Hongjian Yang

Email: yhj at stanford dot edu

I am a third year math Ph.D. student at Stanford University, advised by Ciprian Manolescu. I obtained my bachelor degree from Peking University, where my advisor was Yi Xie.  Here is my CV.

My research interests lie in low-dimensional topology, especially in the algebraic aspects of homological invariants. I also want to learn more about symplectic topology and homotopy theory.


Instantons and Khovanov homology in RP^3, submitted. arXiv

A homological action on sutured instanton homology, submitted. arXiv

Annular Khovanov homology and augmented links, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 24 (2024) 325-339. journal, arXiv


Filtered Burnside functors and spectral sequences. [PDF]

MATH 286 - Topics in Differential Geometry (an overview of Floer homologies), Winter 2022, taught by Ciprian Manolescu. Unpolished version available upon request.

Symplectic filling and Floer theory. Thesis for the B.S. degree.  Available upon request.

Seiberg-Witten invariant and its applications. Undergraduate research program at Peking University. 

Virtual fibering criteria and related problems. Final project for Topics in Low Dimensional Topology, Spring 2021.