Science & Art

Kaitlyn Tucker

Kaitlyn Tucker

Kaitlyn Tucker

Kaitlyn Tucker

Kaitlyn Tucker 

University of Florida

Blue Crab Ghost

by Anna Voyatzoglou

Used from water samples collected by the FIO Weatherbird II's CTD in the Tampa Bay.

Sunrise Dolphins

by Anna Voyatzoglou

Used from water samples collected by the FIO Weatherbird II's CTD in the Tampa Bay.

Bonnethead Shark Ghost

by Anna Voyatzoglou

Used from water samples collected by the FIO Weatherbird II's CTD in the Tampa Bay.

Anna Voyatzoglou

University of Central Florida 

About the process of Voyatzoglou's work:

"While on the research vessel Weatherbird II, a CTD instrument was used to collect water samples at varying depths of St. Petersburg's bay. The samples were then used to create watercolor, ecomaterialistic pieces, reflecting on the plight of overfishing. The creatures depicted -- a blue crab and a bonnethead shark -- were both observed on this research journey. What would the bay look like without them? What if only their ghosts remained?"


by Arianna Lopez

Graphite pencil & Willow Charcoal on 4.5 x 6 Bristol Paper

Not Enough

by Arianna Lopez

Graphite pencil & Willow Charcoal on 4.5 x 6 Bristol Paper

Nowhere Everywhere

by Arianna Lopez

Graphite pencil & Willow Charcoal on 4.5 x 6 Bristol Paper

Jump In

by Arianna Lopez

Graphite pencil & Willow Charcoal on 4.5 x 6 Bristol Paper

Colors of the Sea

by Mia Akins

Hotel Guests Only

by Phoebe Barron

Collage created by Haley Vantoorenburg

Visual Essay 

(in the form of the FIO vessel the Hogarth)

by Lily Cope