
2024. 3.10 - 号外ニュースレター 2





“Gurindji Journey" と同様に、岩波現代文庫版「ラディカル」と、図書出版みぎわから今年出版する三冊の印税はすべて、近いうちに出版社から直接オーストラリア国立大学の保苅実記念奨学基金に寄付する手配をします。保苅実を信じてグリンジの人々が明かしてくれたことや教えてくれたことなどが勝手に無断使用されることのないよう、今回のような機会があるごとに主張し、許可を得ることの重要性という概念を浸透させなければならないと思っています。


















2016年、福岡市美術館「歴史する!Doing History!」









Dear Everyone 

In 2024, which will be 20 years since Mino passed away, it looks like I have one report to send after another. Mino knows that I now have plenty of free time for him after sending my daughter to college.

Below is the “Open Inquiry Letter to the Public History Research Group." As you read it, you will know the background and circumstances of why I sent it.

This year, I will be 57 years old. After I pass, Minoru Hokari and his books will continue their journey without my support, so I will do everything I can while I'm still alive.

As with “Gurindji Journey”, I will arrange for all royalties from his Japanese book and the three books that will be published this year to be donated directly from the publisher to the Minoru Hokari Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Australian National University. 

I want to make sure that the Gurindji's teachings that were shared with Mino are not used without permission. I will take every opportunity like this one to advocate and spread the concept of the importance of obtaining permission.

Recently, I was talking to someone about Mino, and he said to me, “I was wondering if my brother died, would I do what you have been doing for 20 years after Mino's death? What kind of relationship did you two have? Were you two like best friends?" he asked me. I laughed and said, "No, I was always the older sister and he was the younger brother."

He always called me "big sis". Then, perhaps around the time he settled in Australia, he started calling me “Yuki-chan.” By that time, he had probably already grown into a "Mino Hokari'' whose depth as a person is something I can't even imagine. But to me, he was always and still is my younger brother. I'm sure in our previous life, even if we hadn’t been siblings, we must have been very close, and I believe that we will have that same close relationship again in our next life.

I will write to you again soon. Yuki


To whom it may concern

On December 26, 2023, the 16th public online meeting, sponsored by the Public History Research Group (“The Group”) , “Hokari’s Heritage: Collaborative Recollection of Aboriginal and Indigenous Historical Practices” was held. Minoru Hokari's name was used in the title, and the purpose was to reminisce with Minoru Hokari and "resurrect" him in the present. It is not an exaggeration to say that the discussion would not have been established without Minoru Hokari. 

However, neither I, Yuki, who inherited the copyrights, nor Being Connected with HOKARI MINORU (“BCWHM”), who manages the copyrights of his works and photographs, was notified or invited for the event by the Group. 

In addition, at the online session, the BCWHM pointed out the following matters. 

As of today, we have not heard back from the Group, asking for a belated permission to use Hokari’s name, work and pictures. The Group’s website also does not address any of these matters. 

The Group positioned the event to mark the 20th anniversary of Hokari’s death.  We, BCWHM, also mark 2024 as the 20th anniversary of his death, and will publish a collection of his works and other commemorative activities. It feels like such a special opportunity has been taken away and hijacked.

From the time my brother fell ill, and for 20 years after his death, I have been writing to his friends, teachers, donors, readers, visitors to the photography exhibition, and whoever touched his life and work, a few times a year. I have been reporting to them about our events and activities as well as the memorial scholarship funds balance and award winners. Many should have received our most recent report about the UNSW Minoru Hokari memorial scholarship fund. 

As Mino’s sister, when I get involved with his work, the first thing I think about is the importance of getting permission, especially in the context of his studies. 

Even though his supervisors said "You don't have to go that far; elders can't read your thesis,'' he traveled all the way from Canberra to Daguragu to present his thesis to the elders before submitting it to the school. I'm sure all the researchers who talk about Minoru Hokari know about the fact that he asked for permission to submit. I would not have dared to hold the Minoru Hokari photography exhibition and publish the exhibition catalog without obtaining permission from the Gurindji people. I was prepared to give up if I could not receive permission. 

Naturally I have been expecting to be asked for permission or to be notified in advance if someone plans to hold a public event, using his name and his pictures that were published by myself or the BCWHM, unless it is a very small and closed group discussion. 

Above is a list of events where the organizers have notified me, and we have even received reports on the events.

If you wish to use Minoru Hokari as a subject in a public forum, and if you wish to use his photograph there, you should contact us for permission. I would always be happy to allow such an event and usage his photographs. All I would ask is to credit those photographs to the BCWHM. 

I'm not a researcher or an academic. I would always welcome any discussion and criticism about my brother’s work as “an explosion of a petal” and have never ever put myself into or have prevented any occasions like that,  and will never do such a thing in the future. 

However, even if you were a friend of my brother, I don't feel okay to be ignored as his sister who has supported the journey of his book for the last 20 years. 

I don't want to create any misunderstandings here, so I repeat. We always very much welcome any discussion and criticism about his work. I do not wish this mishap of the Group to develop a trend where it's better not to touch Minoru Hokari.

However, I am concerned that something similar will happen again if I ignore situations such as this. As normal procedure dictates, I would rather have sent a formal protest to the head of the group. However, that person is unknown to me, so we have decided to write an open inquiry to the group as a whole.


