
The Story Behind the Story.


The world we share is in a constant state of evolution. Humans have contributed to this evolution as a result of our high functioning human brain and the realities it has allowed our species to dream up and realize. At every point in our history, we have contributed to the creation of new knowledge, sometimes quickly and positively, sometimes not so much. It's undeniable though that in the zeitgeist of particular periods throughout the evolution of our species, relative technology and contemporary discoveries have moved us very rapidly and positively toward new knowledge and ways of knowing that have perpetually brought us forward and given us hope that we will thrive.

This phenomena is the foundation of Hope Alliance.

In contemporary times, relatively speaking, the opportunities provided for us as a result of our advanced, collective intellect have the capacity to take us to very exciting places faster than ever before. Our world is is growing. Quickly.

As we create, learn, discover, invent, and connect with advanced realities never before imagined (growing), consider that at the same time it is quite possible that some of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that we relied on in the past to get us here are diminishing. Is it possible that particular human traits that have evolved and served us well over centuries are shrinking from our consciousness as casualties of new ways of knowing and doing? 

These human traits that got us to this place of super advancement have served us well. 

Respecting ourselves and each other, learning with each other, supporting each other, and caring for each other, although not always acts that were prominently displayed during particular periods of our human history, have generally been considered desirable if we believe we need to create and support healthy, happy, productive, and responsible inhabitants of the metamorphic Earth we claim as ours.

The ways we understand our world and what we need to know about each other to live peacefully and productively within it are in essence, growing and shrinking at the same time. 

HOPE Alliance exists to bridge the gap between what we need to understand to live peacefully and productively with each other, and that which we've perhaps forgotten about what we already knew about doing just that. It taps into timeless wisdom that shall not be forgotten if we are to thrive in the ever-changing world together. In simultaneous form, the HOPE Alliance carefully and thoughtfully embraces what we as intelligent humans should have learned and internalized about living peacefully and productively with what has yet to be discovered and has the potential to be leveragable toward peaceful and productive human existence moving forward.

The HOPE Alliance represents a perspective toward purpose and productivity informed by human history and what we should have learned and not forgotten, and also by the imperatives of our future; what we need to understand in different ways to thrive and not destroy ourselves. 

There is no greater topic of discussion.