Facility / 研究設備

Lab facility

Glovebox with 2D transfer and measurement system

・Vac NEXUS 2box-type glovebox

・Home-built 2D transfer system

・Mitsutoyo microscope with simple probe station, Andor spectrometer, and Andor CCD camera.

2 sets of  home-built 2D transfer system in ambient

・Nikon microscope with heating stage and 4-axis motorized stage for 2D material transfer

Various microscope for 2D material observation

・Shimadzu scanning probe microscope (SPM) for AFM, cAFM, KPFM

・Olympus, Keyence, and Wraymer microscopes

・Nanosurf compact NaioSTM

Low-T optical system

・Montana cryostation (4-350K)

・Nikon microscope with laser sources, Andor spectrometer, Andor VIS-NIR CCD, and Andor InGaAs CCD camera (under construction)

Home-built yellow room

・Olympus microscope for simple maskless photolithography system

・Small draft chamber, hot plate, and spincoater

Evaporator with E-gun

・Sanyu Electron evaporator with E-gun system

Vaccum probe station

・Lake Shore vaccum probe station with nitrogen liguid temperature

Other facilities

・Sourcemeter, lock-in amplifier, function generator,  impedance analyzer, desiccator, electronic balance, cabinet, working space, and so on

Horiba Raman system

for 2D material characterization

Nanofinder Raman system

for 2D material characterization

PPMS Evercool

for low-T transport measurement