Hoboken Public School District

School Counseling Department

Social Emotional Learning Resources

Welcome to our online community!

The Hoboken Public School buildings are currently closed. However, your school counselors are checking emails regularly and will reply to any messages in a timely fashion.

What is SEL?

SEL stands for Social Emotional Learning, and the NJDOE defines it as the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Research has found that sustained and comprehensive SEL programming has been found to positively impact academic achievement, social and emotional well-being, and classroom behavior.

Communicating With You

Our favorite part of our job is meeting with students face to face! That said, the School Counselors and our SAC, are using Zoom video conferencing to connect with students as needed or requested. You can email your counselor to set up a phone call or Zoom video conference, and/or counselors may contact home via email or telephone.

Wellness and Self-Care Tips

Take a break from all the COVID-19 coverage! It can be easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed trying to balancing this temporary way of life. The challenges of online schooling, self scheduling, and losing your daily norms can take a toll. We hear you! Visit our Relaxation Room for peace of mind. Here you will find a variety of meditation clips, podcasts, activities, and much more to help you feel like yourself again.