxes throat muscles which cause snoring.

#5. You can use nasal strips to reduce snoring.

Now that we have reached the end of our today's blog is snoring a sign of sleep apnea, it’s time to look at the conclusion.


So, is snoring a sign of sleep apnea?

The answer to this question is probably yes.

However, there are a lot of differences between just snoring and sleep apnea.

Where sleep apnea could be dangerous for you, simple snoring is not associated with any severe health problems.

Moreover, if you have the symptoms of sleep apnea you must consult a doctor to get rid of it.