Eric Edmeades
WildFit Reviews

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Mindvalley WildFit Program


the paradigm shift that we need to have

right now is that we do not have a

health care problem we do not have

health care problems in our various

countries in the world what we have is

an individual self-care problem

that's the paradigm shift we need to

have we need to we need to recognize

that our experience of life is up to us

the solution at this point is two things

the one is to recognize that as a member

of homo sapiens there are some specific

nutrients that you need and long before

you think of giving up that or giving up

this or i need to reduce my calories no

the first thing you need to think about

is what are the foods that my body

evolved requirements for and how am i

going to get enough of them that's a

major major part of the solution and the

next part of the solution is to

radically change your psychology you see

what you need to remember is the food

marketing industry is spending millions

of dollars hiring psychologists and

marketing experts to get you to eat food

that boosts their profitability and

destroys your body and so what we now

need to do is undo that we now need to

really really begin to understand food

and i'll offer you one more thing that's

part of the solution

structure it takes time to change and

create habits and so when you've got a

structure with a community around you

the odds of you making a change that

actually lasts and creates a lasting

impact in your life are

magnified in a in a really powerful way

the wildfit challenge is predominantly

about two things it is about

correct nutrition for our species

and correcting our psychology and

changing our relationships with food and

we make that happen through a really

careful combination of really effective

education and then really powerful

psychological exercises that will help

you to break habits and change

relationships with food you will truly

start to dislike foods that you

currently really love and wish you

didn't and you will also begin to really

love foods

that right now maybe you don't and wish

you did wild fit is a personal mission

of mine and has been for a long long

time and it comes down to this

i want people to enjoy their lives

and i don't want people's lives being

cut short or their quality of life being

diminished by the greed and profit

quests of all the food manufacturing

companies and pharmaceutical companies

around the world

we right now have a personal health

challenge and we have a national in

almost every country healthcare

challenge and we can change that

and so what you're going to experience


very soft incremental changes to your

psychology throughout the entire program

and the end result is you're going to

have a different relationship with

yourself and a different relationship

with food and you will find yourself

fully free what i mean by fully free is

that you will be able to eat what you

want and not eat what you don't want you

know some of our clients come to us and

they go but eric i don't i don't want to

i don't want to do a whole health

program because i love my freedom around

food but then i have to ask them do you

really feel free like can you not eat

ice cream can you not eat pizza because

what i want to do is get you to a place

where you cannot eat it when you don't

want to


in wildfit what we will not ask you to

do is do exercise we might ask you to

consider some intentional movements like

you know going up the stairs every now

and again but there will be no exercise

related to this program we will also not

ask you to restrict your food intake

whatsoever we will not want you hungry

ever if you are hungry while you're on

this program frankly you're doing it

wrong we will also not ask you to even

think about calories you will certainly

not be calorie counting in any way and

certainly you won't be restricting them

there are things you know that you're

dealing with right now

and there are also some things that you

may not even be aware of

in three months from now

those things will look very very


welcome to wildfit this is a program

that completely transforms people's

lives and i can't wait to welcome you to

the community

Eric Edmeades WildFit Review

Experience The Game-Changing Body Transformation Methodology That Permanently And Naturally Returns You To Your Optimal Shape And Wellbeing

How is it that after decades of diet fads coming and going…

Millions still struggle with their eating habits, with losing weight, and regaining their health?

According to Eric Edmeades, the creator of WILDFIT, one of the most powerful health transformation systems on the planet, it’s because our understanding of the word ‘diet’ is completely and utterly wrong.

As Eric puts it, most people today see ‘dieting’ as:

“A temporary alteration to our eating patterns in order to fit into that specific outfit for that specific event.”

But what a diet really is, is a lifestyle.

So in the same way animals have an ideal diet for their species…

Humans have a ‘human diet.’

But knowing what to eat is just half the battle.

