How To Master The Game Of Ludo And Make Money On Hobigames?

At Hobigames, you can play the dice game Ludo. Ludo can be played either with other people or against the computer. The first player to move his tokens into the home triangle wins. Getting some tips and advice can make it easier to win at Ludo. In this essay, I'll explain how to Master Ludo Game and review the rules.

Ludo Game

Two to four people can play Ludo at the same time. The best number of players is three. Each player gets a total of four tokens. Each person who plays the game has a pass. But the tokens of the winner will all be the same color and pattern.

The game starts when one of the players rolls a six on one of their dice. The player will now bring his first token inside by using this. To get the second, third, and fourth tokens, the player must again roll a six. Each guest can bring in only one token for one-six.

As soon as the player gets the token inside, the other players will start to mob it. The player gets a four after getting a six the last time. He moves four boxes around the board after putting the six tokens into the game. In the same way, the player's tokens must be pushed until they reach the triangle in the middle. The winner is the first person to put all their tokens in the middle of the board.

Ludo Game Rules

The player can either block or capture the opponent. If you have never played Ludo before and want to learn how to play and master it, you should check out Hobigames and start by learning how to capture and block. These two rules are fundamental to the success of the game. These two moves are what keep the game interesting and exciting.


"Capturing" means that a player puts his token in the same box as another player's token. Consider that player one is in box 20 and player two is in box 16. Now it's the turn of the second player. The number four was on the second player's dice. He moves forward four spaces and takes the piece from player one's box 20. After this, the captured token, or Player 1's token, will continue its journey. Player 1 must roll a six on this die to bring this token inside.


When you put two of your tokens in the same place, they become a pair. A pair makes it hard for the other players to move. This means that other players can only move around your couple. Let's look at an example to help us understand. Let's say you already have a pair at box 20.

Box 16 is where your opponent is right now. A six came up when he rolled the dice. It is not possible to move the token from box 16 to box 22. He can only move the token to box 19. Even so, given this, he should have rolled a three on his dice. But he only has 6, so he can't take the token from box 16 and put it elsewhere.

Blocking is a good move when your opponent has three tokens and has reached the end of their journey. He now only needs one more token. On the other hand, you have all four tokens in your hand. This lets you stop your opponent's token whenever it comes up. While he is stuck, you work on finishing the game.

How Does the Game Ludo Work?

If you want to be a master at Ludo, you must first know how to play the game. The first step of the game is to get a six on your dice. The game's goal is to move each piece to the middle of the board. When this goal is reached by one of the players, the game is over.

Tips and Tricks for Winning at Ludo

Bring in all of your cash and coins.

Bring the tokens inside when you get a six. It never changes. After bringing all the tokens into the game, you should only use the sixes to move them around the board. This is referred to as "opening tokens" in the Ludo world.

Give Equal Weight to All Tokens

It is not acceptable to move only one token repeatedly. Assign the same weight to each of the tokens. They should both be moved at the same time. Some people prefer to play the game by concentrating on one token and attempting to move it to the center of the board.

The second token is what they do next. They take the third piece once the second piece is in the middle of the board. You will not win if you use this strategy. Take both tokens at the same time.

Take command and put an end to it.

The first step in learning to win at Ludo is to become familiar with the capturing and blocking strategies. When you catch your opponent's tokens, you slow down their game, making it more difficult for them to win. You are increasing your chances of winning by doing so.

Keep your tokens in a safe place.

The "star box" is a unique feature of the Ludo board that can be used in various ways. Other players cannot take your tokens if they are safe in star boxes. As a result, keeping your tokens in star boxes at all times is the best way to keep them safe.


To master the Ludo Game, you must first devise a strategy. For example, you should only move the second token once the first token has been moved ten spaces.

After moving the first and second tokens 30 and 20 spaces, you can begin moving the third token.

Don't be a slacker.

If you lose interest in the game in the middle of it, you may not be able to win. You might get the number you want to roll on the dice occasionally. Sometimes your enemies start catching up to you one by one. When something like this happens, you're more likely to lose interest because it makes winning less likely.

Ludo is different. At this late stage, anything is possible. So, save your time while the game is on. Continue to play with all of your energy until the end.

Generally, seven

The rule of seven is an excellent method for learning to play Master Ludo Game for the first time. This rule states that you must always be seven places ahead of your competition. As a result, your opponent has a slight chance of catching you. You should always be seven places ahead of your opponent because a player's dice can only add up to six points.

Positions for Tokens

Keep track of where your tokens are at all times. Using this strategy, you can catch your opponents more efficiently and eventually become a Ludo Game Master. To achieve this goal, it would be best to remain alert and involved throughout the game. You are welcome to play any of the games. Hobigames are a great way to have fun and make some extra cash.