The Definition and Process of Conveyancing – Do You Need A Conveyancer 

Conveyancing is the legal angle related to the buying and selling of real estate, whether it is land, a house, or any other. A conveyancer solicitor is a person who will take the buyer or the seller through the intricacies involved in the transaction of a property. Primarily, there are two major components of conveyancing – exchange, and completion. A lot of work goes into completing these two stages and the process can stretch to weeks and often months.

The point now is do you need a conveyancer?

Yes, most certainly. Regardless of whether you make a living out of property deals or want to move into your dream home, the legal formalities of buying and selling can be quite overwhelming. For instance, if you are transacting in a property deal in Sydney, you should hire a Sydney conveyancing company to handhold you through the legal work necessary to transfer the ownership of the property.

The process of conveyancing kicks in once an offer on a house or any other real estate has been accepted by the seller and ends when the said property is registered at the Land Registry. After your offer is accepted and confirmed you will need a Sydney conveyancing company if the property is in the city or within permissible jurisdiction to start the legal activity necessary to transfer the ownership of the house.

What is the conveyancing process and how can a Sydney conveyancing company make it easy for you?

There are several stages in the conveyancing process.

ü The conveyancing solicitor will carry out identification checks as part of due diligence to ensure that everything about the title of the house is in order.

ü For buyers, necessary searches will be done to find out if there is any lien on the property or other environmental issues that might be flagged by the mortgage provider. For sellers, the correct forms will be provided that will enable the buyer to complete the transaction.

ü Your conveyancing company will now work with the conveyancer of the other party to take forward the transaction including making inquiries on your behalf to clear problems or issues that might have cropped up during the searches and surveys.

ü If you are a buyer with a mortgage, the company will check the mortgage offer and deal with any conditions. For sellers with a mortgage, the solicitor will contact the lender and if necessary, get a redemption statement.

ü All conveyancers involved will now decide on dates for the exchange of contracts and completion. The funding of the deal including stamp duty for both parties will be finalized. 

ü Finally, the Sydney conveyancing company will register the change of ownership with the land registry in the jurisdiction of the property.

A good conveyancing company will strip the legal jargon and explain the whole process to you in simple terms.