10 Cheap but Still Beautiful Home Renovations!

Cheap but Still Beautiful Home Renovations!

We renovate homes to make them more comfortable and beautiful.

In planning a renovation, usually the thing that becomes an obstacle is the cost of house renovation .

Is there a cheap way to renovate a house with results that are still beautiful and satisfying?

Don't worry, we have the tips.

Here are 10 ways to renovate a house that is cheap but still makes the house more beautiful!

Make a thorough and detailed plan

Making a renovation plan is the first thing that is important and affects all future home renovation processes.

You not only have to look at the house as a whole, but also focus on every small part of it.

Start by making plans for each part of the house.

If you hire a home renovation service, the architect will look at your home and assess what is needed.

However, in an inexpensive home renovation method, you are the one who intervenes to assess the needs, plan the changes and improvements you want from every part of the house.

If you have determined what you want to renovate, then the next step is to enter the step of making a Budget Plan (RAB).

Making RAB for home renovations

In building or renovating a house, making a Budget Plan (RAB) is very important.

RAB must be made so that you can estimate how much it will cost to renovate the house.

The costs that you must calculate in making the RAB for home renovation include material costs, labor costs, and unexpected costs of 10% of the total home renovation costs that you calculate.

Be observant in looking for cheap items

Researching the prices of building materials and equipment is very important in the process of cheap home renovations.

Try to compare prices from several stores and choose the cheapest.

Another way to buy cheap building materials and home furnishings is by online shopping , buying used goods and looking for discounts.

Use existing materials and tools

This is when you use leftover building materials and tools that were used to build a house or renovate a previous house.

Using leftover materials and existing tools can help you save even more on home renovation costs.

Don't forget to save leftover materials and tools that can still be used after the home renovation that you are going to do now, so that they can be used in the next renovation.

Use the same house plan

The main key in planning a low-cost home renovation is to renovate the house without changing the floor plan.

Developing a house or adding a part of the house certainly requires a larger renovation cost.

In addition, renovating based on an existing house plan can save even more on home renovation costs, because there is no electricity and plumbing system that has to be changed.

Prioritize repainting the walls of the house

One way to renovate a house that is cheap but still beautiful is to prioritize renovation on the painting of the walls of the house.

Painting an old wall may not seem like the thing that will change the house much.

But on the contrary, the color of the paint on the walls of the house greatly changes the impression and appearance of the house.

Choose a bright and warm color such as a variation of white to make the house shine.

To save costs, you can paint the old walls of the house yourself .

Home door renovation

Next, the part of the house that you can prioritize in a cheap home renovation plan is the door of the house.

The door of the house is a part of the house that greatly affects the impression of people who see the appearance of the house.

You can replace the door of the house with a door made of quality wood.

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The color of the paint on the door is also important.

One of the tips for painting the door of the house that can be done is to choose a color that is lighter than the color of the house as a whole, in order to give the effect of a lighter house.

Add a mirror to a small space

Do you want to make a small space look more spacious at a low cost?

Add a mirror in the small room of the house to create the impression of a more spacious room.

This method is not only economical but guaranteed to make the house look more beautiful.

Add DIY stuff

Making your own items that you want to add to your home can help save on home renovation costs.

For example, if you want to add a room divider, you don't have to build a new wall.

You can make a barrier in the form of a barrier board made of wood.

Decorations such as homemade wall hangings can also add to the beauty of your home without spending a lot of money.

Avoid house renovation in rainy season

Things to consider before remodeling a house are the seasons and the weather.

Avoid renovating the house in the rainy season because there will be a lot of work being delayed due to unfavorable weather.

Meanwhile, labor costs are still incurred, so the expenditure becomes inefficient.

Well , that's 10 ways to renovate a house that is cheap but the results are still interesting.

Hope this helps you in planning and carrying out home renovations!