Our research focuses on the synthesis and discovery, characterization, and optimization of novel quantum materials (e.g. Weyl semimetals, superconductors, antiferro- and ferromagnets, magnetocaloric, and thermoelectric materials) in a single crystalline form. Our interest is in the exotic electronic and quantum states of matter that are realized in these quantum materials and can be tuned with chemical substitution, magnetic field, or application of pressure.
NewsOctober 2024: Undergraduate FYRE students, Emma Espinosa, Ashton Matthews, Gage Spaid, and Gabriel Duncan (co-advised with Dr. Kim), joined the group. Welcome!August 26th, 2024: Jayashani passed the Qualifying exam. Congratulations!May 1st, 2024: Elim presented a poster about his research at the FYRE showcase. Well done!March 2024: Halyna was selected as one of the 2024 Outstanding Referees by the American Physical Society.August 1st, 2023: Halyna received the NSF LEAPS-MPS award.May 3rd and May 4th: Kelci presented a poster at the FYRE showcase and the Fuller prize competition, respectively. Well done!December 2022: Our largest and coolest toy, Oxford 12 T, 1.5 K-base temperature Teslatron, has arrived and is being installed.November 2022: Kelci Graville has been accepted into First Year Research Experience (FYRE) program. Kelci will learn how to use hydrogen and oxygen torch and high-temperature flux technique to grow single crystals of rare-earth containing quantum materials and study their fascinating properties. Congratulation!October 2022: Kelci Graville, a freshman undergraduate physics student, joined the group. Welcome, Kelci!August 2022: Undergraduate students Samuel Hunt (OURE), Matthew Miller, and Shawn Rottinghaus joined the group. Welcome!June 2022: Two undergraduate students, Dillon McNamara and Jacob Mizeur, joined the group. Welcome!January 1st, 2022 Dr. Halyna Hodovanets joined the Department of Physics at Missouri University of Science and Technology
Contact: halyna.hodovanets@mst.edu
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