
Faculty and Program Leaders

renee godard

Hollins University professor of biology and environmental science, Renee Godard leads this January research-travel course and teaches the pre-trip fall term course in Tropical Ecology.  Renee delights in sharing the natural world with students and recognizes that the best learning happens in the field 

kristen bell

Our artist in resident, Kristin Bell, graduated from Hollins in 2014 with a degree in environmental studies.  Kristin is a wildlife artist and science illustrator who is passionate about conservation and helping others connect more to the natural world. 

sharon muenchow

 Sharon Muenchow is an outdoor adventurer and former high school physics teacher.  Sharon provides expertise in wilderness first aid and geology.

Alex Bentley and Dionne Fiallos serve as our in country Trip leaders through their organization WASKA.  Dionne is from the Pastaza Province and Ecuador and has devoted her life to protection of nature and indigenous peoples of Ecuador.  Alex is a research biologist who has discovered several new species of amphibians and reptiles in Ecuador.