
A. Klipfel, Z. Bouraoui, O. Peltre, Y. Frégier, N. Harrati, and A. Sayede, “Equivariant message passing neural network for crystal material discovery,” in AAAI 2023, pp. 14304–14311, AAAI Press, 2023.

A. Klipfel, Y. Frégier, A. Sayede, and Z. Bouraoui, “Unified model for crystalline material generation,” in IJCAI 2023, pp. 6031–6039.

A. Klipfel, Y. Frégier, A. Sayede, and Z. Bouraoui, “Optimized crystallographic graph generation for material science,” in IJCAI 2023, pp. 7145–7148.

A. Klipfel, Z. Bouraoui, Y. Frégier, and A. Sayede, “Equivariant graph neural network for crystalline materials (invited paper),” in IJCAI 2022, ECAI 2022.

Y. Frégier, R. Juarez. Homotopy theory of singular foliations. Accepted in Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures (2022).

Yaël Frégier and Jean-Baptiste Gouray. Mind2Mind : transfer learning for GANs. International Conference on Geometric Science of Information, (2021), pp 851-859.

S. Barmeier, Y. Frégier. Deformation-obstruction theory for diagrams of algebras and applications to geometry. Journal of Noncommutative Geometry (2020).

Yaël Frégier, Rong Tang and Yunhe Sheng. Cohomologies of a Lie algebra with a derivation. J. Algebra. (2019)

Martin Callies, Yael Fregier, Christopher L. Rogers, and Marco Zambon. Homotopy moment maps. Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 303 (2016), pp. 954-1043.

Yael Fregier, Camille Laurent-Gengoux and Marco Zambon. A cohomological framework for homotopy moment maps. Journal of Geometry and Physics, Vol. 97 (2015), pp. 119-132.

Yael Fregier and Marco Zambon. Simultaneous deformations of algebras and morphisms via derived brackets. J. of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2015.

Yaël Frégier and Isaac Xia. Lower Central Series Ideal Quotients Over Z and Fp. arXiv:1506.08469.

Yael Fregier and Marco Zambon. Simultaneous deformations and poisson geometry. Compositio Math., 2014.

Yael Fregier. Non-abelian cohomology of extensions of Lie algebras as Deligne groupoid. J. Algebra, 398:243–257, 2014.

Yael Fregier and Friedrich Wagemann. On Hopf 2-algebras. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, (15):3471–3501, 2011.

Yael Frégier and Aron Gohr. On Hom-type algebras JGLTA (2010).

Yael Frégier. Derived Brackets Approach to Deformations of Morphisms Oberwolfach Reports, 43:2550–2552, (2010)

Yael Fregier, Martin Markl, and Donald Yau. The L∞-deformation complex of diagrams of algebras. New York J. Math., 15:353–392, 2009.

Yael Fregier. Deformations of the Heisenberg algebra inside gl(3, K). Univ. Iagel. Acta Math., (47):65–76, 2009.

Yael Fregier, Aron Gohr, and Sergei Silvestrov. Unital algebras of Hom-associative type and surjective or injective twistings. J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl., 3(4):285–295, 2009.

Yael Frégier and Aron Gohr. On unitality conditions for Hom-associative algebras. arXiv:0904.4874

Yael Fregier, Pierre Mathonet, and Norbert Poncin. Decomposition of symmetric tensor fields in the presence of a flat contact projective structure. J. Nonlinear Math. Phys., 15(2):252–269, 2008.

Yael Fregier, Pierre Mathonet, and Norbert Poncin. Dequantized Differential Operators between Tensor Densities as Modules over the Lie Algebra of Contact Vector Fields. arXiv: math.SG/0710.0222

Yael Fregier. A new cohomology theory associated to deformations of Lie algebra morphisms. Lett. Math. Phys., 70(2):97–107, 2004.