Daily Challenge

Daily Challenges - Lockdown 2

January 2021

Winter News

Day 1

Write about what you did during your winter holidays. You could use these writing templates, write in a diary/on paper, or type your story on a computer. Younger pupils could draw a picture of what they did.

Christmas holiday snapshot - lower school.pdf
Winter holiday recount writing.pdf
My Christmas Holiday news.pdf

Winter Maths

Day 2

Older children could try this 2021 Maths Challenge.

Whilst younger kids could use these Winter Maths Challenge cards.

2021 Number Fact Challenge.pdf

EPIC - Reading

Day 3

Enjoy reading a book or see how many books you can read in 1 hour. Use books in your home or you could use Epic or Vooks, which are websites and apps that have lots of books for your child to read or for you to read to your child.

Both services let you sign up for an account and get 30 days for free. Just remember to disable the account at the end of the 30 days if you do not want to pay for the subscription. Your child's teacher may have already given you a class code to access Epic books for free.

Art/Mental Health

Day 4

Little Home Genius posted this great activity which could help open up discussions with your child/children about how they are feeling about the lockdown and home learning.

Ask your child to draw a portrait showing how they look on the outside on one half of the page. On the other half, they can write how they feel on the inside. For younger children, you could write how they feel.

Fit Friday

Day 5

The Nations P.E teacher Joe Wicks is back this lockdown. PE with Joe will be live 3 days a week at 9 am every Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Tune into his YouTube channel to take part!

For more great ideas for keeping fit at home using YouTube go to CosmicKids, FreshStart Fitness, or search for Just Dance videos.

Twinkl Go!

Day 6

Access and complete a Twinkl Go activity. Twinkl has made pre-made Twinkl Go lessons that you can access for free for your children. They plan to add additional lessons to the same logins each week.

Go to
twinkl.co.uk/go and type the PIN JB0654

Then use the following usernames and passwords

Age 4-5 - username farm44, password farm44.

Age 5-6 - username fan42, password fan42.

Age 6-7 - username corn34, password corn34.

Age 7-8 - username bunny40, password bunny40.

Age 8-9 - username band42, password band42.

Age 9-10 - username tin48, password tin48.

Age 10-11 - username home140, password home140.

Touch Typing

Day 7

Is your child taking a long time to complete work on the computer? Get them to try one of these two websites which helps children learn to touch type.

What is touch typing?

Touch typing helps children work faster. It means being able to type at speed and with accuracy, without needing to look down at your hands on the keyboard. It has been said that 'Kids who can touch type produce twice the amount of work as those who "hunt and peck" at the keyboard. Touch typing is also a useful life skill that is desirable in the world of work.


Day 8

Check out these fun Maths resources on BBC Teach. Older children can try one of the many quizzes whilst younger children could watch different Math songs.

New Year Resolutions

Day 9

It's not too late to make some New Year Resolutions. Ask your child to write or draw something they would like to do or not do this year. You could use one of these templates provided or write/draw them on paper. This website could be used to start a conversation with your child and has some ideas of resolutions they could make.

New Year Resolution 2.pdf
New Year Resolution 4.pdf

Mindfullness Meditation

Day 10

Try some meditation! YouTube has lots of meditation videos for kids. Our children's brains are tired, and kids of all ages (and adults) need opportunities where they can take time out each day "unplugged" to relax and focus. Meditation offers this break and helps kids function more effectively and clearly. It is used to rest the mind and body. This, in turn, has many mental and physical benefits.

Burns Night

Day 11

It is Burns Day today, the 25th of January.

Your child could carry out some online research about Robert Burns. Write their own poem or learn a Scottish poem or song. There are also lots of ideas online for Scottish crafts to do with kids. Why not try one of these Scottish Activity ideas.

Barefoot Computing

Day 12

Barefoot Computing website has enjoyable activities, designed by teachers for families to do at home with their children. The website activities teach Computational Thinking, which is learning how to solve problems with or without a computer. These problem-solving skills help children in school but can also be applied to everyday life!

