Test Results

Calculating Friction Against a Rod

To calculate friction on the aluminum rods a pull test was done. Since barley was not redily avalible corn was used in its place. The bucket was filled with three inches of corn to reperent the height of barley when a maximum of ten pounds is used in the kilning system. The corn was soaked in water and then drained completely to represent the malted barley being re-steeped. A rod was then placed in the bucket almost touching the bottom of the container. Then, a fish scale was attached to the rod and pulled through the corn. The fish scale produced results of about one pound of force to pull through the corn.

Updated Friction Test

This friction test was completed in the Spring 2020 semester. The test was conducted using a torque wrench to determine the force (lb-in.) to turn the rod connected to it. It was determined that the motor bought during last year's project would be recycled for this year's project because it meets the proper torque and speed requirements.