Yuki Hokari 

Being Connected with HOKARI MINORU



まず、保苅実著作集(全2巻)の刊行予告がでました。Book 1はエッセイを中心に Book 2は論文を中心になっています。すべて発表済みの原稿なので遺稿集ではないのですが、こうやって著作集として二冊にまとまるというのはとてもいいものです。



これまでに経緯をご報告してきたとおり、2016-17年に起こった大学組織改編により、奨学金制度の設立以来のIHの校長 Dr. Lundyと連絡がつかなくなりました。2019年4月に後任のDr. Jacksonになんとかたどり着いたものの、Dr. Lundyからの引き継ぎは一切なく、ほとんどの記録は手元にない、と言われました。私の記録にある最後の受賞は2014年ですが、それ以降の受賞者はいないとのこと。2020年から奨学金授与を再開したいという返事があったきりで、Dr. Jacksonは退任していたことがわかったのが2022年1月。

そして、新任のDr. Griffithsとようやく連絡がついたのが、9ヶ月後の10月のことです。Dr. Griffithsにまた最初から奨学金制度の説明をしなければならなかったということは、Dr. Jacksonからの引き継ぎはなかったわけです。


Dr. Griffiths は彼女の権限でできるすべてのことをやり尽くしてくれました。校長である彼女ですら基金に関する銀行口座情報にはアクセスできないということで、IHの理事長であるGarry Browneにつないでもらい、質問要項を含めて連絡を取り始めました。しかし、2007年にはA$51,000残高があったにも関わらず、記録はすべて消滅し、いくつかの奨学基金を合わせた全額20万ドルの内訳がわからないからと、A$40,000で再開することを提案されます。冗談じゃありません。2023年3月のzoom meetingで、この提案をはねのけたあとに、保苅実奨学基金残高が2017年時点でA$71,257だったという確認がとれたことは、去年7月にご報告しました。




その後、また数ヶ月の間なんの連絡も進展もなく、Dr. Griffithsの立場でこれ以上できることはないとなり、いよいよの方法としてUNSWのCFOに連絡をとったのが10月4日、私が日本に帰るちょうど1週間前です。そのすぐ翌日に、いけしゃあしゃあと銀行の口座記録が送られてきたのですが、驚くべきことに、2016年に奨学金用としてA$1000が引き落とされているではないですか。そして、残高の変化から計算すると、基金はわずか複利0.5661%でしか運用されていませんでした。ちなみに、ANUではこの20年間平均7%の運用率を出しています。





日米豪という文化の違いを配慮し、保苅実記念奨学金が若い世代の教育を支える道を選ぶべきかと悩みました。Dr. Griffithsとなら再出発できるだろうとも思いました。が、次の校長も彼女のような人とは限りません。



私の怒りと嫌味と脅しに満ちた最後通告は、ミノルの友人であるRay Taussの手によりプロフェッショナルな文体に変貌し、12月2日に先方に送信。先方の反応次第では、オーストラリア政府機関に不正運用の疑いを通知する準備もしていましたが、数日後に全額A$92,796をANUの基金に送金することに合意するという返事を受け取りました。12月20日に、ANUの担当者から口座に入金した旨の連絡が来て、ほっとしたことは言うまでもありません。

ちなみに、ANUの奨学金はANUの学生だけを対象にしたものではありません。オーストラリア国内の大学で学ぶすべての学生が応募することができますから、UNSWの学生にも門戸を開かれている旨、Dr. GriffithsとCFO, Libby Stratfordに伝え、私はUNSWとの縁を切りました。

先日、ANUの担当者とzoom meetingをしました。


最後に。”Gurindji Journey”の印税は、出版社から直接ANUの基金に送金されるように契約書と本書に明記した通り、毎年ANUに送金され、これまでの合計がA$3,350.86、と確認できました。



Feb 9, 2023 - Special Newsletter

Hello everyone,

2024 will be a big turning point for Mino, for me, and for us. I have an important matter to report, so get ready. This will be a lengthy email. 

At the end of December 2023, the entire fund balance of the University of New South Wales (UNSW) International House (IH) Minoru Hokari Memorial Scholarship Fund was transferred to the Australian National University (ANU) Minoru Hokari Memorial Scholarship Fund. From now on, the scholarship fund bearing Minoru Hokari will exist only at ANU.

As I have previously reported, due to the university reorganization that took place in 2016-17, I have been unable to contact Dr. Lundy, the Dean of IH. Fortunately, I managed to reach his successor, Dr. Jackson. In April 2019, he told me that nothing had been carried over from Dr. Lundy and most of the records were missing. The last award I have on record was 2014, and he confirmed there have been no winners since then. It was only in January 2022 that I learned Dr. Jackson had resigned. This was after receiving a response in 2020 that he was planning to resume awarding scholarships.

Nine months later, in October 2022, I managed to find the name of the new dean and get in touch with Dr. Griffiths. I had to explain again about the entire scholarship story to Dr. Griffiths. There was no handover from Dr. Jackson.

I was shocked and wondered what kind of organization I'm dealing with. This complete lack of communication would be unacceptable in Japan or the United States, and I don't know if this reflects Australia as a country, the mindset of the people living there, a terrible work ethic at the UNSW, or simply the deans themselves!

Dr. Griffiths did everything within her power to help me and the Mino fund. Even she, the Dean, did not have access to bank account information for the fund, so she put me in touch with Garry Browne, IH's board chairman, and I began asking him questions. I wrote to him that in 2007 there was a balance of A$51,000. However, according to him, since then, all records of individual funds and their personal growths throughout the years have been destroyed. The only information he possessed was the current amount of several scholarships bundled together under one bank account: A$200,000. He then shamelessly proposed restarting the fund at A$40,000. You've got to be kidding me. Mino's fund was sitting at A$51,000 in 2007! 

After I rejected this ridiculous A$40,000 proposal at the zoom meeting in March 2023, I reported to you all in the July newsletter that it was confirmed that the Minoru Hokari Scholarship Fund balance was A$71,257 as of 2017. 

Good. People lie but the bank statements do not lie.


Since scholarships have not been awarded since 2015, we planned to reinstate this scholarship once the current balance of the fund, including subsequent investment profits, is accounted for. 

I believe this is as far as I've reported since last time. 

After that, there was no further communication or progress for several months, and Dr. Griffiths told me there was nothing more she could do, so I contacted the CFO of UNSW, Libby Stratford, on October 4th, one week before I went back to Japan. Immediately the next day, the bank statements were sent to me shamelessly, and to my surprise, A$1,000 had been withdrawn for the scholarship in 2016. AND, based on the changes in the balance, the fund was managed at a compound interest rate of only 0.5661%, while ANU has had an average rate of 7% over the past 20 years.

