Horde of Yahr

What are Volx?

"In the not-too-distant future, humankind had reached a significant milestone - venturing beyond the boundaries of their home planet Earth into the vast expanse of space. With advanced warp propulsion systems and revolutionary exploration vessels, they journeyed deeper into the cosmos than ever before. What they never anticipated, however, was what awaited them amidst the stars. Their journey led them to the far reaches of the cosmos, where they discovered a breathtaking celestial body known as Elysia.

Elysia, a planet shimmering with cosmic luminescence, radiated an otherworldly beauty that transcended anything humanity had ever witnessed. As the starship gracefully descended through the atmosphere, the crew's awe swelled as they beheld a mesmerizing sight: fox-like beings, their ethereal presence emphasized by jewel-like orbs nestled within tufted ears, and a captivating cluster of glass orbs adorning their tails. Intrigued by this spectacular phenomenon, the astronauts cautiously approached the foxes, ensuring not to disturb the harmony of the unknown ecosystem. To their surprise, the foxes responded with a gentle curiosity, studying the human visitors with their vibrant eyes reflecting the wonders they had witnessed.

As days turned into weeks, a strong bond formed between the explorers and the alien foxes. The foxes demonstrated their incredible hunting instincts, gracefully pouncing on evasive prey. They showcased an unparalleled exploratory nature, leading the astronauts to hidden caverns and ancient ruins filled with enigmatic artifacts.

With each interaction, the astronauts unraveled the secrets of the foxes' unique abilities. The jewel-like orbs in their ears served as conduits, granting them extraordinary sensory perception, enabling them to detect even the faintest of cosmic fluctuations. The cluster of glass orbs on their tails served as a means of communication, a language akin to interstellar code. Eager to understand and appreciate these celestial guardians, the astronauts embarked on a quest to foster a mutually beneficial relationship with these extraterrestrial beings. They carefully studied the foxes' habitat and began breeding and raising them as intergalactic companions.

As time went on, the astronauts observed the foxes' nurturing instincts, witnessing how they instinctively provided guidance and protection. Together, they formed a harmonious alliance that pushed the boundaries of imagination and exploration. The alien foxes adapted to the astronauts' space-traveling lifestyle, accompanying them on interstellar expeditions, safeguarding their journey amidst the vast cosmos."

~ written by cryptpuppy (1013228) on Chickensmoothie, creator of Volx

Horde of Yahr

The Horde of Yahr has a long history within the realm of Elysia. However, most of said History is long forgotten behind long made up stories of heroism, fake Gods and corruption.

But all of this ended with Anita.  Anita was a gentle soul. The most beautiful and caring Volx you'd ever lay your eyes upon. She was loved by everybody and after a milenia of corruption and hatred she was everything the Horde of Yahr needed. Anita changed they way the Volx thought and lived. She made their life better in all possible aspects and not long after they crowned her their official Queen.

Then there is Yahr. As you might notice from his name alone Yahr is adored by everybody. He is a literal God walking upon our world, doing whatever he can do help the Volx that worship the very ground he walks on. Yahr is their god. Yahr is everything good that ever happened to them. Yahr is the one who blessed the Volx with Anita and therefore her offsprings who have been keeping the piece between the Volx ever since Anitas passing and ascension to Yahr. 

My Inventory

123 VB

⟿  1x Astronomer's Sapphire

⟿  1x Alorith

⟿  1/15 Celestial Orb Dust

⟿  1/5 Celestial Orb Shard


⟿  1x unlimited rare and under MYO (from being accepted as an artist)

⟿  1x unlimited common MYO (from a giveaway)