Additional Characters

The Gankyu

Gankyu are what give mutants their life. They are small, leech- like creatures that populate the bloodstreams of mutated organisms, they have some sort of sentience and after the accident, they like to follow Salire around. (He thinks that they might be drawn to some kind of host).


Went blind in his youth due to living in a crater city, and regained his sight in exchange for a card. / 27 / assoc. The Government / Blood card ['Aemaa]: can locate things through vibrations in the ground.


Luther's mother and former Government researcher. / 48 / assoc. The Government / no card.

Misha Agafonov

Nio's Grandfather, one of the founders and ex-leader of the LIMBO organisation. He didn't accept mutated individuals, a rumour that has unfortunately carried over into the new generation. / deceased / assoc. LIMBO / Spirit card [Unto]: Gives the power to store energy from attacks, and then use that same energy build-up to expel their own.


Someone seemingly well integrated into LIMBO, revealed to be a traitor, either by force or free will. / 19 / assoc. LIMBO, The Government / Blood card [Inside]: Can steal abilities from others if conditions are met; an object from the enemy is in their possession, and they remember the name and conditions of the ability.


Abe's childhood friend, who is now living with him but part mutated. / unknown age / assoc. with Abe / no card.


I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads, ten horns; upon their horns ten crowns, and upon their heads inscribed the names of blasphemy.  

The beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, their feet were the feet of a bear, their mouth as the mouth of a lion; the dragon gave them their power, seat, and great authority.