How To Change Out A Bathroom Cabinets On The Wall

Home renovations are the most focal parts of a home maintenance project every few years by the homeowners. Following the renovation of a kitchen, a bathroom remodeling in the house proves itself to be worthy of all the investment made and significantly adds value to your home. With the time advancing and almost everything being available over the internet, a lot of preference has been given to DIY enthusiasts.

One of the best things you can think about upgrading is the bathroom cabinets; you can completely change the look of your entire bathroom with just a beautiful floating vanity and new faucets. If you are a DIY-er and want to replace the cabinet or vanity of the bathroom all by yourself, it has been broken down in steps for you below.

Removing The Old Cabinet

  • The first thing that you should be doing when planning on bathroom cabinets removal all by yourself is taking care of the water supply. You need to shut down either the main water supply or the just the supply pipe to your bathroom to avoid a flood while you’re at work.
  • Once you have made sure that the water supply has been shut off, you now need to work on the removal of the countertop. The countertop can be a rather tricky thing to pull as it is glue to the cabinet. It is best advised that you take a utility knife and push it through the gap between the countertop and the vanity and slide around all the edges to spate it. After separation, you should now very carefully remove the top.
  • Once the countertop has been removed, you will now be able to sight the screws that attach the vanity or the cabinet to the wall; you can remove these screws best with a cordless screwdriver. The screws are usually held for a long time and can be rusted due to humidity; you need to be extra careful so that they do not slip.

Installing The New Cabinet

  • Now you need to get yourself your desired vanity or cabinet that you want to be placed in your bathroom. Once you get it, you should hold it up against the wall and mark the precise placement of screws on the wall. It is preferable that the new marks are a little higher than the previous ones.
  • After the marking of screws and drilling of holes in the wall, you can now safely secure your vanity on the wall with the screws.
  • To attach the countertop, you need to apply a layer of caulk over the edges of the vanity where the countertop will come in contact. You can use your finger to even it out along all the edges. After this, you can safely place the countertop in position and let it sit for a while.
  • You have your complete bathroom cabinet replaced and now are only required to reconnect the plumbing lines and get that water supply open!
bathroom cabinets removal service in boca raton, Florida.