A few days later, just before I left for Japan, I requested that the entire fund be transferred to ANU.

Then, three days later, Gary Browne offered to "make up" the 2017 balance of A$71,258 with 4.5% interest, which would come out to A$92,796. I was outraged. 

Don’t fucking underestimate me. He refused to answer any specific questions I asked, and only after I  threatened to transfer the fund to ANU, he offered to compensate. I did not reply about this proposal, and continued to think about what to do while enjoying my three-week stay in Japan.

I am not a patient person. I hate things that don't make sense or that are not right. The reason why I took so long to address this, which is unusual for me, is that I was trying to figure out the most effective way. I had to deal with people who didn't give me a straightforward response right away. They were trying to wear me out. It is a disgusting tactic. 

Considering the cultural differences between Japan, America, and Australia, I wondered whether I should support the fund for the sake of the younger generation. I also thought that I should be willing to make a fresh start, with Dr Griffiths. However, I do not know what kind of person the next principal will be. 

However, when I returned to the United States in early November and further examined the bank account records, I discovered that the balance had suddenly decreased by A$1,000 sometime between the end of 2016 and October 2017. In total, two years worth of scholarship money was withdrawn. However, there is no record of who received it.

This is an academic institution that manages and operates memorial scholarship funds that provides education. I couldn't leave it to those inept people to manage the fund that people from all over the world had donated in memory of Mino. Mino's fund was not set up with a big donation from his family. It is not something ordinary and simple like that, but rather a collection of the thoughts of his friends, colleagues, and teachers who touched his life, as well as the readers of his 2 books "Radical Oral History" and "Gurindji Journey", and the photo exhibition catalogue. I have been supporting the fund, thinking that of it is the reincarnation of Mino.

I drafted my last words full of anger, sarcasm, and threats. This last email to the UNSW was transformed into a professional style by Mino's friend, Ray Tauss who has been supporting me since Mino’s passing, and I sent this to the CFO on December 2nd. Depending on their response, I was preparing to notify Australian government agencies of the suspected fraud, but a few days later I received a response saying they had agreed to transfer the entire amount to the ANU fund. I was relieved when I received a call from an ANU representative on December 20th informing me that the money had been deposited into their account. 

ANU’s Minoru Hokari Memorial Scholarship is not just for ANU students. Since everyone at Australian universities are eligible to apply, I informed Dr. Griffiths and CFO, Libby Stratford that the application was open to UNSW students, and I severed my ties with UNSW. 

Earlier this week, I had a zoom meeting with the ANU.

UNSW’s A$92,796 is now added to the ANU fund, which had a balance of A$192,029.82 in December 2021. The additional fund will operate alongside the existing fund for the next year, with contributions beginning in 2025. 

The winner of the award in 2023 was an indigenous student, but declined the award due to family circumstances, so we decided to put the award on hold for six months with the hope that he/she would be able to resume their research in the fall semester. 

The existing fund, which has grown steadily, will provide a A$5,000 field work scholarship each for two students starting in 2024. In addition to this, starting in 2025, we will begin offering scholarships for indigenous students with non credit courses.

Lastly, I confirmed that the royalty from "Gurindji Journey" that I arranged to send directly to the ANU from the publisher has been sent to the fund every year, totaling A$3,350.86 so far. 

It's a new start for everyone. Thank you very much for your love and support. I will keep on going. 

Yuki Hokari


まず連絡事項から。7月の誕生日ニュースレターを受け取られてない方がいたようですが、おそらくそれは私がmhokari@gmail.com から送信したからです。今回は私の個人アドレスから送信していますが、来年からはmhokari@からになります。もしもミノルの誕生日7月8日と年末年始の年に二回のニュースレターが届かなかったら、ブログを見てください。






来年2月から5月の間に、順番に刊行が予定されている、保苅実著作集(全二巻)と、彼の英文博士論文をもとに2011年に出した”Gurindji Journey: A Japanese Historian in the Outback” の和訳本の出版準備は順調に進んでいます。7月に亡くなられたひとり出版社、みずき書林の岡田林太郎さんと、この企画を引き継いだ彼の後輩である、同じくひとり出版社、図書出版みぎわの堀郁夫さん。彼らとの出会いの経緯は、刊行される3冊のなかで私が書きましたので、お楽しみに。今回の滞在中に、解説をお願いした皆さんにお会いして、美味しい食事と楽しい会話とともに、私の人選は間違いなかったと確信しました。




編み物に興味を失った私が、最後に開催した “Nimara & Japarta: Knit-A-Thon 2022”からの寄付を林太郎さんのお名前でさせていただくこと(”in honor of Rintaro Okada” )を裕子さんに快諾していただき、先日無事にオーストラリア国立大学の保苅実記念奨学基金に寄付しましたことをここにご報告します。




December 13, 2023 

Happy Holidays, everyone. 

Just to let you know some people did not receive Mino’s birthday newsletter in July because I used a different email address. I am sending this from my personal one, but will switch back to Mino’s (mhokari@gmail.com) from 2024. If you don’t receive the newsletter in July and Dec/Jan, please just check the blog that archives all the newsletters. 

Okay! After I sent off my daughter, Nicole (her middle name is Minori) to a college in Cleveland, Ohio, I went to Japan in October for 3 weeks. I’ve never had a more fun trip in my life! No one to take care of, no one to translate for, I ate whatever I want and wherever I want. 

I met many people related to Mino’s work, such as his friends, young scholars who are inspired by Mino’s work, and the publishers (past and upcoming books) as well as my friends. We spent 20 years corresponding only via Emails and except for one or two, this was the first time meeting in person. They saw a piece of Mino in me and as we talked, more and more memories came back to us. 

It also made me realize such intellectually stimulating conversations have been missing in my life. Mino’s friends are now professors at the top universities in Japan, and I noticed their thoughtful ways to choose the words when forming sentences, and I enjoyed the conversation very much. 

Last time I saw my parents was 2019 Summer right before the Covid lockdown. For their happy but quiet life, I was like a typhoon that brought so much laughter and disturbance. Just like typhoons, I will make “seasonal” visits, going to see them in Spring and Fall, from now on. 