They have live sessions, learning together activities, mini-missions, and interactive games. Many activities are off-screen and require only common household items!

Today (the 26th of January) at 1:30 pm they are doing a live lesson on Computational thinking through unplugged activities which is suitable for all ages. If you don't catch the live show then you can always watch it later.

Math Challenge

Day 13

Choose one of the following tasks and adapt the activity to suit the age of your child(ren):

Sorting objects: Gather a variety of household objects (or ask your child to) and then challenge your child to sort them into groups. How many different ways can you sort them? What criteria did you use? Can you think of anything else that would fit into each group?

Make a puzzle: Ask your child to create a Maths puzzle or secret code which they could send to a friend. Can they crack the code?

Treasure hunt: Hide a variety of challenges or calculations around the house. Children have to find and solve each one (you could even have a prize or make it a competition between siblings).

Shopping: Life skills

Day 14

Tomorrow's challenge is a baking task!

Today you could ask your child to use their writing skills in a real-life setting. Make a shopping list of everything you need to bake or if you're not baking then make a list of everything you need from the shops. Older children could go to the shops on their own whilst younger children could go with an adult. They can then use their reading skills to read the list and shop labels. Finally, they could use their Math skills when paying with money and when looking at the price of different items.


Day 15

Today's challenge is to bake! You could use one of these recipes or try something simple like Rice Krispy cakes or Fairy cakes.

Baking provides a wealth of learning opportunities and produces some delicious results too. Cooking encourages children's thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. It also allows children the opportunity to use the knowledge they have and apply it by counting, measuring, following a sequence, following directions/instructions, and cause and effect.

Three Sisters Bake are doing live bake-a-long shows on Facebook live each Friday at 2 pm. You can visit their website to see previous bake-a-longs and also find the recipe and equipment needed for each bake-a-long.

February 2021

28 Days of Kindness

Day 16

During the month of February challenge the whole family to take part in 28 Days of Kindness. Each day make an effort to do something kind for someone. You could create your own ideas, use a pre-made template or use these ideas and choose a different activity for each day in February.


Reading Challenge

Day 17

Older children could try one of these two reading challenges!

Younger pupils could practice their reading using Jolly Phonics.

Jolly Phonics decodable e-readers are available to download for FREE on Apple and Android devices! There are 93 books across 5 levels and they will help you to support your child remotely as they practice their reading skills anywhere! Ideal for children aged 4-7

*All of these readers will be available for free until 31st May 2021*

Please note: Google Play Books and Apple Books may require an account to be created in order to download these. As part of creating this account, you may need to supply debit/credit card details. This is simply part of the requirements of Google and Apple for registering an account. Your card will only be charged if you download these books after 31st May 2021.

2021 Reading Challenge.pdf
Reading challenge 2021.pdf

Make a Model

Day 18

Model making can be a fun way to engage children in a topic or subject. You could use Lego, playdough or, modeling clay to make a model of the solar system or to show the different animals and plants in a habitat or food chain. Or you can use recycled objects, such as boxes, food packaging, bubble wrap, newspaper, or anything else to make a castle, a space ship or a dinosaur.

Encourage children to test different ways of joining materials before heading straight into their model. Is it better to join cardboard tubes with glue or masking tape? Is it better to join a plastic cup to a cardboard base with staples or glue? Doing this from the get-go might well avoid some difficulties later!

Fun Maths Activities

Day 19

Why not try one of these 25 Fun Maths Activities which you can do at home for free. There is a range of different games for older children that can be adapted to suit younger children. Some games are quick if you are stuck for time whilst others take longer. The website also gives information and helpful videos about what you will need and how to play each game.


Day 20

Challenge your child/children to make their own dance to their favourite song. They could spend the day choreographing and practicing a dance on their own or with each other. Then perform their final routine at an afternoon or evening show.

