Kendal to Cunswick Scar

A 7km walk from Kendal town centre which can be shortened by not crossing the bypass to ascend Cunswick Scar but can also be extended on the Scar.


From the Birdcage at the top of Finkle Street, head left, south towards the Olde Fleece Inn but turn right before it into Old Shambles Yard (the old location for butchers shops in Kendal). At the top ascend steps to the left onto Low Fellside. Follow this (right/north) until the Nobles Rest park is on the right and turn left up a cobbled path (by a terrace called Spring Gardens). Dog-leg right-left across Serpentine Road to the next steps. Then left on Queens Road and then right onto the Tramway. Follow this initially tarmac path uphill and then along a path keeping a wall on the right. After 500m enter and exit a tiny disused quarry and be guided by the wall on the right uphill (ignoring a style to the right). Cross the golf course and stay with signs to head right / north west descending fields to reach a foot bridge across the A591. From here the summit of Cunswick Scar is well worth a 2km (ie there and back) linear walk north-west to a cairn at the north end of the higher ground. Return to the footbridge and head north parallel to the road, descending. Follow this path back with a wall on the left with allotments to the left above Kendal. Keep going to reach Queens Road and follow this to the outward route.


Pub: see the Kendal pub list.

Variants: Serpentine Woods, to the left/south and above the Tramway is a pleasant small woodland area. On Cunswick Scar, the whole of the Scout Scar massif is to the south. It extends, across a minor road, 3 km to Helsington church.