Mino’s Japanese book “Radical Oral History” will be in digital format early next year and the 4th print of the paperback version was printed this fall, totaling 10,900 copies since 2004.

The publishing plans of Mino's complete works (2 volumes) and the Japanese translation of “Gurindji Journey” are in place, and they will be published in sequence over 4 months in 2024. I handpicked the reviewers for those three books, and I contributed my essays. 

The original one person publisher, Rintaro Okada, who was deeply inspired by Mino’s work, gifted me a book that he published in 2018, whose title includes “Historical Practices”, a keyword that Mino used, that the author/editor/filmmaker, Shiori Okawa wanted. 

In 2021, he sent me another book of Okawa's, and while I was writing back my thoughts to them, he fell ill. I brought the publishing plan to him and his friend, Ikuo Hori, another one person publisher early this year.  

He passed away in July, and Hori took over the job as the three of us had discussed “IF something should  happen to Rintaro.” I could not make it in time to see him in person, but met his wife, Yuko and Okawa in Tokyo. I made a donation (from my last Knit-A-Thon) to the ANU in honor of Rintaro Okada. 

Okada left his book based on his blog, adding his comments during his last few months. There are many writings about Mino, how he dealt with his illness, and mentioning me as well. Mino inspired him in such a way as well. 

I have been postponing the Photography Exhibition in my hometown, Niigata, since the cancellation due to the Covid. We will have book launches and related events in May 2024, next time I will be in Japan, then in Oct/Nov 2024, we will have photography exhibitions in Niigata, Tokyo, and perhaps in other cities, too. 

That’s it for this newsletter. You can expect more exciting news in 2024. 

Now I am preparing for Kyle and Nicole to come home for the holiday break. Happy Holidays, everyone.

Yuki Hokari 




2022年の受賞者は、メルボルン大学の博士課程に在籍しているSeka Senevirantneさん。彼女はユニークな経歴の持ち主です。イタリアで化学の修士号を取得した後、現在文化遺産の保存科学の分野で研究中。博士論文は、アジア太平洋地域、タイ、マレーシア、フィリピン、インドネシア、オーストラリア先住民の樹皮絵画の生物劣化がテーマ。奨学金は、ダーウィンへの旅行費とノーザンテリトリーの博物館とギャラリーで調査する費用に当てられます。

6月に、私はANU基金関係担当のAndrea MorrisとNYCで再会し楽しい1日を過ごしました。基金の今後の方針についてアイデアを交換しましたので、お楽しみに。


忍耐強く対応した甲斐があった、とご報告します。インターナショナルハウス校長のDr. Griffithsと役員会会長のMr. Browneは、組織改革があった際に「寄付の記録が全て失われた」という理由のもとに、これから4万ドルで心機一転始めようと提案してきました。私は2005年の残高は$31,820, 2007年に$51,000という報告を受けていると主張し、2023年の今、4万ドルで始めるなどというばかな話を受け入れられるわけがないでしょうと、お金の行方はすべて銀行に記録として残っているはずという私の問い合わせに何一つ答えてもらっていない、と答えました。オーストラリアの常識では許されることかもしれないが、日本とアメリカの常識からは到底受け入れられない話だとも。

Dr Griffithsは真剣に受け止めてくれました。数ヶ月後に連絡があり、基金残高は2005年に$31,820、2017年8月に$71,257だったことが、銀行の記録から確認されたとのこと(そりゃそうでしょう)。2015年以降、奨学金は授与されていませんから、基金の利息分は再投資され、その残高を増やし続けているはずです。この点が明らかになった時点で、この奨学金は再出発します。これからは、二度とこのようなことにならないよう、私はDr Griffithsに協力して、この奨学基金の行方を見守っていきます。


三つ目。Ronin Filmsが制作中の “Japarta”という保苅実のドキュメンタリー映画ですが、7月末にはある程度の形になるだろうという連絡を受けています。日本語字幕版はまだ先のことになりますが、いずれは。


二つの出版企画が動き出しました。発表した日英の論文等全てを収めた保苅実著作集と”Gurindji Journey: A Japanese Historian in the Outback”の和訳本の出版です。著作集はみずき書林から、そして和訳本は図書出版みぎわからの刊行を予定して、関係者全員がいいムードで作業を続けていました。












July 8, 2023

Happy 52nd Birthday Mino. I have lots of news for you this time. 

1. An update for the Minoru Hokari Memorial Scholarship fund at the ANU. 

As of 31 Dec 2021 (Yes, it is 2021, not 2022), the fund balance was A$178,811. Annual distributable amount was A$7,555.43 and the award was A$5,000. Over $2,500 was reinvested back with the principal balance as it has always been in the past. 

2022 Scholar was Seka Senevirantne, PhD Candidate at the Univ of Melbourne. She has a unique background. She finished her masters in Italy, majored in chemistry and now studies in the field of conservation science of cultural heritage. Her thesis is about the biodeterioration effects on Asian-Pacific paintings, from Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Australia aboriginal bark paintings. 

The scholarship allows her to travel to Darwin and conduct her research at the Museum and Art Gallery of Northern Territory. 

In June, I spent the day in NYC with Andrea Morris; the Head of Advancement, who is my contact for the ANU fund. We had a good discussion about the future plans for this scholarship. 

2. The other memorial scholarship fund at UNSW International House. 

I am pleased to say that my perseverance paid off. 

I had 2 zoom meetings with Dr Griffiths, and one with Mr. Browne, the chair of the IH board. Although, they suggested allocating merely $40,000 to the Mino fund (as the records were "destroyed"), I insisted that I was told that the balance in 2005 was $31,820 and $51,000 in 2007. They wanted to move on with $40K, and I said none of my questions have been answered. I felt they were genuinely sincere, but told them maybe it was OK for an Australian standard, but there was no way acceptable for Japanese and American standards. 