Scottish February Holiday

Day 21 to Day 25

Mini Topic

Day 26 to Day 30

Why not choose a topic you are interested in for example Computer Games or Dinosaurs. Then search Google for ideas, activities, and information about that topic. You could then use your literacy, maths, creativity, and technology skills to find out information and present what you have learned. Twinkl has lots of Home Learning Ideas for a range of topics (we have saved some on our Google drive for you to see).


Dynamic Earth Online

Day 31

Dynamic Earth Online has lots of fun activities created by the Dynamic Earth Learning Service, ranging from experiments and crafts, climate change science and stories, short videos, thought-provoking reading and more! Be sure to check back in regularly for new content every week.

Pick your own activity

Day 32

Why not try one or more of these 20 Screen-free activities. You could also check out these 100 Fun Indoor Activities we posted during the last lockdown.

20 Screen Free Activities to do at home.pdf

Visit Duolingo

Day 33

Learn another language using Duolingo. You can access the app or the website for free. Learning with Duolingo is fun and addictive. Earn points for correct answers, race against the clock, and level up with short bite-sized lessons. Access our Duolingo Help Sheets to get support on how to use the website and app.

Math Detective

Day 34

Twinkl has lots of Math Mystery activities that involve you using your Math skills to work out problems and solve the mystery. Have a look on our Google Drive for 'Math Clue Games' to access them.

Maths Clue Game - Mystery of the cinema suspects.pdf

Fit Friday

Day 35

The Yorkshire Sport Foundation has lots of activity ideas to keep you fit and healthy as part of their #ThisisPE campaign. Each activity has helpful videos on YouTube which show you exactly how to do each task.

March 2021

World Book Week

Day 36

This Thursday is World Book Day, click on this ThingLink to access a different activity each day this week. These are live workshops which are on every day at certain times.


Day 37

Challenge yourself to draw Willy Wonka using this draw-a-long with Quentin Blake. Alternatively, you could search YouTube for other book characters or illustrators to copy.

Book Number Quiz

Day 38

Host a book quiz all about numbers. Grab a book, any book, and have fun with a rapid-fire round of questions all based on math. You could play with friends online or ask them questions and create a tally chart or graph.

Try these questions to get you started:

  • How many pages are in your book?

  • What’s the fourth word on the sixth page?

  • What’s the last word in your book?

  • What’s the first word in your book?

  • How many words are there in the first sentence of your book?

  • How many chapters are in your book?

  • What year was your book published?

  • How many years before/after you were born was the book published?

  • What’s ten more than the number of pages in your book?

  • What’s three less than the number of words on the first page?

  • Estimate how many words there are in the whole book? (number of words on a line x number of lines on a page x pages in your book.

World Book Day

Day 39

Today is World Book Day!

There are lots of ideas online to celebrate World Book Day if you search Google or the World Book Day website.

Why not try a book scavenger hunt or write a book review about your favourite story. Remember to try and read as many books or things in your house as you can. You could also listen to a story from someone in your house or from YouTube or CBeebies Bedtime stories

World Book Day Scavenger Hunt (Younger children).pdf
World Book Day Scavenger Hunt (older children).pdf

Fit Friday

Day 40

Try this Harry Potter Cosmic Kids Yoga or check out another one of their videos based on books on YouTube.

Coding Kids

Day 41

The Scratch coding website, Scratch app, and Scratch Junior app are all free and great to teach children how to code.

ScratchJr is a visual programming language designed to introduce programming skills to children ages 5–8. By creating projects in ScratchJr, young children can learn to think creatively and reason systematically, despite not being able to read. It is available as a free app for iOS, Android and Chromebook.

Scratch is a block-based visual programming language and website targeted primarily at children 8-16 as an educational tool for coding. Children can learn to program their own cartoons and games. YouTube has lots of help videos to support them.

Coping skills for stress and anxiety

Day 42

It's not long now till all children will be back at school. There may be a lot of pupils feeling anxious about going back to school. Why not try one or more of these 18 Coping Skills. You could also use this activity to prompt a discussion between your family about how everyone is feeling post lockdown.

My Lockdown Experience

Day 43

Many years from now people will sit in classrooms and learn about the history of the Coronavirus pandemic and how the world was in lockdown.

