

Title : Generalized symmetry

Title : Defects in AdS/CFT

August 16 (Wed)

Title : Krylov complexity: probing chaos in quantum many-body systems

Title : Krylov complexity in QFTs

title : Krylov complexity and chaos in quantum mechanics

Title : TBA

Title : A universal appraoch to Complexity

August 17 (Thu)

Title : Emergence of stable meron quartet in twisted magnets

Title : Anyon condensation transition in Kitaev spin liquid bilayer

Title : Majorana Fermions in topological materials

Title : Quantum geometry of Bloch electrons in solids

August 18 (Fri)

Title : Non-Invertible Symmetries, Boundaries, and Anomalies

Title : Some explorations into Krylov Complexity

Title : Constructing and perturbing flatbands

Title : Weak-coupling to strong-coupling quantum criticality crossover in a Kitaev quantum spin liquid α-RuCl3

Title : Global shift symmetry on ADM hypersurface: Towards emergent gravity

Title : Character of non-Fermi Liquid from the holographic Green function

August 19 (Sat)

Title : Weak measurement in conformal field theory and holography

Title : Krylov complexity in the IP matrix model

Title : State Dependence of Krylov Complexity in 2d CFTs

Title : Holographic torus correlators of stress tensor in AdS3/CFT2

August 21 (Mon)

Title : Partition functions and pole-skipping points of deformed JT gravity and SYK models

Title : Photon sphere and quasinormal modes in AdS/CFT

Title : Timelike entanglement entropy

Title : Deep Learning Black Hole Metrics from Conductivity

August 22 (Tue)

Title : Instabilities and fluctuations near a quantum critical AdS2 point

Title : Holographic two-point functions in a disorder system

Title : Non-invertible Naturalness

August 23 (Wed)

Title : Construction of a superconducting dorm from non-linear electrodynamics via holography

Title : End of the World Perspective to BCFT

August 24 (Thu)

Title : From quantum circuit to gravity in the black hole interior