Dr. Griffiths took it hard. A few more months later, she brought me good news. She was able to track down the bank accounts (HA!!!) and confirmed that the fund had $31,820 in 2005 and $71,257 in August 2017. We still need to figure out how much interest it has earned since 2017, without any awards given from 2015. 

I feel good enough to report to you all with this progress and I look forward to working with Dr Griffiths moving forward. I promise I will make sure history doesn't repeat itself. 

Thank you very much to those who have advised me how to approach this problem and those who encouraged me to stay firm.  I continued to follow up and got the answers. 

3. Ronin Films has been working on completing the documentary film “Japarta.”  We are expecting a reasonable cut done by the end of July. 

Last but not least. A plan to publish Mino's books in Japan has been working. One is his “complete works” that includes all of his published articles both in Japanese and English. The other is a Japanese translation of “Gurindji Journey.” Everyone involved is very excited and I will keep you all posted. I am planning to visit Japan this fall; however, for various reasons the photography exhibition in our hometown is again postponed till Spring 2024. 

As Nicole goes to college this fall, I will have lots of time to allocate working for you. I am sure lots will get done and I will tell you all about it next time. 

Love you and miss you, Mino. Always. 


January 5, 2023





今まで、一体何が起こっていたのか分からず、奨学金の情報が入手できないでいました。何度目でしょうか、最近の試みの結果、現在の学長であるDr Charlene Griffithsに辿り着き、2014年から奨学金の授与が停止していることを知りました。


ミノルの奨学基金の核は、その永遠性です。Dr. Griffithsは誠実にこの事態に至ったことを謝罪してくれたのですが、彼女自身も基金情報にアクセスできないとのこと。11月29日に、私からインターナショナルハウスの監督委員会の責任者であるGarry Browneに問い合わせを出しました。すぐにFinance担当者に連絡を取ると返事が来ましたが、まだ回答はもらっていません。



1。最近 ANU History Departmentを退職し名誉教授となったとなったProf. Rae Francisの尽力により、Ronin Filmsが保苅実についてのドキュメンタリー映画を完成させる目処がつきました。彼の英語の著作”Gurindji Journey: A Japanese Historian in the Outback”が、2023年半ばに予定されている映画の公開に合わせて、また店頭に登場しそうです。



この映画の完成を決して諦めず、私とProf Ann McGrathに状況を逐一知らせてくださったRonin FilmsのAndrew Pikeに心よりお礼申し上げます。

2。6月に、ANUの奨学基金に関しての連絡先であるAndrea Morrisが、Prof. Rae FrancisとProf. Bruce Scatesと一緒に、アメリカ出張の忙しいスケジュールの合間に、私に直接会いに来てくれました。夕食の席で、奨学金がどのような形で学生たちを援助しているかという話や、今後の授与金額や人数などを変更する計画などについて、話し合いました。

ANUは2022年のMinoru Hokari Scholarを発表するプロセスに入っています。情報が入り次第、ご報告します。







A  Happy New Year, everyone.

I hope you are all doing well. My apologies for not writing to you until the New Year. There was lots of family time here during the holiday season. 

Also, I relocated to a town nearby, and downsized. If you need my new address, please let me know. Mail forwarding service will end before this summer.

I have good news and bad news. Bad news comes first with a heavy heart.

I have to report to all of you about the UNSW International House Memorial Scholarship situation. Since the foundation of the scholarship in 2003, there was some “reorganization” of the

International House in 2016-17, and the dean has changed twice since, without my knowledge.

Until now, I had no knowledge of what was going on and struggled to get any scholarship information for the last several years. My recent efforts finally reached the current dean, Dr. Charlene Griffiths, and I found out, due to this chaos, that the scholarship has not been awarded since 2014.

The fund had A$31,820 in 2005, and $51,000 in 2007. As of now, there is no record of exactly how much the Mino’s fund has and all we know is that the IH endowment in total, along with other scholarship funds, is worth A$200,000. Please note that money is traceable. It undeniably leaves a track. I don’t understand how it has not been recorded. It is absurd and irresponsible for an endowment. At least, the fund has been

audited although I have never seen a report, and we should be able to assume there has not been any foul play.

As we all know, perpetuity is the core of Mino’s scholarship fund. Dr. Griffiths has been genuine and sincere, and wishes to make a fresh start with me. I asked for a guarantee of awarding A$1000 for a recipient a year in perpetuity.

In order to secure that, we need to find out exactly what’s been going on with the fund. Since Dr Griffiths does not have access to the fund information, (which does not make any sense in my opinion) I reached out to a chair of the IH board, Mr. Garry Browne on Nov 29, who said he would send an inquiry to the UNSW Finance Department.

I am still waiting for any sort of response, and I will report to you all once I have more information in my hand. I deeply apologize that I let this happen.

Now onto the good news.

1. Thanks to Prof Rae Francis of the ANU History Department, who retired recently as an emeritus, Ronin Films is working to complete the documentary film about Mino. His book, “Gurindji Journey: A Japanese Historian in the Outback” is back in the market, partnering up with the film release in mid 2023.



I deeply appreciate that Andrew Pike never gave up on the film, and always kept me and Prof. Ann McGrath informed.

2. In June, my contact for the ANU’s Mino fund, Andrea Morris, along with Prof. Rae Francis and Prof. Bruce Scates, kindly found time to visit me in person during their busy business trip schedule. We had a great time having dinner together and discussing several endowment matters. As the fund has been doing well, we are planning to make some changes as to how much to award to more than one recipient.

ANU is in the process of announcing the 2022 Minoru Hokari Scholar. I will pass the info to you all once I hear from the team.

3. We are planning to hold another photography exhibition in early October. This will be the last exhibition and in Mino’s hometown, which was originally cancelled due to the covid lockdown in 2020. I have not been back in Japan since 2019, and look forward to being there in fall 2023. Details will follow and I hope many can come to the exhibition.

It has been almost 19 years since Mino’s passing. Here and there I receive emails from people who knew Mino and who never met him. I especially like the idea of inspiring young people through Mino’s life. Knowing that young scholars have been inspired by Mino’s work gives me tremendous pleasure and satisfaction that Mino continues to meet new people.

