HoloUK 1

@ The Royal Institution (LIMS)

Location:  The Royal Institution (London Institute for Mathematical Sciences). See THIS LINK for directions.

Date:  27 September 2023

Speakers:  Kuo-Wei Huang (U. of Southampton) and Michal P. Heller (Ghent University)

Organisers:  Tarek Anous, Damian Galante, Felix Haehl, Mark Mezei


Please follow THIS LINK to register by 30 August 2023 and await confirmation before making any travel arrangements (space at the venue is limited). 

UPDATE: We have reached capacity for the venue and can most likely not accept any further participants.


13:00 - 14:00

Arrival & coffee

14:00 - 15:00

Kuo-Wei Huang (University of Southampton)

From d=2 Virasoro blocks to something analogous in d=4

Abstract: Motivated by generalising the Virasoro vacuum blocks in d=2 CFTs to higher dimensions, I will discuss recent progress in understanding the multi-stress tensor sector of the heavy-light four-point scalar correlator in holographic CFTs in d=4. By focusing on the correlator in the near-lightcone regime, I will point out that, at certain values of the conformal dimension of the light probe operators, the d=4 correlator obeys a system of linear differential equations that share striking similarity with the d=2 BPZ equations at large central charge. 

15:00 - 16:00

Coffee & discussion

16:00 - 17:00

Michal P. Heller (Ghent University)

Holographic Complexity Beyond Proposals and Beyond Anti-de Sitter

Abstract: I will discuss recent progress in understanding holography of hardness of state preparation ab initio and show how it can work in a new to it setting of de Sitter universes. Based on 2203.08842, 2212.00043 and 2305.11280.

17:00 - 18:00



This event is supported by Fundamental Physics UK (FPUK).