Either way, one must wonder how they came to this point of tragic consequence? Did none of their family or friends ever offer an honest appraisal of their talent? Did they ever ask for an appraisal? If they did were they given honest answers? Or was there an attempt at truth that was short circuited by one party or the other? The conclusion of the matter must be that for one or both there was a nearly complete indifference to the prudence of honesty and truthfulness, and the tragic consequence is not a joyous occasion.

Oh yes you did. And that's fine. It was at least honest, and honesty's something you're not too comfortable with. Even when the truth is painful it is better than a lie. What you said is already taped to my laptop as a reminder. I'll never forget it.

Honesty Mp3 Download Billy Joel

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One of Joel's best and he's had plenty of worthy hits. Unfortunately honesty is seldom heard with some. And others don't wish to hear it. People who care say the difficult words if they have hope that another will find herself/himself worthy and begin to make better choices. I guess that's why some utter "b*tch" under their breath at me;)

The lyrics express the struggle to find truthfulness in a world where people are more inclined to offer love and tenderness than honesty. Through these words, Billy Joel highlights the value of honesty in relationships, suggesting that while love may come easily, true honesty is a rare and precious quality. In a time when trust in institutions was wavering, these lyrics resonated with listeners who longed for more genuine connections and transparent communication.

The chords in this bridge personify the emotions expressed by Joel's lyrics. He sings about the pain of being lied to, misled, and deceived. He sings about how difficult it is to find someone you can trust. He sings about how he can experience love, friendship, excitement, and tenderness that is clouded by insecurity without the presence of honesty.

Billy Joel's timeless song "Honesty" tackles a theme that resonates with listeners all over the world - the complexity and scarcity of truthfulness in our lives. Through introspective lyrics and a captivating melody, Joel discusses the search for honesty, the difficulty in finding it, and the significance it holds in his relationships. This song, while seemingly simple on the surface, delves deep into the human desire for authenticity and vulnerability.One standout lyric in "Honesty" is, "If you search for tenderness, it isn't hard to find. You can have the love you need to live." This line highlights the idea that tenderness and affection are readily available in our lives. However, it also suggests that these expressions of love may not always be genuine or accompanied by honesty. This lyric develops the theme of superficiality, emphasizing the need for honesty to go beyond surface-level interactions.Another compelling lyric from the song is, "But if you look for truthfulness, you might just as well be blind. It always seems to be so hard to give." Here, Joel captures the difficulty of finding and offering honesty in a world where deception often seems to rule. This lyric explores the theme of vulnerability, as it implies that people may fear the consequences of their truthful words or actions and choose to hide behind a faade instead. It implies that true honesty requires courage and strength.Moving further into the song, the chorus states, "Honesty is such a lonely word. Everyone is so untrue. Honesty is hardly ever heard, and mostly what I need from you." This chorus encapsulates the central theme of the song - the isolating nature of honesty. Joel suggests that in a world governed by deceit and insincerity, honesty becomes a solitary pursuit. He yearns for honesty in his relationships, emphasizing its importance as a foundation for trust and genuine connection.Additionally, Joel sings, "I don't want some pretty face to tell me pretty lies. All I want is someone to believe." This lyric expresses a desire for authenticity over superficial beauty or flattery. It expands on the theme of trustworthiness and sincerity by suggesting that Joel values someone who speaks the truth, even if it may not always be pleasant. It highlights the importance of being true to oneself and finding someone who can reciprocate that honesty.Furthermore, the following verse states, "I can find a lover, I can find a friend. I can have security until the bitter end. Anyone can comfort me with promises again." This lyric touches on the concept of false reassurances and the longing for more than empty words. It highlights the theme of reliance, suggesting that Joel seeks someone who can provide genuine support and remain steadfast through both good and bad times. It reinforces the idea that true honesty goes hand in hand with trustworthiness and dependability.Beyond these standout lyrics, "Honesty" ultimately serves as a reminder of the importance of authenticity in our lives. Joel presents the idea that while tenderness and affection may be abundant, true honesty is rare and valuable. The song calls on listeners to reflect on their own relationships, urging them to embrace the vulnerability that comes with being honest with others.In our world, where image and perception often take precedence, "Honesty" skillfully resonates with its listeners by exploring themes of superficiality, vulnerability, trustworthiness, and reliability. It demonstrates how honesty can uplift relationships and foster genuine connections, while also acknowledging the difficulties in achieving this authenticity. Billy Joel's song continues to captivate audiences today, reminding us all that in a world filled with deception, honesty will always be a lonely word worth seeking. e24fc04721

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