Recently, Ryo Shimizu, who studies sociology in wars, under Prof. Gen Nogami, Mino’s friend, reached out to me. We wrote to each other back and forth a few times, and he sent me his latest article. It was delightedly filled with Mino’s influence, written in plain Japanese, not hiding behind the jargon, so even I, a non scholar, can understand and enjoy it fully. I was in tears with happiness.

Please continue helping me to inspire younger generations with Mino’s life and work. I am now planning a few projects with Irumi Sasakura, who curated the first exhibition, including the last exhibition in Niigata. Please look for more info in the next newsletter on Mino’s birthday in July.

I wish you all a fruitful year of 2023.


July 8, 2022





ANUの基金担当のAndrea MorrisとProf. Rae Francesが、Prof. Bruce Scatesとともに、アメリカに出張に来た折に、わざわざNJまで3人で私に会いに来てくれました。2021年の受賞者Jess Urwinさんがいかに優秀な研究者であるか、奨学金が若い研究者たちの大きな助けになっていること、そして、基金運用が順調なので、A$5,000という奨学金額を増やし、フィールドワーク内容と目的地次第で、受賞者数や配分金額を多様に取り扱うことができるような変更が可能かもしれない、という話をしました。





Dear Mino

Happy birthday, Mino! You are 51 years old! We can live for more than 100 years these days and people would tell me that I am only at the half way point of your life. However, it is safely assumed that I have about 20-25 years with sanity and physical health. Well, President Biden is 79 years old, our Dad who is 86, recovered miraculously from a stroke and is fully back on playing golf, and Mom who did a partial hip replacement is behaving like 60 years old, so with our gene, I maybe able to expect a healthy life for another 30-35 years. 

This year’s birthday gift is a long awaited new website. As you know, hokariminoru.org was archived digitally at the National Library of Australia. We will have a new email address (bcwhm1@gmail.com) for our new “Being Connected with Hokari Minoru”  and will continue to communicate from there. 


I have one great news for you. Your book “Radical Oral History,” a softcover from Iwanami printed did another 800 copies in June (the 3rd print), totaling 10,100 copies including the 4500 copies of the original hardcover version. More than 10,000 copies, Mino!!! There are many more people telling me that they wish they have met you and talked to you. Me, too, Mino. I want to see and talk to you. 

A few weeks ago, Andrea Morris from the ANU endowment team came to the US with Prof. Rae Frances and Prof. Bruce Scates. They kindly came to see me in New Jersey and we had a great time talking about the wonderful work that Jess Urwin, the last year’s scholarship recipient, has been engaging, and how much your scholarship has been helping all the young scholars. Also, since the fund has been doing very well, we are looking into increasing the A$5,000 award, and possibly making some changes with more flexibility to divide the award among more than one recipient, based on the location and the type of fieldwork. 

You should know that it is not easy to go over and organize the things that you left. Although I finally make up my mind to get on it, I often get overwhelmed and stop at some point. Recently I found more of your pictures, essays and school grades during your childhood. It has been 18 years since your passing and I should stop lamenting what you could have been doing if you were still alive. I should try to describe how you have spent your childhood years and to explain how you had grown up to be you. 

Since her 17th birthday in April, Nicole started driving alone. That opened up lots of my free time. I will spend such time on building the new website, and preparing the your Photo Exhibition in Niigata which was cancelled in 2020, due to Covid. We are thinking of fall in 2023. Your book made so many acquaintance for you and me and I wish I could see them in person at the venue. 

Happy Birthday, Mino. 


 Dec 31, 2021









1. ノート/Noteを始めました。#毎月8日はミノルの日、として月に一度のペースで思い出話などを書いていこうかと思っています。Noteは無料登録できます。が、登録していなくても「スキ」ができるので、読んだら「スキ」でお知らせいただけると嬉しいです。


 2. Being Connected with HOKARI MINORU が、オーストラリア国立図書館のデジタルアーカイブに永久保存されたことを、前回お知らせしました。それとは別に、これからも更新するコンテンツ、重要なコンテンツのいくつかを、新しく始めるサイト(ブログ)に移す準備をしています。


3. 「ラディカル」の岩波現代文庫の第二刷(800部)が2021年1月に出ました。御茶ノ水書房からでた4500部と、岩波の第一刷4800部と合わせて、総合計が9300部となりました。いつか近い将来1万部を達成することを期待しましょう。

4. 2020年の奈良女子大学の試験問題に使われた「ラディカル」ですが、この度旺文社の「入試正解デジタル」に掲載されることとなりました。また、東京外国語大学の、帰国生入試の課題図書に「ラディカル」が指定されました。

5. オーストラリア国立大学の保苅実奨学基金の残高が、2020年12月時点A$167,457から大幅に増え、A$193,029.82となりました。みなさんの寄付で成り立つこの基金残高が運用され成長していくと、奨学金と基金の運用費用を賄う利息も増えていきます。弟が亡くなった年に設立されてから17年間運用され成長してきた今、授与者を二人に増やすか、5000ドルの奨学金額を増やすか、もしくはこのまま過剰利息はそのまま基金に組み込み、残高増加を最大限に目指すか、の決断をする時期が来たと、私は感じています。私の両親は、オーストラリア先住民史に限らず、対象をオーストラリア史もしくは「歴史」研究にまで広げることを提案、私は世界の先住民史研究を対象とするのはどうかと考えています。奨学金を二つにし、二つ目を「歴史」もしくは「世界の先住民史」研究を対象にすることもできます。いずれにせよ、「フィールドワーク」は保苅実の真髄ですから、この条件はそのままにすべきでしょう。寄付者であるみなさんからも、率直なご意見を聞かせていただければと思います。どうぞお気軽に、このメールにお返事ください。


6. 2021年の受賞者は、ANUの歴史学博士課程のJessica Urwinさんです。研究タイトルは、“Chain Reactions: Nuclear Colonialism in South Australia”


この奨学金で、何世代にもわたってオーストラリア南部の核による「植民地化」に抵抗し続けるPort Augustaの先住民コミュニティへのフィールドワークが実現します。

7.  最後に。2月に編み物関連で集まったUS$1700を基金に寄付し、10月に、第9回目の編み物イベント”Nimara & Japarta: Knit-A-Thon”を開催しました。新月から満月、そしてまた新月から満月へと二回のサイクルの間、12人のニッターが4715メートルの毛糸で、14作品を編み上げました。Ravelryという編み物サイトに、各作品が登録されることで、保苅実の人生が多くの人々に触れる仕組みです。





Dear Everyone


Happy Holidays from the US with Omicron raging!