Today when we learn about the World Wars we are able to find out information about it from reading what different people wrote.

Today's challenge is to write about your lockdown experience. Imagine in 50 years' time there is a class learning about the pandemic and reading your story. Make sure you include as much detail as possible, commenting on how you felt and what you did during lockdown days. Have you enjoyed any parts of lockdown? What has been the hardest part? You can type your story or write it on paper or use the template provided.

My Lockdown Experience.pdf

Get Set Tokyo

Day 44

To celebrate the rescheduled Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Get Set Tokyo website are inviting schools and families to get active with their virtual Travel to Tokyo challenge. This website is a free program for children aged 5 to 11 and their families.

Today check out their Travel to Tokyo Home Learning page and try one of their many free activities, challenges, and learning resources which are created for families to do indoors or in their garden with household materials.

Tokyo Ten Pirates.pdf

Post-Lockdown Party

Day 45

Hopefully, we will be out of lockdown soon and you will be able to see all your family and friends.

Today's challenge is to plan a future Post-Lockdown Party!

Think about and write down where you would have your party? Who would you invite? What activities would you have? What food and drink would you have?

You could make invitations, decorations, a playlist of music, a food list, and a shopping list. Remember to also include a budget for how much you are wanting to spend on your party and try to stick to it when you are planning.

Planning a Party activity sheet.pdf
Party Planning Budget.pdf
Blank Bunting template.pdf
Party Planner Activity Sheet.pdf

Daily Challenges - Lockdown 1

March 2020 - June 2020

Stuck for something to do?

Why not browse our previous lockdown challenges for ideas...

Home Festival


Host your own Home Festival!

If the weather is nice you could camp outdoors or set up a tent/den in your living room.

You could make up your festival name, write your own line up, make posters, wristbands, bunting and tickets. Have a Face Painting stall and Glitter Station. You could even perform!

For music search YouTube for live versions of your favourite singers. This weekend Glastonbury also has a full line up of shows on BBC iPlayer.

End of Year Memories


Reflect on the past academic year and write about your favourite memories. You can find more end of year templates on our Google Drive.

End of Year memory write up.pdf

Moving Paper Fish Craft


Try this moving paper fish craft or this Summer Beach craft.

If you don't have scissors or glue you could draw this summer picture instead.

End of Term Tasks


Look through this booklet of activities. Scroll through the pages and when you see an activity you want to do click on the 'GO' button which will then show you how to do the task.

There are lots of activities including fitness, crafts, cooking, virtual days out, art, science, numeracy, literacy and technology.

End of Term Activity Book (1).pdf

Newspaper Report


Write a newspaper report!

Younger children could write a report about what they did at the weekend whilst older children could write an article about something that is currently in the news. You could use these three newspaper writing templates to help.

Newspaper writing Tips.pptx

Talent Show


Host a comedy night or talent show.

Everyone in the family could take some time to prepare their act or write their jokes. Make posters, tickets and a line-up for the event. You could even go virtual on Zoom to include more family and friends. Then host your show!

Design Technology


Use construction/junk materials to make a model of a famous building (e.g. the Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum or an Egyptian pyramid.). If you don't have any junk material you could use another building material like LEGO.

Make a map


Create a map of your bedroom or house showing where everything is.

You could also hide something in the house, garden or neighbourhood and make a treasure map to let someone find it.

Make your own cartoon animation


Creating a cartoon is just like writing a story. You need characters, a setting and a story.

There are great free apps for making your own cartoon animations including Toontastic and SockPuppets+. If you don't have access to a device with apps you could try Make an Animation on ABCya website.

Super Fun Science


Why not try one of these super fun science experiments using materials which you can find around the house.



Cosmic Kids Yoga has lots of videos on YouTube and their website including Frozen and Harry Potter Yoga. They also have lots of mindfulness videos.

Life Skills


What lessons did you learn growing up?

Lockdown is a great time for us to teach the kids some old-fashioned skills we learnt as children that they can then hone for life. Keep them productive and learning in a fun way with these 50 alternative life lessons!

