Piano Lessons for All

I specialize in shaping the piano lesson to the student, no matter the age or experience level. I have many games and tools to help music and piano become exciting and fun. I would love to work with you!

About Miss Josie

My first introduction to formal musical training was through the Musikgarten program, which taught me how music is put together, not just how to play the notes. I spent four years in Musikgarten under the tutelage of Nan Croney, after which I studied under Marie Webre and Anna Parsons for an additional eight years. I also took violin lessons under Diane Austin's mentorship for nine years. I have taught myself how to play the viola and organ proficiently and find opportunities to dabble with other instruments, such as the guitar and zither. 

I'm the manager of the Northern Utah Youth Chamber Orchestra (where I moonlight as the percussionist), as well as the assistant manager of the Northern Utah Youth Symphony, Wind Ensemble, and Preparatory Strings groups. I provide the organ music in church each Sunday and enjoy sharing my talents and experience. The videos below are songs I've accompanied in church.

Musical Philosophy

Music is meant to be enjoyed. 

Learning the notes is great, but there is so much else that makes music fun to learn and listen to!

As explained by Haim Ginott, a teacher and child psychologist, "It is the music teacher who holds the key to the child's continuous interest in music. ... The teacher's emotional tone has a stronger echo than that teacher's musical instrument." I never want to do or say anything to diminish the love a student has for the piano or music in general. 


Each student has a weekly 30-minute lesson. There are 8 summer lessons and 28 lessons during the school year. Find a yearly calendar here

Students are invited to stay for an additional 30 minutes after their lesson to experiment with different novelty instruments including a zither, guitar, and omnichord. There are also some music learning games students can play during this time.

If a lesson is canceled by the student, it is their responsibility (with parent's help when necessary) to notify me. This helps the student feel the responsibility and ownership for the lesson. Every effort will be made to reschedule canceled lessons. If the student is unable to attend the lesson at all, I will make a short assignment video. Rescheduling is not available for no-show lessons. Students should be on time, if not a minute or two early; lessons will not be extended to accommodate tardiness.

Students are expected to bring their materials each week and be prepared for the lesson. Students are responsible for practicing and preparing for the lesson; parents are encouraged to assist. To further quote Haim Ginott, "Realistic leeway is provided in choosing the time and pace of music practice." I do not put practice requirements on my students; I hope they enjoy what they're learning enough that they want to practice at home. If they don't want to practice, I need to improve my teaching!

There are, however, ways parents can and should be involved in piano lessons! Parents can provide the time for practice. If children are overscheduled, they might be too tired or busy to be able to devote time to the piano. Similarly, video games or time with friends may be more tempting than practicing the piano. Parents can offer encouragement, praise, and a listening ear, along with a rewards system. I can back up a rewards system in the lesson but it seems to work best if the system is between the parent and student, without the teacher in the middle of it. For a visual of what practicing can do for students, please refer to the image below.

If there is a problem mid-week with an assignment or activity from the lesson, I would love to hear about it! I'd much rather fix the problem outside of the lesson than have the student struggle and suffer for a whole week. I am available via text, phone call, Facebook Messenger video call, and the video messaging app Marco Polo. Please reach out to me so we can keep piano practice fun and enjoyable!

Parents are welcome to attend lessons. I audio record each lesson and will provide the link to parents upon request.

If interested in lessons, each student/parent should fill out this Intake Form. I will contact you so we can discuss lessons further!

Click this link to read more of this article!


Each student provides a three ring binder to hold assignment sheets and other papers. 

The family is responsible for purchasing a lesson book for each student, if there isn't already something appropriate. I will recommend one book each semester that will serve the student well through their musical experience. If preferred, I can order the necessary books for a $2/book surcharge. 

Each student will gather a repertoire list of prepared pieces. When recital time rolls around, the student and I will choose one or two pieces that they would like to perform for the recital!

I am happy to recommend level-appropriate music books for families to purchase on their own. 

Recitals and Performances

I strongly believe that musicians need to perform regularly to improve their skills. Recitals can be scary at first but get less intimidating with experience. There will be a recital in December and another in May. There may be a recital at the end of the summer, depending on interest. 

It is also rewarding to perform as a service opportunity. A few weeks before each recital, all studio students will perform together at a nursing home or assisted living facility.

Students are encouraged to perform their pieces frequently for anyone who is available - grandparents, the mail man, or the dog!


Monthly tuition is due at the first lesson of each month. There are three options: 30 minute lessons for $45, 45 minute lessons for $65, or 60 minute lessons for $90. Lessons are held at my home in Honeyville. Lessons will not be taught in the new month until payment is received. Cash or check are accepted. If one of those is not an option, contact me.




Located in Honeyville, UT