This would be a nice fetaure. I use a regular account to track my stock portfolio for a couple of years now and its not very nice. I generally update every week creating a trasaction adding or subtracting the total fluctuation of the stocks... quite annoying but does the trick.

Cant wait for this feature to be implemented.

The automatic update would be nice, but as a option. I dont mind updating the stock value by hand, especially since the computer I run homebank on does not have internet connection.

Newbie here. Using OS 16.3. Think I've read all preliminary post notes!

I'm trying to gradually increase my use of Terminal. Latest investigation how to run a program without just 'clicking' on the 'icon' or launcher. Research led me to just type the name of the program after $. It works on randomly selected pre-installed with the OS. It doesn't however work on selected test ones installed through the Software program. Research lead me to various commands and finally with dpkg-query -L Homebank (tried under homebank as well) tells me 'dpkg-query: package 'homebank' is not installed'. Why? HomeBank runs no issue from the 'icon' and launcher.

I have synaptic package manager and a search under 'All' show two entries and the 'Properties' there show 'Status' - Not Installed.

Been going round the circles with Duck Duck go searches and can't get a 'Why' which frustrates this old jigger.

No rush. If an answer is there I'd love to know. My thanks to all out there.

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Just for clarity I am currently using MX-Linux 23.1 KDE and whether I use the command line or the icon from the menu, no issues and having checked synaptic package manager after installing from the command line, both homebank and homebank data are present. I would try removing homebank and start again following this guide:

i'm collecting these csv files which one can download from online bank site for almost 2 and a half years. 

now i need a program with which i can import these files to watch them in a clear way. i tried homebank and QBankManager. both should import these file types, but they don't.

any suggestions?

thanks rebugger! i missed that.

now i opened the csv file in office calc. but as i said it's not really useful, because i have many double entries. i want to merge all 32 files and omit duplicate entries. 

however, i got qbankmanager running, but it's totally cluttered. 

is there no sane banking program out there????

homebank looks nice in the screenshots, but i cannot get it running....

does no one use such an app? ff782bc1db

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