Encyclopedias &

Reference Tools

Combines Literature Resource Center with Gale Virtual Reference Library in one interface. Articles, critical essays, work and topic overviews, full-text works, and biographies covering authors, their works, and literary movements.

Includes over 3.3 million articles from 534 scholarly subject dictionaries and encyclopedias. This is an invaluable source for starting your research and finding definitions, terminology, biographical sketches, and historical information.

Tutorials By Credo

General reference database from business and political science to literature and psychology scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and daily news content, accessible to readers and researchers at every level.

Tutorial By ProQuest


Designed specifically for elementary and middle school students, SIRS Discoverer offers articles, nonfiction books, images, activities, and websites curated for educational relevance, age appropriateness, and readability.

Research the pros and cons of current issues and enduring social issues through full-text articles, multimedia, primary sources, government documents and reference materials.

Tutorial by ProQuest: