
Instructor, School of Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science, Sungshin Women's University

Introductory Statistics: 2021s, 2022s, 2023s

Statistics with R: 2021s, 2022s, 2023s, 2024s

Statistical Analysis of Big Data: 2021s, 2022s, 2024s

Statistics with Excel: 2021f

Data Science Practice: 2021f, 2022f, 2023f

Bayesian Inference (graduate course): 2021f, 2022f

Introduction to Data Science: 2022s, 2023s, 2024s

Matrix Algebra: 2022f

Exploratory Data Analysis: 2023s

Social Network Analysis: 2023f

Statistical Big Data Analysis (graduate course): 2023f

Special Courses

Social Network Analysis for Artificial Intelligence (AI Academy), Hyundai-MnSOFT, 2021

Big Data Course, Sungshin Women's University, 2021-2024