Hoon-Gyu Chung

I'm a  MS-Phd student of Baek's Group at Computer Graphics Lab @ POSTECH, advised by Prof. Seung-Hwan Baek. My research interests are 3D reconstruction and  inverse rendering.  I received a B.S in Electrical Engineering from Korea University.


Feb 2024


Differentiable Point-based Inverse Rendering

Hoon-Gyu Chung, Seokjun Choi, Seung-Hwan Baek

CVPR 2024

[PDF] [arXiv]  [Project] [Code] [Video]

We present differentiable point-based inverse rendering, DPIR, an analysis-by-synthesis method that processes images captured under diverse illuminations to estimate shape and spatially-varing BRDF.


POSTECH, Feb.2024 - Present

M.S-Ph.d in Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Korea University, Mar.2018 - Feb.2024

B.S in Department of Electrical Engineering