So You Have A Couple of Houses Available to be purchased
In the present economy, is there a better way to market property if you have several atherton houses for sale? Normally the path the average home seller would take is to call a local realtor and contract with them to try and sell their property. But if you have more than one property you want to move, I'm guessing you're not average are you? More than likely you're an investor and the thought of having to pay upwards of a 6% commission is not a pleasant thought at all, is it? If you had three properties and the average value of each was $100,000.00 that would mean you would have to pay $15,000.00 in commissions.
That's a lot of money but it's not outrageous if the realtor actually does their job. There is some good news here. What many people don't realize is you can actually negotiated the terms of a contract with a realtor. That's right, you can negotiate it. Call several in the area and give it a try. Why would they want to do this? A good reason would likely be that you are not a one trick pony. You don't just have one property, you have several houses for sale. The commissions, even at a slightly lower amount, are going to add up pretty fast aren't they? This is like bundling a purchase. If you buy one widget, the cost is $5, but if you buy three, the store may sell them to you for $4 a piece. Give it a try.
Another tactic you can use, or that the real estate agent you pick can use, is to hire a property stager. Staging a property is the easiest and fastest way to get a prospect to fall in love with a piece of real estate. Not staging is also one of the biggest mistakes most homeowners make when they are trying to sell their home. Generally when a piece of property is put on the market, the house is spruced up a bit, carpets are cleaned a little, paint is put here an there, but generally things are still a cluttered mess.
The impression this gives to a prospective buyer is to squirm a bit, run through the viewing as quickly as possible, and then move on to the next property. This can be completely turned around with an experienced stager. They are masters at setting up those houses for sale. When some one comes up to the front door of your home, what do they see? Well, they see the porch, the landscaping, the front door, and the paint or brick on the house. More than likely many of your atherton house for sale need a slight facelift in this area. The stager might want to clean up the shrubbery, repaint the door, and scrub and clean the brick to give the front of your house that brand new look and feel. This is then carried out throughout the house in each room. The end result is more prospective buyers are going to fall in love with the home.
For More Info:- homes for sale menlo park california