STEM at Home


Try one (or more) of these 50 STEM activities which you can do with matertials from around the house.

These science, technology, engineering & maths tasks are sure to keep little scientists engaged, learning and well-prepared for their STEM-filled future.



Make your own advert or review video.

Choose a household object, toy or something in your food cupboard and make an advert or review video to encourage people to buy it.

First, choose an item. Then, write a script and plan your advert. Finally, record and edit your video, you could use an app like iMovie, AppleClips or FilmoraGo.

World Oceans Day


Today is World Oceans Day.

Try drawing an underwater scene with different sea creatures. You could also research Google/YouTube to find out about World Ocean Day and what we can do to protect our oceans.

World Environment Day


World Environment Day encourages worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment.

This year the theme of World Environment Day 2020 is “Celebrate Biodiversity”. With 1 million species facing extinction, there has never been a more important time to focus on biodiversity.

Learn more about World Environment Day by watching videos, researching about what species are facing extinction and how we can help and by doing what you can to help our planet. You could organise a rubbish pick up or donate to a charity.



Visit the Kidadl website and choose one of the many activities to do with your child(ren).

There are activity suggestions for all age ranges from 0 years to 18 years across a variety of subject areas.



Talk to your children about Racism.

Research suggests that by age 3, kids tend to embrace and accept racism and prejudice around them even if they don't understand what it means.

Children's books are one of the most effective and practical tools for initiating critical converstations. Check out the links below to lots of useful books for children of all ages. YouTube also has lots of read aloud videos of some of the stories featured in these lists.

31 Children's Books to Support Conversations on Race, Racism, and Resistance

List of books about Racism

15 books to help kids understand that Black Lives Matter

Read aloud story: Something Happened in our Town.

Chrome Music Lab


There are many benefits to children listening to music and learning to play music. Chrome Music Lab is a free website which lets children explore how music works.

Water Gun Fun


When the weather is nice take learning outdoors!

You could use a water gun to practice letter recognition, letter formation, spelling or use it to write the answer to Math questions. You could also look at these Outdoor Water Gun Activities.

Den Building

Create your own Comic


Make your own Comic using one of these websites: Storyboard That, Make Beliefs Comix or Cartoon Maker.

You could also use one of these free apps: Captions, Superhero Comic Book Maker or Comic Page Creator.

Paint or Draw


Check out 5-Minute Crafts PLAY which has lots of videos demonstrating creative tasks which you can do at home.

This 16 Creative Drawing Hacks video shows activities involving paint at the beginning. Skip to 5 minutes and 20 seconds to see ideas for handprint drawing art.

Bug Hotel


Build a hotel for insects!

You could use natural and recycled resources. Check out this Super Simple Bug Hotel or look to Pinterest for inspiration.

Home Sports Day


Have a Home Sports Day!

Twinkl have lots of resources to host your own Sports Day at home. You can find them on our Google Drive.

Home Sports Day Task Cards.pdf

Drive In Movie


Have a 'Drive In' Movie night at home.

During the day you could make your own box cars. Then at night each child can sit in their car to enjoy the movie. Check out this video of the Bucket List Family's 'Drive In' Movie Night.

Math Hunt


Go on a number hunt or a shape hunt around the house. Can you find 6 teddies or how many cubes can you find?

For older children you could try these Time Table activities or Hands on Multiplication tasks.

Mental Health Awareness


Mental Health Awareness Week takes place from 18-24 May.

The theme this year is kindness. Check out these First Level and Second Level Socially Distant Random Acts of Kindness Challenge Cards. You could do one of these activities for someone in your family or a neighbour.

As a family you could watch Inside Out and then use it to talk about Mental Health.

A video for older children and teens.

Lucy's Blue Day - for younger children

Learn another Language


Learn a new language using the Duolingo website or download the app. There are over 20 languages to choose from.

Duolingo is incredibly well-designed and user-friendly. It is a free site that teaches users languages through drills, requiring a mix of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Duolingo makes studying fun by awarding you points for lessons completed and bonuses if you do well.

