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I am Dr. Hongjian Li, currently a Assistant Project Scientist at SSLEEC Materials Department at UCSB (world best III-nitride research center), working with Prof. Steven P. DenBaars (NAE), Prof .Shuji Nakamura (2014 Nobel Laureate in Physics) and Prof. James S. Speck. My current research focuses on MOCVD epitaxy growth of III-Nitride materials and visible/DUV LEDs/LDs, process design and their application.

I have publishes >40 peer-review scientific journals (first author/corresponding author >20) and filed 8 US and 3 world patents. 2 of the US patens have been licensed. 3 of the filed US patents have been transferred to industries for the commercialization interests of non-polar/semi-polar LDs.

My main achievements include:

1) World first's heteroepitaxially grown semipolar blue LDs on sapphire substrate;

2) Best MOCVD-grown Tunnel junctions uLEDs with lowest forward voltage;

3) State-of-the-art heteroepitaxial semipolar green LEDs and monolithic white LEDs(uLEDs) and the visible light communication application;

4) One of the world's highest InGaN green LEDs grown by MOCVD on PSS;

5) first non-polar thin film LDs using ELOG and cleave technology with commercialization interest.

If you are interested in my work, feel free to contact me at hongjianli (at) ucsb.edu.