Being able to make the right food choices in spite of the Big Food industry pumping billions of marketing dollars to influence your eating habits is the other half.

In the WildFit Program, you will learn:

  1. The ultimate step-by-step guide to beating junk food cravings forever
    This approach will not only kick your addiction to candy, chips, or ice cream, but also replace them with healthy cravings for food that heals and nourishes.

  2. Why your “healthy food” is robbing you of your health & vitality
    An alarming number of doctors, nutritionists, and health food companies still recommend food that weakens and ages you before your time. You will find out what to blacklist on your next grocery trip.

  3. The key to resilient health and optimal weight at any age
    Learn the approach Eric Edmeades used to help Mindvalley Founder Vishen Lakhiani get slimmer, fitter, and stronger in his 40s, all in just 8 weeks.

  4. Everyone knows sugar is bad - but here’s what you haven’t been told about this supervillain
    Eric's method will shift your approach to sugar. You will not look at sugar in the same way ever again.

… And much, much more.

WildFit Diet Success Stories

WildFit Program Success: Jacqueline Lost 46Lbs
WildFit Success Story: Andrejas lost 27Lbs
WildFit Diet Success: Chris Vukich lost 32Lbs

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90 Days To Success: The WildFit Diet Program Will Show You...

The Principles to Lasting Health

WILDFIT is a Paleo-influenced health methodology that draws heavily from evolutionary history and modern-day hunter-gatherer communities. A key principle of WILDFIT is that ‘every living thing has a diet’ and that the degree to which a species can stay on its diet is a measure of its health and longevity. These principles are known to have existed for at least 5 – 6 million years.

Microlearning For Even Your Busiest Days

The traditional way of taking courses is: you invest in a course, and you study it by yourself in your own time for about 8 - 10 hours. It’s a process lacking in accountability and excitement. The WILDFIT program is run on Mindvalley’s Quests microlearning platform, which allows you to experience the program along with thousands of others under real-time guidance from Eric Edmeades’ team. No more finding time to pour through 10-hour courses. Just set aside an easy 10 minutes a day for 90 days

Powerful Behavioral Psychology

WILDFIT creator Eric Edmeades has been a professional speaker and executive business mentor for 2 decades: he understands behavior and how to create lasting change in you. WILDFIT’s program structure is based on powerful behavioural psychology techniques that help you implement the changes you want, quickly and easily..

No Starvation And No Exercise

The WILDFIT program is carefully designed so that you will NOT be hungry and there is no requirement to exercise. This program is about nutritional balance and getting your diet, energy levels and sleep on track so that, when you are ready, you will actually enjoy your exercise. You'll not dread it like you used to.

Work With The Six Human Hungers

Most people eat either far more or far less than they need, and often they do both. They eat too much of what they should and not enough of what they must. In the WILDFIT program, you’ll work with the SIX CORE HUMAN HUNGERS to help you interpret what your body is trying to tell you, and give it what it truly needs.

Designed For Results In 90 Days

For the most part, people already know (or think they know) what they should eat and what they should avoid to achieve their health goals. The problem is that they often fail to stick with them. They make exceptions and these exceptions slowly become the rule. The well-refined 90-day structure of the WILDFIT program, on the other hand, breaks most people's conditioning long enough to deliver lasting change.

Group Coaching and Teams

Food and health are team sports; people gravitate toward the average of the people around them. For most, this is not good news. The WILDFIT program places you in a group of people that can work together and support each other towards the same goals, every step of the way. This powerful framework helps our students get the best results possible.

The WILDFIT Program Requires No Special Foods

Healthier, organic foods can sometimes cost a bit more, but there are no special shakes, supplements or anything else to purchase. We are fundamentally against diet programs that are designed to get you to pay extra for "special foods" or "energy shakes" to complete the journey. Instead, every week, you gain a new awareness in your relationship with food. The WILDFIT program creates a fundamental change in your own body at a remarkable stick rate, and you are never obligated to buy anything from us again.