STEM at Home


Try one of the activities from the STEM at HOME Menu. There are 4 menus in the attached document. You could even try to see how many activities you can complete each week!

STEM at Home Menus .pdf

Take a Virtual Trip


Visit our Articles page and choose one of the many virtual trips to go on right from the comfort of your own home. Lots of museums, national parks and zoos have live webcams.

Google Arts & Cultures have excellent guided Virtual Tours of different Museums and National Parks.

Family Tree


Talk as a family about your family history. Then make your Family Tree. You could make your own using different art materials, use a website like Ancestry or use one of the templates below.

Template 1, Template 2, Family Tree Project

Flower Fun


For the younger ones you could make a Flower Sensory Bowl or Fairy Soup. Older children could make perfume using flowers.

The Daily Draw


Tune in today to The Little Art School at 11am GMT to watch today's video or try one of their older videos. Each day they upload two step by step drawing videos, one for older children and one for younger children.

Design and Make your own Board Game


You can make your game as hard or simple as you wish. Children will be using many skills throughout the design, making and playing process. We also have 2 print outs on our Google Drive to get you started.

Cinema Night


Turn your home into a cinema.

Your child(ren) could set up a cinema ticket booth with snacks and create a price list. Then let them use money to buy their snacks for the film. They could make their own tickets and cinema signs. Before the film, make popcorn together. After the film, become film critics, write a simple review or a more detailed one, or write a synopsis for the film.

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt


Make your own Scavenger Hunt or print out one from the internet. Then on your daily walk see who can find all the items first.

For ideas go to Pinterest or click the links below to see worksheets which you can print or copy.

I Spy , Nature Walk , Outdoor Adventure, Signs of Spring

Draw a Health Hero


Watch this video to help you draw a Health Hero!

Visit Art for Kids Hub for lots of step by step drawing videos.

May the 4th be with you


Happy National Star Wars Day!

Today you could try this LEGO Star Wars Ice Experiment (if you don't like Star Wars you could use other characters for example from Frozen).

There are lots of activities, ideas and print outs to celebrate all things Star Wars at 40 Star Wars Ideas and May the 4th be with you.

Karaoke Party


Have a family karaoke party to start your weekend!

You can now watch The Disney Family Singalong on Disney + or parts of it on YouTube. DisneyMusicVevo also has karaoke videos. If Disney isn't your style search YouTube for karaoke versions of your favourite songs.

Mini Home Learning Topics


Twinkl has lots of Mini Home Learning Topic plans for all ages. You could pick a topic and try some of the suggested activities.

You can access Twinkl for free by going to www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and entering the code: PARENTSTWINKLHELPS for free access to lots of excellent resources.

P6 Scottish Myths and Legends home learning topic.pdf

LEGO Education


Check out the LEGO Education Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest page for lots of ideas about how to use LEGO for learning!



Learn to code using the Hour of Code website. This fantastic free website has helpful videos and games suitable for all ages. You also get a certificate when you complete the course.

For a simpler coding game try Google Coding or if you are up for a challenge try coding with text on the Code Combat website.

Outdoor Art


Use natural materials to make beautiful art. If you need some inspiration Google 'outdoor art' or 'art with natural materials'.

You could also visit 10 Easy Outdoor Art Ideas or check out the Outdoor Art Activities Grid on our Google Drive page.

Outdoor Maths


Take advantage of the nice weather and try some Outdoor Maths in your garden or on your daily walk.

Check out our Google Drive for 4 different Outdoor Maths Challenge cards, suitable for different ages.

Outdoor Maths challenge cards 2.pdf

Recycle and Play


Check out the Recycle and Play instagram account.

Try making your own toy or activity using recycled materials from around your home.

Earth Day


The 22nd of April is Earth Day. Visit the Earth Day website for more information.

You could try some of these 25 Earth Activities or 50 Earth Day Activities. Search Earth Day on Twinkl for lots of information, activities and ideas.