We have been in this pandemic for 2 years now. I hope you all are doing well. The pandemic has changed many things and people are struggling to adjust or refusing to adjust. It seems people are making up their own minds on when and where to wear masks. We have been seeing the cases at schools increasing very fast while our lives are back similar to pre-pandemic. This time with Omicron, I hear so many close friends have been tested positive. We all started to think it would be unavoidable to get Omicron, but hope that symptoms are not too severe, assuming we are vaccinated and boosted. That’s all we can do at this point. Please be smart and stay safe.


I have several news to share.  


One. While our website, hokariminoru.org, has been archived in Australian National Library, we are preparing for a new website/blog to keep some contents in our hands.


Two. Mino’s Japanese book, “Radical Oral History” - The 2nd print of soft cover version came out in January 2021. 800 copies. This totals 9,300 copies all in all; 4,800 copies of soft cover and 4,500 copies of the original hard cover. We hope to reach 10,000 copies in near future. 


Three.  An excerpt from Mino’s Japanese book used for a college entrance exam in 2020, is now in the digital textbook by Obunsha, a major publisher. Also, I learned that Mino’s Japanese book is on the book list for the Japanese high school students overseas who apply for Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.


Four. I am very happy to report that the fund balance is A$193,029.82 as of this December, up from A$167,457 (Dec 2020). As you can see, the fund did very well this past year. As the balance consisting of all of your donations grows, it produces more interest which covers an annual award as well as the fund management expenses. I believe we are at the point where we can consider increasing the award amount or the number of recipients, or keep it as it is in order to grow the fund itself further. My parents suggested that it may be extended to anyone who studies any historical studies, not limited to Indigenous Australians. I am thinking of any Indigenous studies around the world. Or we can make another award for non-Australian Indigenous studies. We should keep the “fieldwork” requirement since that is a flagship of Mino’s work and method. I am open to hear any suggestions and ideas from you all. Please feel free to write to me.


Another matter about the scholarship is that there have not been many applicants. Note that I am not talking about these past few years affected by the Covid. I would like all of us to advocate and advertise this scholarship in every possible way. Students/scholars always need money, correct? I remember Mino always looked for a grant. Who would not be thrilled at the opportunity for a generous A$5000 scholarship?!


Five.  This year’s Minoru Hokari Memorial Scholarship at ANU recipient is Jessica Urwin (PhD student in the School of History, ANU).


“Chain Reactions: Nuclear Colonialism in South Australia”


Jess’ research aims to chart a history of nuclear colonialism in South Australia. Through her research, she hopes to draw attention to ways of considering nuclear processes as colonial.


Jess has adopted a methodological framework that is similar to Minoru Hokari’s ‘cross-culturizing history’, with Aboriginal people both as key agents and interlocuters. With this methodology, Jess aims to consider Australia’s nuclear history not as something existing parallel to Aboriginal people’s experiences of colonialism, but intimately entangled with it.


The scholarship will facilitate Jess’ travel to speak with Aboriginal communities in Port Augusta who have, generation after generation, been subject to, and fierce resistors of, nuclear colonialism in South Australia. This funding will allow Jess to record oral histories and view the archives of one particular family of activists.


In making the award to Jess, the judges were impressed by Jess’ effort to address the spirit of Hokari’s vision of cross-cultural engagement. The project is an outstanding example of an oral history being drawn out of a precious family archive by a committed young scholar of promise with a strong sense of reciprocal obligation. The judges also highly commended an application from Catalina Labra Odde.


Lastly. In February, I donated US$1700 to the fund, all from my knitting initiatives. In October, I held my annual knitting event, 9th Nimara & Japarta: Knit-A-Thon. We kept knitting from New Moon to Full Moon to New Moon to Full Moon; 2 moon cycles. 12 knitters knitted 5,157 yards, completing 14 projects. Each project was created on Ravelry, which increases the exposure to Mino’s work and stories.

Thank you very much for reading to the end. I wish you all a happy new year. I will write to you again in July, Mino’s 51st birthday.


July 8, 2021



Nimara & Japarta: Knit-A-Thonの成果と、私のデザインパターンの売り上げを合わせて、4月にUS$1,700をANUの基金に寄付しました。僅かな額ですが、地道に少しずつでも寄付を続けることが目標です。

えっへん。とっても大きな報告があります。ここしばらく、私が歳をとってサイトの管理ができなくなった時に備えて何らかの準備をしなければと思案していたのですが、Brenda Croftに持ちかけ、Ann McGrathの助力を得て、オーストラリア国立図書館のデジタルアーカイブTroveに、今年4月29日時点の状態が永久保存されることに決まりました。


Troveは一般の検索サイトからは検索されないように守られているので、これからサイトがアーカイブされたことをどんどん宣伝していかなければなりません。今しばらくはhokariminoru.orgはまだライブで動いていますが、まもなくこれは閉鎖して”Written by Yuki”を、ブログとして再出発させ、TwitterやFacebookと合わせて保苅実とつながる会の宣伝媒体として利用していきます。




Dear Mino

Happy 50th birthday! I know you wanted to live your 40s. I am wondering how fruitfully you would have lived and reflected on it today. 

There is one thing I forgot to report in the last message.  An excerpt from your book, "Radical Oral History" was used for a college entrance exam at three universities including a graduate program in Tokyo University. It is interesting that all of them picked out the same part. You were only a 32 year old PhD student when you wrote this book,  and people refer to you as "Hokari Sensei". I chuckle every time I see it in the emails to me. 

