
Instructions for Presenters

All accepted papers will be presented in two formats: a poster presentation and a pitch talk.

Pitch Talks:
The workshop has two sessions of pitch talks to advertise accepted papers in 2min short presentations to all workshop attendees. Each paper will be featured in one of the two session, please find below in which session each paper is. For smooth transitions between pitch talks, please submit your slides via email to hmri.iros2023(at) until September 28th.

Poster Presentations:
There will be two poster sessions directly after the pitch talks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. These sessions give authors of accepted papers the opportunity for in-depth discussion of their work with other workshop attendees. To maximize time for discussion,  all posters are invited for presentation during both sessions, independent of whether the pitch talk is in the morning or afternoon. 

Format: Posters should be a maximum size of 4ft x 4ft or 122 cm x 122 cm. Therefore, we recommend the A0 poster size in portrait orientation. Poster boards will be outside of the workshop room (140F). There is no requirement to use a specific template, yet the official IROS template is good resource. We encourage all presenters to put up their posters before the beginning of the workshop.

Important Dates

Pitch Talk Schedule

Session I

Session II

Arka Mitra, Lukas Molnar, Jan-Nico Zaech, Yan Wu, Carlos Oliveira, Seonyeong Heo, Fisher Yu, Luc Van Goo

Call for Papers

We invite researchers to contribute short papers (max 4 pages, excl. references) that either are a) early-stage work that has not yet been published, b) work currently under review, or c) recently published work that was not yet presented at robotics conferences. All papers should be formatted using the IEEE conference template.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

All contributions will receive at least 2 reviews. Selected authors will be invited to present their work in the form of a pitch talk and poster at the workshop itself. Accepted papers will be non-archival, yet be available online on our website (upon approval by the authors). 

Financial Support: We offer a limited number of free workshop registrations to authors of accepted papers who may require financial support in order to attend IROS in person. To be considered for a free registration, please send a short cover letter to hmri.iros2023(at) at the time of paper submission.

Important Dates