Kitchen Science


Why not try some of these Kitchen Science experiments and STEM activities using items from around your house.

Kitchen Science STEM activities.docx

Sunset Art


Look up images of sunsets on the internet.

Then use old magazines or catalogues to create a collage using warm (red, yellow, orange etc) and cold (blue, green, purple etc) colours.

Indoor Treasure Hunt


Use these documents or create your own Treasure Hunt around the house. See who can find all the items the fastest.

Treasure hunt - household items.pdf
Around the house scavenger hunt.pdf



Baking uses lots of skills including Maths skills, talking & listening skills, creativity, team work and more.

Use Pinterest for baking with kids inspiration or try these no bake ideas.

Book Review


Spend time reading a book then write your own book review. Look at our Google Drive section for 4 different book review templates.

Book Review .pdf

Fairy or Dinosaur Garden


In your garden or in a planter create your own Fairy or Dinosaur garden. Check YouTube and Pinterest for ideas.

Paper Helicopter


Make paper airplanes and have a race to see which one can fly the furtherest. You could measure how far each airplane flew. Then have a go at making a paper helicopter by clicking on the instructions.

Paper Helicopter Instructions - Template.docx

Easter Activities


Why not try decorating your own eggs or make an Easter Bonnet. Check out our Google Drive page for more Easter print outs and activities.

The Easter Story


Today is Holy Thursday and the start of the Easter weekend. This video tells the Story of Easter. You could then go to Twinkl Go and type in the code XT9320 for audiobooks and Easter activities.

Thank You Key Workers


Write a letter or make a card to thank our key workers for everything they are doing.

You could send a letter or card to someone you know, your postman, your local shop or post it to the nearest hospital.

For some ideas click on the Google Doc or print these pictures to stick on the front of your cards.

Thank You Key Workers colouring sheets.pdf

Virtual Roller Coaster


Use a box, washing basket or anything that your children can fit in to create your own virtual roller coaster ride!

Older children could decorate their box and move it themselves whilst adults could help move the box for younger children. Visit Virtual Disney World and Virtual Roller Coaster rides for lots of videos which you can stream from YouTube to your TV.

Create a Time Capsule


Time capsules are fun to make, and even more fun to open years down the line. A time capsule can be any container that holds objects meant for people to open in the future, whether that be in 5, 10, or even 100 years.

For ideas you could watch this video. Then decide what you want to include in your time capsule. You might want to include a letter or try this Covid-19 Time Capsule workbook!


Fun Maths Games


Try one of these 25 Fun Maths Activities. You could create your own family version of the TV show Countdown.

This website also has a computer version of Countdown which you could play together

Rainbow Science


During isolation lots of people have been sharing Rainbow art. Why not try some of these Rainbow Science activities at home.

Lego Challenge


Try this 30 Day Lego Challenge!


Draw with Rob


Every Tuesday and Thursday at 10am, Rob posts a new draw-along video. You can find all his previous videos on his website and YouTube channel.

Tune in today after 10am to watch the new video. Have a go at drawing it and then upload your picture to social media with the hashtag #DrawWithRob.

Fresh Start Fitness


Remember to exercise every day and take regular brain breaks. Try Fresh Start Fitness for a range of different ability levels.

Den Day


Build an indoor den!

First you could look at Pinterest for inspiration. Next design how you want your den to look on paper. You could follow these WikiHow instructions to get you started. Then get den building!

Maths Music Video


Can you create your own Maths Music video to teach other people about Maths. You could make a number song and dance to 20 or 100, or you could make a Times Table song!

STEM Challenge


Why not try one of these STEM challenges or find another STEM activity on Google or Pinterest

Learn to Draw Mickey Mouse


Today is the day Disney + is released in the UK! Why not try learning how to draw Mickey Mouse

Create a Daily Timetable


Today you could try to make a daily timetable or schedule together as a family. This could be the same or different each day. These websites have free Daily Schedule Charts and Home learning schedules. BBC has daily & weekly Planners.

Daily Schedule.pdf