Advertise to HOA Members nOW

Offer HOA members a valid reason to do business with your company.

We help provide you an easy way to offer your discounts to the largest growing population of qualified homeowners

As one of the nation’s leading HOA discount companies, We are always looking to partner with vendors that share our commitment to outstanding service and quality. In order to provide the best for our HOA Members, we have high expectations of our vendors. If you are interested in learning more about our vendor standards, please complete the vendor forms and application below.

Apply here:

  • Use the application below

List of Requirements:

Vendors performing work onsite must meet the following insurance requirements and provide current insurance certificates:

  • Liability Insurance - $1,000,000.00 per occurrence & $2,000,000.00 aggregate

  • Auto Insurance Liability - $100,000.00 per occurrence & $300,000.00 aggregate

  • Worker's Compensation Insurance

Certificates of insurance must identify HOA Discounts as a certificate holder and/or additional insured.

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