In April, I donated $1,700 US dollars to the fund at ANU, which is from Nimara & Japarta: Knit-A-Thon outcome as well as the sale of my knit design patterns. Although it is a small amount, I would like to keep contributing. 

Well, well, well. I have a big announcement on your birthday. For recent years, I have been thinking what to do with the website when I cannot manage it any more. I consulted with Brenda Croft, and with the help of Ann McGrath (as always!) your memorial website "Being Connected with HOKARI MINORU" is now archived digitally (as it is  of April 29, 2021) and permanently in Trove, the National Library of Australia!! (link below)


The content in Trove is protected and cannot be searched by public search engines such as google, so we have to advertise this transition. In the meantime, the website, hokariminoru.org will stay live, yet, we will soon close it. However, we will continue "Written by Yuki" as a new blog and use it as an information tool along with Twitter and Facebook. 

This is my birthday gift to you this year! 

The world is reopening now from the pandemic. It is unfortunate that vaccinations in Japan are going very slow while the Tokyo Olympics are approaching. Our parents have completed their first shot and are waiting for the second one.  Everyone on my end are all fully vaccinated. Let's hope the situation worldwide improves by the time I write again later this year. Please watch over us from the sky, and from the moon. 


Dec 2020/Jan 2021







* 2020年12月時点で、オーストラリア国立大学・保苅実記念奨学基金の残高は、豪167,457ドル(1332万1千円)となりました。2019年4月時点での残高は豪157,980ドル(1256万7千円)でした。振り返れば、年間5千ドルの奨学金を授与するには127,000ドルの残高が必要でした。この目標を達成したのが2016年(129,841ドル)のこと。今、基金は年間7000ドル近くを拠出することができるようになったそうです。5000ドルずつの奨学金を二人の学生に提供できるようになる日も遠くありません。

* パンデミックのため、2020年の奨学金授与はありませんでした。フィールドワークができませんからね。

* Nimara & Japarta: Knit-A-Thon 2020は、月の満ち欠けの二周期に合わせて開催されました。読書が増え編み物の頻度が落ちているので、オンラインの編み物グループの活動もあまり頻繁ではないので、まるで同窓会のような集まりとなりました。初めて開催したのが2013年。今年の参加者1はほとんどが第一回から毎年参加してきた仲間たちで、アメリカ、日本、オーストラリア、ギリシャそして、英国からの12人で、私のデザイン19作品を編みました。

1週間ほど前、オーストラリアで先住民の健康に関わって働く日本人女性からメールをもらいました。Ronin Filmsが作ったミノルのYouTube映像に、数年前に出会い、その後私のウェブサイトを訪れてくれました。ミノルが2003年に発表した論文が、2020年に働く彼女にとって、まだとても身近な内容だそうです。





Dear Everyone 

I sincerely and seriously hope this mail finds you all doing ok out there. Today is December 31 and I finally found some time to sit down and write, but I might have to stop and come back after the New Years. Let’s see. 

My parents and my family are doing fine. Kyle went back to Boston in September for his Fall semester, being tested every 3 days, came back home for Thanksgiving, went back to Boston for a few weeks, and is now back home again for the holiday and will start his Spring semester in Boston in mid-January, after his 20th birthday. From October, John went back to the office in NYC for 4 days a week. Nicole has been fully virtual since Day 1 for this school year, not risking to be quarantined which would prevent her from going to swim practice, because of irresponsible acts of her peers at school. I have to admit this was a very wise decision. 

My parents recovered very nicely (Dad from a stroke, Mom from a hip surgery) and have been doing well. Although it is limited due to the pandemic, Dad continues to play golf and Mom goes on trips to hot springs with her friend or Dad. 

I am managing the situation well. Except for the lack of spending time with my friends, my life runs as it always has been with housekeeping, cooking, knitting and reading. Goodreads history book club prompted me to read about Alexander the Great. As I think about it, my parents always enjoy reading historical novels. I have grown up being the same, so has Mino and he became a historian. I like that he called himself a historian, not an anthropologist. Reading is good. Despite what is going on out there, you can jump into a different time and place with the help of a book. I was stunned how we humans have not changed at all since the era of Alexander as I think of our challenges and movements on race and gender these days. 

At the end of this horrific pandemic year, I received great news. Iwanami Publishing decided to print another 800 copies of Mino’s soft cover Japanese book, “Radial Oral History: Historical Practice of Indigenous Australians”. Adding the total 4,500 copies of hard cover book (7 prints total) and the first print of 4,000 copies of soft cover, it will reach at 9,300 copies. So I start dreaming of 10,000 copies. How about that? 

Here are updates for 2020. 

* As of December 2020, the balance of Minoru Hokari Memorial Scholarship Fund has reached A$167,457 (US$129,060), up from A$157,980 (US$121,756) in April 2019. Let me remind you that we reached $129,841 in 2016, exceeding our goal of $127,000 which provides $5000 scholarships every year in perpetuity. ANU told me that now the fund can produce close to $7000 annually. Awarding two scholars with $5000 each is now in our sight. 

* Due to the pandemic, the scholarship was not awarded this year since there is no fieldwork research that can be done. 

* Nimara & Japarta: Knit-A-Thon 2020 was held over two moon cycles this fall. As I slowed down with my knit designs, my online group has not been active. However, this event is like an alumni event. 12 of us gathered this year from the US, Japan, Australia, Greece and UK, to knit 19 projects of my designs. 

Only a week ago, I received a mail from a Japanese woman who works on Indigenous health in Australia. She came across the Mino’s YouTube clip made by Ronin Films a few years ago, visited my website and decided to write to me. She says Mino’s article in 2003 is still very relevant to her in 2020. 

Mino passed away in 2004 at the age of 32. He will be 50 in July 2021. I will write to you again on his 50th birthday. A Happy New Year, everyone! If you don’t mind, please reply to this mail, just saying that you are doing OK. 

Yuki Hokari