
May 20, 2024

Digitizing Analog Sources October 2002 to Present, 22 years and still at it

Thank you to all my 'customers' for making these 22 years so immensely rewarding emotionally

8mm 16mm movie films 10 cents per foot<br>

Video Camera tapes, VHS, Betamax, Betacam SP $ 5 per hour of content

digitized to HD MP4 on USB stick/thumb drive

Photos and docs up to 8.5 inch wide 10 cents per item, both sides

2x2 Standard Slides 30 cents per slide

Special 10 percent discount

go to my youtube channel, find my family home movies, tell me what I am riding in the driveway in 1954 and it's colour

see youtube channel link below


My youtube channel of historical Canadian Home Movies now has 2000 subscribers over 207 uploads and gets 26,000 views per month, 1 million views so far since 2012

Historical Home Movies on my Youtube Channel  

Here is another interesting historical website, about Toronto, by Victor Daniel Lowy --  Toronto Past 

steve@homemovies.ca  905-650-1684 in St Catharines, Ontario, Canada