HMC Training Times

What you need to know about our Mandatory Training Policy

Who is required to be trained?

In 2015, Hawk Mountain Council decided to make sure that every youth had a trained leader. Everyone from the leaders you see each week (the most important representatives of the program) to the Executive Board (who keep the council on track and make sure we have what we need)

Leaders will be dropped from your charter if they have not completed the new Youth Protection Training or if they are not trained for their position.

Consider the Scouter Reserve position for adults who support your unit but do not have direct leadership positions. Examples would be parents who drive scouts or equipment or who serve as a second adult on events and in meetings. This is also a great position for College and Military scouters. Only Youth Protection Training and a completed application is required.

Merit Badge Counselor training is very new so you have until March 2020 to complete this course - but why wait when it is already available at and during various live training events. All other leader training must be completed for rechater 2019.

I've already completed the required training. Is there more training for me too?


Take training for another program to learn more. Cubmasters and Den leaders, one of the methods of Cub Scouting is helping Cub Scouts be prepared for Scouts BSA. You can do that best by completing the Scoutmaster or Troop Committee Training Courses. See or our Training Calendar.

Build up your Outdoor Skills. There is a lot to learn in Outdoor Leader Skills training for Cub Scouts (Baloo) and Scouts BSA (IOLS). We even have a backpacking format IOLS course for the really adventurous.

Wood Badge is the highest level of adult training available at the Council level and is about developing your potential both within scouting and for your personal life and career. You'll learn about setting goals, developing and implementing plans, communicating effectively - and I promise you will have a fun time. Sign up now for our course this fall.

Check out Podcasts and don't forget your monthly Roundtable where you can hear from other scout leaders and share your tips.

The BSA also has a series of Outdoor and Scout Skills Videos

What Training Do I Need?

1. Youth Protection Training. Required with your leader application and must be renewed every 2 years. The course was updated in February 2018 to include best practices, personal testimonies and new BSA policies. Take your course online at Log in and then click the red Youth Protection Shield on the Right.

2. Position Specific Training. As volunteers, we all have important components of the Boy Scout program that we deliver to scouts. We might serve on a District Committee that brings together scouting units from the area. We might serve as a Commissioner, helping our units be stronger. We might guide and mentor youth as a unit leader or a merit badge or Nova counselor. Whatever your role, the BSA has a training program that will help you BE PREPARED TO LEAD.

Your training for your position can be found here

To start your online training, log into Click on the BSA Learning Center on the right. Then click on

Program Training - Cubmaster, Den Leader, Scoutmaster, Crew Advisors, Committee Members, Merit Badge Counselors,

Position Training - Chartered Org Reps, Commissioners, New Member Coordinators

District Committee Members, your training is here.

Also, watch for live training courses led by experienced leaders - including the required Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills course for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters on our training calendar.

3. Hazardous Weather Training for Direct Contact Leaders. If your position involves directly taking youth on outdoor adventures, you need to be prepared for anything the weather can throw at you. Hazardous Weather training is available on in the BSA Learn Center. Click on "Expanded Learning" then "Program Safety" then "Program Safety" again to launch the course. It is required for Cubmasters, Asst Cubmasters, Den Leaders, Asst Den Leaders, Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Crew Advisors, Asst Crew Advisors

4. If you still have questions, feel like your training record is inaccurate or just want some advice on the right path to take, contact the training committee at hawkmountaintraining @